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Everything posted by Tessellate

  1. gj man :D i lost :( but still 2 more games to play need to win 1 :(
  2. song name of a band i rly love :p and its better then luckybastart hahahaha the name is awesome imo http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tessellation
  3. if you wanna see the EU LCS of today: http://www.azubu.tv/index.do since twitch.tv is off for maintenance
  4. Fun way to build nocturne. Go 21/9/0 masteries Flash & Exhaust Summoners attcksp. / armor / mr/lvl / ad runes try it, it is fun :D
  5. anyone that knows me here plays on EUW? wanna have some fun normal games :)
  6. it will make you awake..
  7. and EUW ranking is alot harder then EUNE i believe that w/e you are on EUW you can get 1 division higher in EUNE so no rankers are BRONZE BRONZE = SILVER SILVER = GOLD GOLD = PLATINUM etc
  8. if you wanna man-mode go play korean server :p
  9. put the clock on the otherside of the room that will make sure you will rise up from your bed. works for me
  10. so true, i played him now 9 times in ranked, won 8, and probely carried those 8 games aswell. his kill potential is so freaking high from level3, his ganks are always worthy, it will always end up with a kill or enemies losing their summoners
  11. just to prove Wrd that naut is also op in ranked >.> Ranked: Normals:
  12. well then nvm, u can lock the topic wanted to put this as my wallpaper :( but ok
  13. cant i resize it and keep the quality :p ?
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