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Everything posted by An4rchy

  1. Well the concept of the server is not bad, but i guess the files where taken ready from someone who tried to make a copy of pride. What i mean is that there are MANY things that need to be corrected/taken care of, simple or more important. For example, the buffer allows you to put more buffs on a scheme than the maximum number of buffs, newbie tickets are stackable but you didn't edit etcitemgrp.dat in order to be shown as stackable, a couple of skills where missing(or am i mistaken?) like Fist Fury on tyrant etc etc. Gl.
  2. Yeah i understand how it could be done using one thread, i was just loled about that 100 seconds :P About packets being interrupted, i didn't test it to know if this happens but normally it should.
  3. Trusted, gl mate. Btw why would someone use external jars in order to access the site? Doesn't java provide such feature?
  4. There is no such thing as 'anti-phx'. Unless you use a client mod that detects the program. Phx basically allows you to send modified packets to the server so the result would be 'cheating'. You can only add checks in order to avoid these kind of exploits.
  5. http://i.imgur.com/1kCM5Ni.png Like that.
  6. No, nothing like it :P I just want something like a signature with the name of a L2 server with a special font/icon or something so i can use on top of npcs' htmls etc..
  7. Hello guys. I know i'm asking too much, but since my photoshop skills are low and i have also forgotten how to put images in utx, i would be more than thankful(even return a favor if it's about l2j) if someone could help me. I want a banner to use on npcs, you know the usual, just the name of the server in a nice font maybe(?), i leave this up to you. For server name reply here/pm me and i will pm you. Thanks.
  8. Features are unique and amazing, server looks really nice. However, i should warn you about IL community if you don't know it already.. If an IL player finds something new in L2, he just won't try it. Even if he does, on the first difficulty he will give up. Believe me on this, since i've tried creating custom gameplay in many different ways on this chronicle and always people were complaining about everything since they just can't read learn a new feature. I wish you the best, i hope you succeed because it is a truly amazing project.
  9. Hmm, given the fact that L2Tales is one of the few servers that has succeeded, i can only imagine that you are jealous. I am not a L2Tales player, neither do i know Stalone, just said my opinion..
  10. Why you keep fighting if this is L2Off or not like it would be better if it was.. Anyway, gl.
  11. It might sound strange to some of you but, in my opinion, MaxCheaters is the reason L2 is dying these days. Before 4-5 years it was TOTALLY promoting it, the opportunity for new ideas to rise, to make your own server for this huge L2 community to play etc... But now, things have totally changed. Every player (well, at least 98% of the players) wants to open a server. Guess what? MxC is the first place they will search for guides, customs, codes and more stuff. I am not blaming the forum neither Maxtor, but ffs, imagine what would happen if l2j development boards were deleted. Only the existing fellows that have the files would be in the position to open a server and, i believe, the new built servers would last. Customs, codes and stuff, yeah, it hurts a lot when you show in your server preview an event, a 'simple' one, for example DeathMatch event, as a custom feature and everyone passes it like it is meant to be there. I'd like to see you in L2Infogate times, when custom was considered to be a safe + 3 max +50 enchantments. And that's true, believe me. (L2Infogate had over 1000 players online running on C5 and later on Interlude client.) Everyone nowadays thinks L2 is a way to make money and this is the main reason it has been ruined. It's sad to see topics blaming 'the kids' that open Interlude servers, while the topic creator's 99(.999999999999)% have been a server's admin. To conclude, don't expect to find a decent server, maybe you could play a Russian server (if you can manage to), they have a huge community and great low rate servers, or even a few H5 servers are nice these days. GL mate :)
  12. First of all thanks for the comments. Where to begin.. As regards the new players being hunted down, things will be a little more complicated here. Yes, there is a reward (a small one prolly) for killing Heretics that are following the opposing path, but these Heretics will 'unlock' several features while following the path. Most important? Parties. They will most likely not act alone but in groups in order to complete the quest faster. Also, i mentioned in first post that there will be other features for Heretics in order to advance their equipment without having to pvp old players. About cheating, i will add more than enough checks in order to make sure there isn't a glitch. Lastly i want to say that i might have been misunderstood when saying that 'spread within the world of Lineage 2 there will be conquerable zones'. What i really meant was that there will be several zones in the gatekeeper which will be conquerable and this is where the action will be held. Also, if a religion decides to follow piece(not actually a feature, just kidding :D), which means they want to avoid fighting, there will be special events, like sieging the enemy religion's town etc... Well, i'd like to add here that the only reason i have not already started working on such a project is the 'close-minded' l2 community. Whenever there is a new feature in l2, if it isn't easy and it doesn't make you feel pro, people will not even try it. Exceptions exist here though, because there are people like myself who search for new, unique gameplay modes/features in order to keep being interested in the amazing world of l2/l2j.
  13. What i mean is that i have no idea what new features like new buffs(after il) new classes new items do. For example elements, attributes, these new buffs that replace the old ones etc... So i'd rather avoid postIL chronicles or i should co-operate with someone that has knowledge of these stuff.
  14. Hehe I remember that one but it's far from what I have in mind :P The problem is that I have no knowledge of h5 client and its features...
  15. Thank you, i mentioned it in the first post, Interlude.
  16. Hey everyone. First of all, what is a vine? A short video, 5-10 seconds that contains random/funny stuff. Feel free to post any vine, here's one favorite: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y6ZITHmcP0s
  17. Hello guys. As i have started messing with l2j again, i came up this morning with some ideas with a friend of mine. I was thinking of a server with a unique faction (religion) system. Let me explain... Each player will begin as a Heretic. Heretics follow no religion and fight for their own, meaning they can kill anyone regardless of religion, other Heretics too and they can be killed by anyone. Each kill will give x adena, which will be used for equipment and other stuff. There are 2 paths which the Heretics can follow (like quests). Path of the first religion(the name of the first) and the second(the name of the second). This quests will consist of multiple tasks to be completed, such as killing y players of the opposing religion, neutralizing a conquerable zone(i will explain further here) etc... Once completed, the Heretic will successfully become part of the religion he has chosen. Heretics will not be able to join a clan and will only be able to create parties with other Heretics that are following the same path. Players that are part of a religion will get a little bigger reward for killing players of the enemy religion and the same reward as Heretics for killing Heretics. Killing Heretics that are following the path of the opposing religion will grand these players Heretic Points. These points will be used for something(thinking about that). Each religion will have a town to its name, meaning their base. The players of the opposing religion will not be able to enter this town(unless a special event/feature is added here, like siege for example). The shops etc will be placed in these towns. Spread within the Lineage 2 world, there will be conquerable zones. These zones will be neutral at the beginning and will be neutralized every x time(a week? a day?). For each zone that a religion has conquered, there will be bigger rewards at pvp. The zones can be captured by killing a flag, capturing a flag, killing a boss or something, still thinking about that. This is where the pvp action will be done. Special events could be held on these zones too, like capture the flag to get points per second event etc... Bosses, this is a fact that hurts only thinking about it, since i have TONS of unique ideas in my mind but, if you take in consideration what happened to my last server with the AI bosses, i'd rather avoid even giving a try. I have thought of the fact that if this server is opened for few days, then the new Heretics will find difficulties playing the server since they will be easily killable, so i'm thinking about giving the Heretics extra opportunities for equipment, such as farming mini solo bosses or completing tasks(assassination contracts etc...) for a religion. Regarding custom items, i'm thinking of something simple and playable, such as dynasty armors and weapons boosted a little bit(which means that draconic can still vs dynasty light if it is more + etc...). About the Olympiads i'm thinking about keeping this feature as it is, or i'll see... I'd like to add that i have NOT started working on such a server since i haven't seen a successful faction server these days and, to be honest, i'm a little scared of failure. Also, the client will be Interlude(as always). I'm posting this thread to see if there is interest in such a server and also to gather more ideas that will improve/change the gameplay. Thanks :)
  18. Hah, that's true indeed ;p Well the truth is that there won't be a 'lag' problem with that specific feature, but combined with several others it can slow things down a bit ;p
  19. I'm afraid so yes, but when i say it is lamely coded i didn't say that because of the packets, but because of the other code ;p
  20. Then it's simpler, just use MoveToLocation packet. I'll make an example tomorrow, now i'll log off.
  21. Maybe for an event.. (?) Or who knows ;p
  22. That's crazy :D Also make a npc instance for the tombstone that will say information about death time, who killed him, resurrection options etc :P
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