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Everything posted by hmzzz

  1. so it's been like a mount and ur not saying anythink..?
  2. Xax :D Yea kinda funny.. Is there some really good server witch is not like aeron cuz it rly suck.. It's №3 in my blacklist after Gang and Sexi so.. Rly kinda hate em.. :D
  3. Yea and u ban me from ur noob forum : Hmzzz :D HUSKAR NOOB :D
  4. Isn't pride offline along time ago ? :)
  5. Hi all.. So im serching for somekind of hack for online browser MMORPG game named Crystal Saga.. I need somethink like gold, lvl, crystals, etc.. Someone can help..? Thanks :)
  6. Seems interesting :) But I think i will join it after the beta, becouse i rly hate the farming, lvl, etc.. So i don't want to lvl 85, farm, sub, noble, certificate and then do it again for 2nd time.. :D
  7. Hi there all :) So there is a project witch need 2-3-4 more beta testers and it's CB .. If you want more info add me on skype : lear29 or on facebook : Не Сте Ми Приятели thanks ^^
  8. Fail server.. 2 online and both are gms.. :D
  9. nice freya balance :) Up to dynasty ( I think the max shoud be vesper but np) and no elegia shit's that makes tanks and duelist so OP.. They were bugged before and now they can't be stopped in freya/h5.. Srsly... Have u even seen someone to kill tank?? I didn't see this in my whole life after freya+.. :D So yea i like this S/dynasty :)
  10. Thanks all :) Someone will tell me what are those adena in my mxc profile? :) :D Im just curious..
  11. I don't think so .. I farmed alone my custom armor/wep and solo the rb's for jews.. It took me 6 hours for custom +30 full and full atribute then you decide to give me 100 milions silver coins .. :D But you did it after I get evrythink alone witch is like 10 milions just for the armor and wep +30.. jews took me 4 milions and full atr set and wep took me like 5 milions.. The auguament took me 2 millions allso..
  12. Just don't use bot???? Is that hard? Anyway try with repeating program.. Record f1 *attack* f2 *next target* f1 *attack* and then use the program to repeat ur move like 999999 times and ur done.. :D Not so pro bot like a real bot program but in this case it will deal a great work :)
  13. Thanks now with my 104 posts i saw this GREAT FUCKING SHIT that he wan't 200 post for it and i can say it is so sux dude .. :D Even super mario can do bether -_-
  14. Chrome for the win *I havent heard 90% of those in the pool lol..??* :you serious?:
  15. hmzzz


    What are those adena i got in my profile?? Somethink like curency for vip's?
  16. There are bether log in screens don't u think ? o.0
  17. Now with those files the world will end of god priv servers.. for sure i don't like the god client.. It maked all the classes so weak instead of the tanks.. Now they are not just undead.. Now they have much more dmg and they are still undead.. Trust me u can't kill tank in GOD :) And why the fuck i have to chose form 7 classes insead of 3 of any fighter/mage race lol ;x
  18. I will play in it cuz i join l2 just for the olly.. I hate the pvp cuz in freya+ tanks are bugged and so OP that they can't be stopped + i hate farming + i hate lvling.. So yes i will play here.. :D
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