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Everything posted by 'Baggos'

  1. Παίξε λίγο με τα αρχεία που έχει μέσα το Winrar που κατεβάζεις, και θα καταλάβεις πως πάει φίλε.. Δεν χρειάζεται κάποιο video για όλα.. Απλώ δώσε σου λίγο χρόνο, και θα το κάνεις.
  2. Yes, I understood it.. But late.. le memer, my hate for you, Blinding me.. >:D
  3. You can't sell source from acis. Only mods/patch. You can sell your customs but not the source. Supposed you must know it.. If I understand wrong, then sorry about it.
  4. Are you psychic? Any bet for the saturday? Good luck with your server dude.. Old Osiris or not, now we are in 2016. So, have a nice start!
  5. Και γω κάπως έτσι είμαι, αλλά με 2 ώρες άραγμα το μεσημέρι και φτου πάλι ένα 2ωρο το απόγευμα..
  6. Access, καλά ρε δε κοιμάσαι ποτέ?? :P Καλημέρεςς..
  7. Είναι αριστερό delete αυτό..
  8. It's your character and your clan?
  9. Γιατί, το aCis από πότε είναι "preconfiguratedededed" όπως λες? Επίσης, είναι ένα καθαρό Project..
  10. Καλησπέρα.. Στην σελίδα L2J Server, υπάρχει οδηγός για το πως να περάσεις το Git URL στο Eclipse.. http://www.l2jserver.com/#getstarted-advanced Επιλέγεις την κατηγορία <Get Started> και επιλέγεις το <Τhe Hard Way> για να δεις την οδηγό. Με το link που σου δίνει ο οδηγός, έχεις την επιλογή να διαλέξεις Client.
  11. If the players of 2016 call the game "serBer", then yes.. L2 will be more dead..
  12. Διόρθωσε το topic σου όταν δεις το reply, γιατί βλέπω να σου πουλάνε το L2JFrozen για χρυσάφι.. Παρακάτω θα σου δώσω ένα Section όπου μπορείς να κοιτάξεις για κάποιο Interlude Project, και όχι μόνο. Marketplace [L2Packs & Files]. Επίσης, θα σου πρότεινα να γράψεις όλο το topic σου στα Ελληνικά, και να περιμένεις κάποια απάντηση εδώ μέσα, ώστε να ξέρουμε ποιος θα σε προσεγγίσει για τυχόν "κλεψιά", που πας γυρεύοντας να σου κάνουν. Στείλε ένα ΠΜ στον Devlin, και είμαι σίγουρος θα σε βοηθήσει/συζητήσετε σε αυτά που χρειάζεσαι.. (Ο μόνος έμπιστος που μου έρχεται αυτή την στιγμή στο μυαλό από αυτούς που πουλάνε Services). Έλληνας είναι.. Για ξένο δεν σου προτείνω κάποιον, γιατί δεν νομίζω να συνεννοηθείτε και πολύ.. Φιλικά..
  13. hahahaa.. sorry for laughs. Good luck with your server Reborn.. But try to create a mid rate server.. All features those days it's the same.. Go for something different.. Time for Mid rate..
  14. https://youtu.be/3SPVUH0mvJg?t=4m35s
  15. He's right dude... Better to hire a Developer.. This is a random pack.. 50 euro for what? For NPC's? Also, You didn't write what Project you sell.. Frozen? aCis? Brasil? L2J Server? What? I can see only NPC's here and some poor items.. Anyway.. All is about money. You do not care about the buyer.. I believe those topics must be deleted from the marketplace..
  16. Come on! 8 of 10 posts is spam/flame. And? Your knowledge is only on Marketplace.. You need this forum for yourself. Anyway.. Is not our topic. Let's stop here..
  17. You think I wrote all the topic from scratch? For god sake.. The important is that, what programs to use and why.. All those programs needed one by one the same day. Only one "scan" from Avast or AVG or whatever use someone, is nothing.. Threats and shit.. You have all the right to know how to clean your computer correctly. Do you know how much computers comes to me for clean or format because of malware? Yes?! Google it! You will find one word "scan". Scan what? How?
  18. Maybe you don't understand the term "How to clean".. Why to write the details for a program if I can find it? :rage: I give the way lol.. All those programs needed. Keep it in your mind.
  19. Show me the topic.. Not the details of the programs. You forget something.. That is my job. ;)
  20. I have seen many people to try to clean up they system but with wrong ways.. The correct way is not only to run your anti-virus "Scan". There is free programs to do that correctly. Is not only to kick some threats, but you should clean your system from spyware/adware/malware and etc. Let's start.. Adware doesn’t generally make its presence known. Usually, there will be no signs of the program in your computer’s system tray – and no indication in your program menu that files have been installed on your machine. Q. How to protecting my system by against Adware? Often, Adware programs do not have any uninstall procedures and they can use technologies that are similar to those used by viruses to penetrate your computer and run unnoticed. However, because there may be legitimate reasons why Adware is present on your computer, antivirus solutions may not be able to determine whether a specific Adware program poses a threat to you. A. My suggestion is that you should start with Adwcleaner. What is Adwcleaner? AdwCleaner is a program that searches for and deletes Adware, Toolbars, Potentially Unwanted Programs (PUP), and browser Hijackers from your computer. By using AdwCleaner you can easily remove many of these types of programs for a better user experience on your computer and while browsing the web. The types of programs that AdwCleaner targets are typically bundled with free programs that you download from the web. In many cases when you download and install a program, the install will state that these programs will be installed along with the program you downloaded. Unless you perform a Custom install, these unwanted programs will automatically be installed on your computer leaving you with extra browser toolbars, adware, and other unwanted programs. AdwCleaner is designed to search for and remove these types of programs. Malware The term malware is short for "malicious software." Malware refers to any computer program that is designed to do things that are harmful to or unwanted by a computer's legitimate user — meaning you. Q. How to protecting my system by against Malware? The answer has two parts: Personal vigilance, and protective tools. One of the most popular ways to spread malware is by email, which may be disguised to look as if it is from a familiar company such as a bank, or a personal email from a friend. Be wary of emails that ask you to provide passwords. Or emails that seem to be from friends, but have only a message such as "check out this cool website!" followed by a link. A. My suggestion is that you should start with ComboFix. (ComboFix works with Win 8 but not with Win 8.1 & Win 10) What is ComboFix? ComboFix is a program, created by sUBs, that scans your computer for known malware, and when found, attempts to clean these infections automatically. In addition to being able to remove a large amount of the most common and current malware, ComboFix also displays a report that can be used by trained helpers to remove malware that is not automatically removed by the program. No protection is absolute. But a combination of personal awareness and well-designed protective tools will make your computer as safe as it can be. Now, I will tell you the way to clean your system correctly and free. Q. What program is better for use to scanning my computer for Malware/Spyware/Adware? Most antivirus programs are designed to be the single security solution for your computer. The antivirus has a background, always-on scanning feature that’s enabled by default. When you download a file, load a program, or access a website, the antivirus keeps an eye on everything and ensures it doesn’t match a known threat. This works fine as long as you only have a single antivirus running at a time. These programs hook deep into your Windows operating system and are not designed to work together. In a best case scenario, running multiple antivirus programs at once could result in degraded performance. In a worst case scenario, the programs could interfere with each other and cause system crashes. The additional antivirus programs you’ll use won’t stay running in the background. They’ll scan your computer once and give you a second opinion. You can load up the additional programs and scan your computer once a week with them. While running the manual scanner, you should consider disabling real-time protection in your primary antivirus program – if only to speed things up. A. 1.0 - My suggestion is that you should use Malwarebytes. What is Malwarebytes? Malwarebytes Anti-Malware’s industry-leading scanner detects and removes worms, Trojans, rootkits, rogues, spyware, and other dangerous malware from your home PC. A. 1.1 - So after using Malwarebytes you should use and SpyHunter. What is SpyHunter? SpyHunter is a powerful, real-time anti-spyware application certified by West Coast Labs’ Checkmark Certification System and designed to assist the average computer user in protecting their PC from malicious threats. SpyHunter is automatically configured to give you optimal protection with limited interaction, so all you need to do is install it for immediate and ongoing protection. As malware continues to evolve and become more sophisticated to avoid detection by anti-spyware/anti-virus programs, SpyHunter responds with advanced technology to stay one step ahead of today’s malware threats. SpyHunter offers additional customization capabilities to ensure every user is able to custom tailor SpyHunter to fit their specific needs. SpyHunter has the ability to detect and remove rootkits, which are used to stealth install rogue anti-spyware programs and other trojans. All those programs, you should use the same day one by one.. After using all those programs, you're free to uninstall them. That's the best and free way to clean your computer system.
  21. Στο live αν παίζεις, βλέπεις πως πάει το match και κρίνεις.. Κανείς δεν γνωρίζει να σου πει πως το τάδε match είναι στημένο/πληροφορία. Αυτά υπάρχουν για να παίρνουν τα λεφτά απ'τον κόσμο. Υπάρχουν βέβαια άτομα που παρακολουθούν συνέχεια διάφορα match, γνωρίζουν τις επιδόσεις της κάθε ομάδας, και παίζουν. Άλλοι τα δίνουν free άλλοι ζητάνε λεφτά, όμως ποτέ δεν είναι 100% σίγουρο. Γιατί πολύ απλά, κρίνει ο ίδιος και παίζει. Παίζω που και που live, και άλλες θα βγάλω καλό μεροκάματο, άλλες θα χάσω την 5αρα Paysafecard. Δεν είναι δύσκολο να παρακολουθήσεις 2 match την ώρα που παίζουν και να κρίνεις. Υπάρχουν διάφορες επιλογές πονταρίσματος. Χρειάζεται υπομονή..
  22. Welcome anopepe. Have a nice stay..
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