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Everything posted by Tryskell

  1. Tryskel take a bath, but miss to breathe because the new revision added Water zones and even more. The breathe bar seems to miss, but this is a screenshot glitch. Enjoy, Tryskell. I go to a LAN party until 29-30. So basically, you won't have any new of me in this time laps, except if I got inet (normally we got). Please continue to test the pack, I will try to advance between a DoTA and a CoD4 game :).
  2. Troll topic, so here is Wikipedia answer (which equals Elmoroden gods one) : A "denial-of-service" attack is characterized by an explicit attempt by attackers to prevent legitimate users of a service from using that service. There are two general forms of DoS attacks: those that crash services and those that flood services. Talking of L2J software, without any hardware issue, it's basically FloodProtectors and a corrected version of L2J. Ty for the read.
  3. ctrl + F to do a search in eclipse ctrl + C to copy ctrl + V to paste A brain. I don't want to play the smartass, but that's all you need folk. All is explained higher, in details. So try to work by yourself, or just forget to open a server. If you really tried, show or explain what you did.
  4. I'm glad to present you the 22th commit :). If you don't want to read all, basically it's about ZoneManager implementation & castles / sieges rework. ---- As said others, it was a +5,4k / - 3,8k patch. I agree I got a unique way to develop compared to others. But believe me, if each 3 days I only "COULD" (because it's impossible) do that sort of commits, you will have a fully working IL pack in one month. Nothing have been focked up, all teleport types as SoE / Die normally fully work. The uglyiest bugs have been corrected. And as some areas begin to work, the ZoneManager works :). It will need a lot of tests, and from now I will "stuck" the project on "zones problems", and correct some minors others problems the community already see but I let it for such cases. When the part 2 of this commit will be done, I will move to another big feature (surely MMOCore). Check the list of features, and merry christmas :D. ---- PS : as said in the changeset, many problems can be seen. For example I didn't added any Zone checks more than L2J IL have. So basically, except if the area itself got some code on onEnter/onExit, many restrictions are missing. But what do you prefer between : - I check all for one month alone and all is fixed - I share an "undone" version but you help me fix it in 2 weeks ? Good testing, and don't forget, I added a new lib, trove, used for artifacts.
  5. Except the "return" part, it has nothing to do with the code structure I posted one week ago :p. You have to check skillIds, so basically you have to make the list of all things you want to forbid, notes all their ids. You can check too if "isDebuff()" exists in your pack. Just do an eclipse search with this name, if you got something it will be easier, else it's the boring way. Try to understand what you copy paste, and why you copy paste it.
  6. Dunno how is gracia epilogue olympiad, but in the current L2J, this can be found in AbstractOlympiadGame.java, located in model.olympiad removals() remove all type of buffs and bonuses at entrance, when playerStatusBack() add all them back when you're out. You surely miss one part in playerStatusBack. The best is too compare the 2 files. If it wasn't this sort of "skill refresh", explain better :D.
  7. INSERT INTO npc (`id`, `idTemplate`, `name`, `serverSideName`, `title`, `serverSideTitle`, `class`, `collision_radius`, `collision_height`, `level`, `sex`, `type`, `attackrange`, `hp`, `mp`, `hpreg`, `mpreg`, `str`, `con`, `dex`, `int`, `wit`, `men`, `exp`, `sp`, `patk`, `pdef`, `matk`, `mdef`, `atkspd`, `aggro`, `matkspd`, `rhand`, `lhand`, `enchant`, `walkspd`, `runspd`, `isUndead`, `dropHerbGroup`, `basestats`) VALUES (16000, 30361, 'Lady Gaga', 1, 'xXxLooPxXx', 1, 'LineageMonster.wererat_01te', 14.00, 25.00, 35, 'male', 'L2Npc', 40, 773, 366, 7.11, 1.84, 40, 43, 30, 21, 20, 20, 2470, 145, 159, 170, 111, 113, 230, 500, 333, 0, 0, 0, 80, 120, 0, 1, 1); Normally corrected, I don't know Freya stuff but your problem is resolved, if there is another error it's another thing :P. Lady Gaga as a wererat with a male voice ? o_o
  8. I know, my answer won't help a lot, but you don't need a developer, at this state you need a decent pack. Else try to check configs files, if the NoSpawn option have been put on True. Any error in GS when you try to spawn a npc ?
  9. Ouahou, perhaps you should take some time. You know, it's pointless to code if you are ill or if you can't think correctly. Just re-think to the code in some days, you melt all what I said and it's not good. The first code I posted was only to show one use of checkIfInRange, nothing more. Just saying "heeee, the code is used in this method, so it should normally work". Edit your previous code to remove this crappy code and put the updated version. And forget Java for 2-3 days. To avoid mental self-side issues :P.
  10. Let's see what can be wrong : - this formula isn't the good one ; - checkIfInRange is broken ; - The range put in config (in this case, ALT_PARTY_RANGE2) is too low ; - you're not in the good range ingame, so basically even if it works you think it's broken. - you didn't updated your l2jserver.jar but think you did ; - you found a way to make another error correcting this one ; ------ Here is a code showing you the use (basically, pick a random party member in range) private L2PcInstance getCheckedRandomMember(int ItemId, L2Character target) { List<L2PcInstance> availableMembers = new FastList<L2PcInstance>(); for (L2PcInstance member : getPartyMembers()) { if (member.getInventory().validateCapacityByItemId(ItemId) && Util.checkIfInRange(Config.ALT_PARTY_RANGE2, target, member, true)) availableMembers.add(member); } if (!availableMembers.isEmpty()) return availableMembers.get(Rnd.get(availableMembers.size())); else return null; } That removes those points : - this formula isn't the good one ; - checkIfInRange is broken ; The others errors are users errors, so guess what :D. Another thing, rewrite your code like that : if (Util.checkIfInRange(Config.ALT_PARTY_RANGE2, player, member, true)); { member.setPvpPoints(member.getPvpPoints() + numberToAdd); member.sendMessage("You have earned " + numberToAdd + " PvP Points"); } RaidBossPointsManager.addPoints(member, this.getNpcId(), (this.getLevel() / 2) + Rnd.get(-5, 5)); if(member.isNoble()) Hero.getInstance().setRBkilled(member.getObjectId(), this.getNpcId());
  11. Remove 'armor', and the associated VALUES (from the end of your sql, this is the 7th value). Or share the sql I'm lazy to search.
  12. My first hater yeah :). I have to add I never said I was a java developer. +5400/-3600 lines patch in preparation, wait for debug please. And continue to report any errors you can find :). Will affect ZoneManager, castles, olympiads, sieges, L2Object/L2World,...
  13. bad host, bad inet connection, bad pack. It's not all to have dedicated machine, if you got 1 mega connection line that won't help much. 4giga ram is enough w/o geodata Someone is perhaps playing with packet flooders too depending of your pack.
  14. Well I give you the answer because you're blind or you don't know the use of this symbol. The "!" located before "Util." means basically "if it's not / different of". Aka it's reverse the condition true/false. So your check means currently : if the range is more than 1400/1600, give pvp points to each members. If the range is lower, skip the statement. So if you're far of the killer, it will be true, when you're near the killer, it will be false. And it's why you earn rewards from far and not near. Delete the symbol to make the correct check. And merry christmas :p.
  15. Rename a .jar to .zip. Dezip it after. After that all classes are able to be seen with a decompiler. I don't think you can reverse engineering the totality of a source without handmaded work. I'm perhaps wrong as I used only one free decompiler to see L2J 0.4.1 source code. Some parts of code were just off the main classes. I have to add different decompilers don't give the same result http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3898391/choose-and-test-java-decompiler
  16. if (!Util.checkIfInRange(Config.ALT_PARTY_RANGE2, player, member, true)); Try to explain with words what does this line. Explain all, variables, [glow=red,2,300]symbols[/glow] (one word is important in this post). Basically, your code is good, but you do a mistake. Check again the important word of the post. Another thing I can say to help you. Basically, the code works if you're FAR but not if you're NEAR. It means the range checker works (if it wasn't working at all, you will never have points in party), but not like you want. Why ? This was another big tip :).
  17. I loled. I have no idea what is the "test server helper" instance, but you can add a bypass on it too, or modify the bypass if this is the npc which give you the noblesse. The bypass is the command written in htm. for example if the test server had a "noblesse me" command, you just have to edit it to add a condition "if else". That avoid both to create new instance and create new quest ;). ---- Here is the classmaster <html><body> <center>Human Fighter Class Master:</center><br> <a action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_change_class 1">Advance to Warrior</a><br> <a action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_change_class 4">Advance to Knight</a><br> <a action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_change_class 7">Advance to Rogue</a> </body></html> As you can see, he uses the same bypass (change_class) 3 times, only option (1,4,7) is modified. The bypass got an option because of the bypass code, not all bypasses got option. Basically if you wanted to add gb on the change class characters, you will have to edit "change_class". With an eclipse search in sources, you won't have any difficulty to locate it. I hope my example is fine o_o.
  18. As said roy.rm, you have to add 2 methods and one config. The 2 methods are located in L2PcInstance, and are named getSellStoreCurrency() getBuyStoreCurrency() You have to copy paste them. The config is just a variable initialization, find all occurences of STORE_BUY_CURRENCY in your epilogue pack. With those 3 errors corrected all errors will dissapear. PS : if a method disappear from a chronicle to a newer chronicle, it's 3 things : ----> name of method have been changed, even slightly ----> method have moved in another file ----> methods are supposed to be custom aswell, so your diff patch is bugged / misses some part of codes. Anyway, with what I said higher, you should be able to correct it.
  19. Well first do as I said, post a clean code and try to add ONLY the range check. I know (!(Util.checkIfInRange... is for range, but that doesn't have any relation with ToReward lol. I want to see how you include the check, I think you did one or 2 errors, and I perhaps know them. About the location of the check, take one minute to think. When do you want to verify the range ? "Only when I got a party" is a first point. Second point is "who is affected ?" Only the killer, or each member ? With those 2 questions you got the location.
  20. Some ppl (I don't want to name them, they got their own voodoo dolls on my desk) make me the remark the forum wasn't looking professional, and the publicity (because of free forum) sux (which I agree if you don't use the wonderful AdBlock Plus plugin of Mozilla FF). So basically Sido came to me to talk about that, and a new forum is made. More pro according to some. Link is here, and the main post is updated aswell. As Sido is noob :-X, the subdomain doesn't work right now. I will update topic if there's any change, but for the moment use this adress. You won't have to recreate account if you register now. The existing topics will be teleported.
  21. Take back your code of the 20th december, it was near all good. I don't get why you began to use ToReward stuff. public boolean doDie(L2Character killer) { if (!super.doDie(killer)) return false; L2PcInstance player = null; if (killer instanceof L2PcInstance) player = (L2PcInstance) killer; else if (killer instanceof L2Summon) player = ((L2Summon) killer).getOwner(); if (player != null) { int numberToAdd = (500/(player.getParty().getMemberCount())); broadcastPacket(new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.RAID_WAS_SUCCESSFUL)); if (player.getParty() != null) { for (L2PcInstance member : player.getParty().getPartyMembers()) { member.setPvpPoints(member.getPvpPoints() + numberToAdd); member.sendMessage("You have earned " + numberToAdd + " PvP Points"); RaidBossPointsManager.addPoints(member, this.getNpcId(), (this.getLevel() / 2) + Rnd.get(-5, 5)); if(member.isNoble()) Hero.getInstance().setRBkilled(member.getObjectId(), this.getNpcId()); } } else { player.setPvpPoints(player.getPvpPoints() + numberToAdd ); player.sendMessage("You have earned " + numberToAdd + " PvP Points"); RaidBossPointsManager.addPoints(player, this.getNpcId(), (this.getLevel() / 2) + Rnd.get(-5, 5)); if(player.isNoble()) Hero.getInstance().setRBkilled(player.getObjectId(), this.getNpcId()); } } RaidBossSpawnManager.getInstance().updateStatus(this, true); return true; } Instead of int numberToAdd = (500/(player.getParty().getMemberCount())); write int numberToAdd = 500;. You will initialize it to 500. I explain why after. Now we have to change value on numberToAdd, right ? The value differs from if you got a party (numberToAdd divided by party members) or if you solo (numberToAdd). Again right ? So basically, we initialized numberToAdd with a fixed number, 500. Where to calculate this value for the team ? Logically, you have to put it after the party check. if (player.getParty() != null) { numberToAdd = (500/(player.getParty().getMemberCount())); The solo part will use the basic value, 500. So you haven't to change anything on it.
  22. build.xml. On eclipse, right click on it > run as -> ant build.
  23. As you know (and as the name of project suggests it aswell), it isn't the first IL fork. I don't want this project fails after 2 weeks because of bad organization. This is why in first time, I will be 'normally' alone, to give the way I want to the developement. Trusted people will come with time. As I said to Akken (via PM), there is a straight way to develop an IL server. The goal isn't to innovate, but to repair code with current L2J code. A massive but meticulous work of copy-paste, no more, no less. It's stupid to fix little things which will dissapear with a full rewritten code. I see big. ----- I make a little synopsis of what I have msging to a guy who proposed his time as developer. I search developers, but my criterias are higher than current projects. Basically, if you want to help to develop aCis, you can, and I will thanks you (frenchkissing o_o). But one step after another. First compile server, test, find bugs, and make patches about. You can post them on forum, and I can have an eye on your work, and about the quality too. With time, I will trust (or the contrary haha) you. So basically even thinking to help, you can fail to my criterias. This is an "inner-circle" type team, biggest circle represents all unknown people :). ----- As a project isn't only developers, but community, I need testers. More they are, more bugs are found, faster they are fixed. Sido is already on the "wishing list" for forum moderation if community grows enough, so don't apply for it please :). I talked with Sido about a new place for forum, which basically will be free of publicities. I will change links when time will come, but until the moment you can (and encouraged to) use the forum to report bugs. ----- I made some commits this night, the last have never been made on a IL fork from what I know (and sorry if I'm wrong, didn't test ALL CRAPPY FORKS :D). Ty all for posts, Tk.
  24. I profite about the number 15 commit to make a bump :). In program, full config refactor, and around 10 deleted configs. Think to update all your .properties files. Next commit tomorrow or in 2 days, full MMOCore refactor.
  25. Sethek shared between gameserver.properties and database.properties. Use a search tool next time, notepad++ is enough to scan a folder with a specific name (you could try with GameserverPort, InternalHostname etc). Btw you will have many problems with Archid, so just forgive it. This pack isn't finished and won't be finished according to Sethek words.
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