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Everything posted by mitito11

  2. DONT EVER I MEAN NEVER PLAY THIS SRV or donate!!!!!!!! max 2 days srv fake online!
  3. Giv me instant pvp server i dont rly care what chron is i just dont want to farm!
  4. l2axel! l2axel.com
  5. Action is going pretty good but 600 pvp's in 2 days man i feal good! way better then aeron balance!
  6. WTB Adventure GH Wr Dagger MEn! in any low rate server that have more then 1k ppl interlude to h5 pm me here or skype mitito11
  7. Giv what you have i dont care about its pvp or a mid
  8. You are pretty active here but l2mid donate is not that special i want samthing special :D
  9. im looking for a good server to donate from interlude to h5 if you have any good server pls post it here!
  10. WTS Full Trickster and SPH in l2axel.com h5 i sell them for 50 Euro the 2 char or 25 euro each Full Character Premium Gold Pack Weapon {PvP} +20, Armor Set {PvP} +20, Epic Jewels Set +20, Belt +20, Olf's T-Shirt +10 5x Any Cloak, 3x Any Accessory, Augment + Basic Stat (STR/INT/CON/MEN) Character Hero (Aura/Skills/Chat) Forever: Included extra weapon hero +20 with augment. All Stat Talismans and All Normal Talisman (STR/INT/DEX/WIT/CON/MEN) Included Name Color Change Included Shirt +20 and 100.000 Battlefield Coin Normal Price: 70 Euros (€) If you donated before for this: 40 Euros (€)
  11. with 500+ ppl fresh start and retail server .. no custom shit
  12. so i try and again same ..
  13. i donwload extreme injection v 2.1 v 3.0 v3.3 no one have l2.bin ??
  14. i cant load szaka.. can u tell me why?
  15. AgainstAll0dds From ATS here! move to dota 2 still better then this corrupted l2j servers!
  16. how mutch are online
  17. Fucking patch is on greek lol i hate greek omfg idiot delet it
  18. Goo Join fixed!
  19. http://l2cobra.tk I have Buyed Domein I puted all but still need a little touch :) max 2 3 days We are glad to present you a new Interlude PvP Custom Server: L2Cobra. Our aim is clear: find the perfect balance between custom and retail. We have worked hardly in classes, custom items and economy to make almost all the classes playable. If you are bored of PvP servers with 2-3 classes owning the rest, give us a try, you wont regret! Here we show some of our main features. In our server you will find a lot of custom items, moobs and zones; such as dynasty armors, weapons, tattos,GOD Hair Styles, custom Raid Bosses and farm moobs, reworked farming zones... Always with the best balance to be sure that everybody, custom and non-custom lovers, enjoy our server the most! We are currently running Oficial L2Gladiator server from 01-03-2013 XP: 1000x SP: 1000x Adena: 3x Drop: 1x Spoil: 2x Party Xp-Sp: 2x Safe enchant: +10 Blessed and normal scrolls max enchant: +20 Crystal scrolls max enchant: +25 Simple enchant scrolls chance: 66% Blessed enchant scrolls chance: 100% Crystal enchant scrolls chance: 100% Blessed enchant scrolls can be obtained from GMShop & Mini Raid Bosses Zones Crystal enchant scrolls can be obtained from from Valakas & Antharas Custom dynasty armors, weapons, tattoo and hair styles (limited time item)... NPC Buffer, GMShop, Augment Buffer, Npc Info, Global Gk, Skill Enchanter, Hair seller... Grand Bosses tested and working 100% TvT, CTF, DM Events the whole day [from 00:00 to 00:00] When pk you will earn good rewards, but with an high risk of dropping Players spawn protection Enchant protection system Unique moobs and Raid Boss located in our custom zones Stackable Augments with low chance (7-12%) No Weight/grade limit. Buff limit: 50 Subclass limit: 3 Custom Chat filter with karma as punishment (pk chars drop) Killing spree pvp system with aura hero Offline trade system Dedicated server 24/7 online 99% uptime Friendly and multilanguage staff Olympiad time: 18:00 - 00:00 Olympiad period: 1 week Max Enchant in Olympiad Games: 0 Restricted items: GOD Hair Style & Empowered Tattoo Augment use allowed Skype: L2Cobra Facebook: Still not reg it :P Contact: at l2Cobra Sait We would like you to join in and give a feedback about features, rates, items, balance... Thanks in advice
  20. samthing cool w/o so mutch farming ty stuck sub or normal pvp
  21. Yes i ask whit this program can make my char farm auto like l2bot ?! and h0w exaple i have char i wanna kill dread knight but in one place to not move from that arena pls some one explan me h0w and pls upload pic wit txt. or just pm me in skype mitito11 or here in private massage
  22. Can some 1 help meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  23. Ok i ask one time more can 1 learn me h0w to enchant items wit l2phx Skype mitito11 fast pls find meeEEE And Admin pls set +1 karma for the one who helped
  24. i all rdy try Phx HlapexX and other stuff i just can Set Them To work no realy if no body can help me im just going to leave w8 1 day some 1 to post samting and im gonne
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