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Everything posted by Tessellate

  1. can anyone tell me why platinum on eune = 1750 and on euw = 1850? sucks balls :P
  2. and also the rumors of TSM vs AZF will be remaked is not true. unfortunately & updated the poll.
  3. well, they just start the whole match over again. first it was CLG.eu 1 - 1 WE, then in game 3 the server died now they will remake game 1, 2 & 3
  4. and CLG.eu vs WE will start a whole new match, they remake game 1/2 & 3
  5. 1st van persie, you suck playing 4/2/3 in a 2v1 lane. You have all the jungle preasure there is while he haven't 2nd, he outfarmed you 3rd, you diddnt even reported the leaver.
  6. yay 1700+ elo again !! 127 elo to go for platinum on euw ^^
  7. you should get alot since you diddnt played lots of games yet also, you should make a team with only 3 people the more people in a team, the less elo you get ;)
  8. we played 13/2 and we reached 1650+ :) just win 8 more games and ur there :)
  9. then i recommand all to start 3v3 ranked team, its esasy to get 1650+ there. and 1650+ is platinum
  10. maybee you guys can help me out i have: Platinum (3v3), Gold (SoloQ), Gold(5v5) so how my profile gonna look xD? Platinum or gold?
  11. the picture is awesome the ingame look not so much
  12. Not a single word from RIOT today. Wondering what they are doing/thinking
  13. i dunno i've watched a video from Reginald today on youtube and there he said ''IF'' he could find a substitude, he will not play s3. however he said in the video i posted here that he will stop for sure. so in 1 day from SURE ->>> POSSIBLE. Soon we have a maybee and then its a no i guess he will stay
  14. well that rune page i just told you i use that page on the most junglers, since im not paying for any game, i still have 3 rune pages i use that page for Mundo/Shyv/Nunu/Cho/Amumu/Alistar/Malphite/Nautilus/Nocturne/Shen/Udy/trundle its the best page 'after my opinion' for a allround jungler, you can always use that.
  15. same as in amumu (http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=252091.0) but not the aegis.
  16. keep an eye on leagueoflegends.com, they will announce the date & times there. personaly i expect the matches will be played on Friday October 11 2012
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