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Everything posted by An4rchy

  1. Mporeis na ftiakseis apira pragmata, px skill shots opos sto lol, i akoma kai traps(nomizw iparxoun idi omos). lol :D
  2. Hey everyone. I noticed that MMOPLAY server has some kind of 'physics engine', so i decided to give it a try to understand how something like that is possible. The results: (watch in good quality) In this video i am dropping a bomb(a Rice Cake actually :D) that explodes after 5 seconds(that's right, effect on random point not on single target, xdem don't speak :D) and kills and knocks up all enemies in small radius. I use a command to trigger it in the video, but it can be done with item handler, skill or any way you can imagine. Please keep in mind that i am not making this thread as an 'offense' on MMOPLAY server(just saying because someone might think so). Also, i'm not gonna share this any time soon, so please avoid replies to ask me for a link or smth.
  3. Haha that shithead :D File mou prepei na baleis tis plirofories kai sto skillname-e.dat an dn kanw lathos.
  4. - Thes na matheis tin sintagi tis eutixias? - Nai! - Eutixia!!! Pws kaneis to pastitsio?
  5. Actually i like big boobs if they don't hang down to the belly(lol) :D Small nipples are nice though. Like these: But hey, think twice:
  6. The error must be here: final L2Summon summon = killer.getSummon(); if (summon.getOwner() != null) { return false; } You need to check first: if (summon != null) { final L2Summon summon = killer.getSummon(); if (summon.getOwner() != null) { return false; } } But this doesn't make sense too: if (((L2PcInstance) killer).getClan() == null) { return false; } if (killer.getActingPlayer() != null) { You firstly check if killer's clan == null and then if killer is null (?). Unless getActingPlayer() returns smth else.
  7. About the voids you're right, i get your point. The booleans it's not wrong the way i have it, it's just necessary even when it shouldn't be.
  8. Well all those abstract methods are necessary for an event, since they define players' actions in it. I actually wanted to simplify the creation of an event without leaving possibilities for mistakes that's why i made them abstract.
  9. Hey everyone. This is the basic structure of an event engine i have made, that uses Thread.sleep() method for delays(to avoid multiple threads). It supports scheduling of events FIXED or TIMES(check description in EventSchedule class). There is also a TvT event installed in the engine. HOWEVER, it is experimental, as the title says, which means it needs to be extended in order to be fully functional. I just shared it cause it might help someone. Coded for interlude. (Check Event.java for the currently available methods.) Here: http://pastebin.com/ipmH8VhV
  10. I checked the code, before each cast of mana drug skill there are the necessary checks about potions quantity etc. All tasks are saved in order to be canceled when needed too.
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zzQfSZcyyyk
  12. - Τι ωραίο σκυλάκι, πως το λένε? - Στοπ. - Γάμμα..
  13. xaxaxaxa Ti einai mavro kai an pesei apo ena dentro spaei i tileorasi? I TILEORASI..
  14. Guys you can't set the skill as toggle, potions are items and items can't be toggle that way. If you set mana drug skill as toggle it would probably just start the toggle effect, but it wouldn't show the toggle effect on the potion.
  15. Well not really. How will you schedule a task so that the player gets the effects every x seconds through xml? The only thing you can use ready is the auto shots packet, unless i miss some something..
  16. This method schedules tasks just by adding times like 19:23; 21:31....
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