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Everything posted by An4rchy

  1. Well the only way i can think of right now is this: 1) Player mounts wyvern. 2) Player moves to x,y,z (then again to x,y,z and again etc, till the desired location is reached). ***** 3) Player dismounts. ***** Why the stars, right, this should be done in server with geodata and pathfinding so the movement is automatic, or else it wouldn't work. Unless if you time each movement route and send the next movement packet after the time it requires to reach the previous etc, but thats sad :D
  2. Hey guys, i just made this thing: http://pastebin.com/zrk5iKqf What it is? This is a pvp name coloring system, but little different from others. You set the config: NameColorSwapsPvp = 100_00FF00,FFFF00;200_F34342,000000,54673F Where 100, 200 are the amount of pvps for the feature to begin. The others after _ are the colors the name will be switching to every X seconds(you can add as many as you want), where X: NameColorSwapTime = 1 So basically your name will change between the colors set at the configs every X seconds(set at configs too). I didn't test it, it's coded on aCis though on some old files i had on private svn. It is lamely coded(i am bored) and i wouldn't really suggest this for a live server since a UserInfo and CharInfo packet is sent every X(at configs) second(s) to update the color. HF.
  3. - Κυριε μηπως ειναι δικο σας αυτο το κανις? - Οχι. - Δικο σας? - Οχι δυστυχως. - Μηπως ειναι δικο σας? - Οχι συγνωμη.. Συμπερασμα: Κανις δεν ειναι κανενος.
  4. A good point :D For some weird reason i never thought about that, but ok.
  5. Well this is a feature i make for my last server, as i remember it works like that: When you kill a player, a point is added in your name for that player. A task begins to make the points 0 after x seconds. If you kill him again before the x seconds pass, another point is added. This goes on and if you reach y points for that player, without them being nullified, a pvp protection starts for z minutes, where you won't take pvp points at that time when killing the specific player. The times/points (x, y, z) are hardcoded, if you need help editing them tell me. I don't see why there should be a sql table for that, except for the protections that are currently active, but i save players' names in order to avoid errors(exit game, restart or stuff) with L2PcInstance objects. (w00t if someone changes his name while protection is active :D:D)
  6. Pvp protection pals :D http://pastebin.com/usvb6CHw http://pastebin.com/hEuSpZPa
  7. Hey guys, it's gotta be the http:// https:// thing since i tried adding a xp-dev svn that has https and it wasn't added, then i simly removed the s from https and it worked. But then tried this with aCis and i had shitty errors ;p
  8. Yes everything, 2 different versions of eclipse (luna, indigo). I even tried using java jdk 7 ;p but i don't think that matters.
  9. Hey everyone. I wanted to checkout aCis latest free sources on my eclipse to run some tests, but when i try to add the svn repository eclipse stacks saying Operation in progress... forever. It won't finish. Also, i tried to add a different repository (http://svn.l2jserver.com) and it was added successfully. I noticed that l2jserver svn stats with http:// instead of https:// that aCis' starts with. I don't know if it matters or not.. I have 64 bit windows 7 ultimate, tried doing it with java 7 or 8. Thanks.
  10. Peace please, this code is actually coded by me(the one shared but with differences, like the ones xdem posted) on aCis firstly, after copying Elfocrash's idea, because i loved it. Who said it will kill performance? :D Please.. But anyway, that's not a way you can rely on to solve the balance issues of your server, since it's simply a Stats Editor, like someone said, and most of the times balance problems come from damage calculation formulas.
  11. You can basically change everything in ipCatcher class into static. There's no need for creating new instances if ipCatcher class, since you just save everything into a List.
  12. Not accepting requests for now, i'm off for vacation. If a mod sees that, lock it.
  13. It would be better if you provided a changelist or working features on your pack, as you give 0 information about it now.
  14. Oh god, that guy is totally brainless. I'll use your way.. 1) Devlin is not my husband, for real, if i want to make money i'll just make money on my own. 2) Can't you at least read my previous replies? I said that Esthus HAD to close so Devlin asked me to open L2Quintus (, a server which he had been designing when i was away) on the machine i had. That's the reason he started working the day i closed. Let me answer you again: 1) He was my partner, totally yes, but he had nothing to do with server's development. 2) Who are you and what you've got to show that you judge the features of L2Esthus as 'shits'. Fixing the ai system? Believe me, this is more complicated than you might think(cause you saying 'fix'). If you want to see full timeline of the server, feel free to pm me. Commits number reached 127, starting the development on 6/10/13: 4) Have you ever considered that 'just stating our point of view' can be more than insulting? Just re-read your replies and you will want to do the same. I'm out of this conversation, i think needed to be proved has been proved.
  15. Hellmaster, dude, please shut the fuck up already. You have 0 brain and 0 proof for your words. Seriously? How the **** you say such things without having knowledge of the SIMPLEST facts about my cooperation with Devlin. Please go back to your cave and stfu already. I won't stop: Same words i used above, you are TOTALLY clueless, talking gibberish. As i mentioned before, L2Esthus had bugs that were not caused by me(me means Anarchy, the developer of the server) and they could NOT be predicted earlier(since such bugs show up when players start to play the server). Also, L2Esthus is/was L2Esthus, don't you even try to compare L2Quintus with L2Esthus(without meaning to be offensive here on Devlin or on me) as they are 2 servers created separately. Believe me this, even if someone wanted to move from L2Esthus features to L2Quintus in one-two days and make such advertisement, its just IMpossible. In addition to these, about me and Devlin being bad developers, how come i haven't seen your server(/attempt to make a server), but you still dare to judge others? Jeez, get a life bro.
  16. Hehe, great love on MaxCheaters' community :) It's not, unless you have proof to show. L2Esthus closed (temporarily could be) due to critical bugs, bugs like problem on server packets(server couldn't send packets to client and everything freezed) or errors regarding trade lists(smth i did not touch at all). L2Quintus was designed by Devlin HIMSELF, when i was inactive from l2/l2j playing LoL. So please stop trying to pretend the smartass if you are clueless. Nope, since i decided that L2Esthus needs more work and fixes, Devlin asked me for the dedicated machine in order to open L2Quintus.
  17. Let's not start this conversation :) I am not saying i'm 'good', but please, i've seen your work too and i can't say 'good' is a word i'd use.
  18. .... No. He just pointed out an idea to me about how to make an effect at specific x y z.
  19. Hello everyone. Today i made this: What i can make: - Special skills that work similar to this or with other effects(you tell me your idea in pm and i will answer you if it's possible and the price). - Events like Bomb events(again pm me with ideas). - Knock-up/back skills, ex. you press the skill and all enemies near you get knocked back. - Trap skills. You set a trap and when you re-activate the skill it explodes or when someone steps on it (explosion is an idea, it can do more stuff too). - Bombs. Items that you press on them and you click where you wanna drop them. They will explode after x time or instantly(your choice). Few of mine un-done ideas for extra skills: - Dimension Swap: Transfer yourself and your target to another dimension for 10 seconds. - Dagger Shot: Throws currently equipped dagger to the position you pick with your cursor. If a target is hit, he is instantly killed and the dagger is restored. If not, the dagger remains dropped on the ground. All you have to do is pm me with ideas/requests and i will answer you with a price and if it's possible. Don't be scared to pm me, the prices will be reasonable. Payment with paypal. EDIT: ANNOUNCEMENT I'm off for vacation, not accepting requests till i'm back. If a mod sees that, lock it please.
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