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Everything posted by Tessellate

  1. http://grooveshark.com/playlist/Awesomeness+number+01/83167220 yw bitches ;)
  2. well i have no idea what to do with $100,- in RP. so i can't realy accept that bid tho the pricerange is better then $20,- in psc xD
  3. to bad, i was just in the mood of a good story
  4. i have screenshots. but atm im not able to logon. you can ask any "old member" if im trusted or so. anyways people offeeing me €20. but only the rp thats left on my account is worth more..
  5. the sad thing is that im a girl
  6. im turning 13 this year !! actualy pretty happy about it because i just found some hair on my balls
  7. he's 22 don't be shy bro ur just ~5 years older then the avarage age here
  8. and btw fat people are awesome ><
  9. living my days like its my last that means eating & drinkin & girls anyway im afk playing some LoL
  10. msn? msn died in 2010 q.q now 24/7 facebook messenger :)
  11. Region: EUW Current RP: 4500 Current IP: 14000 Runes: 21 x 9 Rune Pages: 4 Champions Owned: 63 Skins Owned: 18 Season 2 Badges: Team3v3 Platinum, Team5v5 Gold, Solo/Duo Q Gold Current Season 3 ELO: Team3v3 1450, Team5v5 1475, Solo/Duo Q 1734 Current Ranked Games Played: ~100 Current Normal Played: ~1050, (~650 wins) PM me for more information & price. troll messages will be deleted
  12. dont screw with me bro i got 40 adena and i'll buy someone to get you cold
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