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Everything posted by Tessellate

  1. played over 30+ games the last 3 days and what did i reach with elo? to be exactly -7 elo! T.T
  2. 1: League of Legends 2: GBA Pokemon Fire Red :D 3: Call of Duty 2 4: Anno 1602 5: Red Alert 2 6: RollerCoaster Tycoon i love these oldtime games
  3. 1: Most Popular User : GrisoM 2: Funnier User : Raule 3: Active User : BonJovi 4: Spammer : Finito (9k+ post.. CHEEZUS) 5: Top Shares : Psomas 6: Most trolling : - 7: Most Hated : There was some greek kid, dont remember his name, such an asshole 8: Most loved : Crystalin 9: Most Missed : Yhn 10: Most loved moderator : Noble
  4. this raule guy so funny! you broke my freaking heart you know...
  5. because he's a gmod in maxcheaters and he needs to do what members are asking! thats why :> and west is so much cooler then east just because west is west, and east is east
  6. sona was one of the most viable supports but this is like sona x 10 lol this will be the new ban instead of blitzcrank in soloq im sure. stuns - slows - heals - damage - range .. duh
  7. love this new elo system season2 ended with gold 1738 and now in season3 i played 10 games and am on ~1700, if i win 5 more games in a row and i already got platinum xD
  8. Ray Charles bro xD most epic pianist there was if you dont know him, and if i say, thats the blind soul singer, you should know enough. however its not my kind of music but this guy is a cult hero :)
  9. >.> donate or just start new one :D if you do let me know :D i give you my referal number ^^
  10. add me: Luckybastart i'll be online in about 30-40 minuts when i get home xD maybee we can do some duoq :p
  11. you already playing EUW noble? or still on eune?
  12. but whats the idea of it? xD at the end of the week only 2 or 3 people will stay :P ? or more promotions to lol, l2 mod etc
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