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Everything posted by Tessellate

  1. anyone with awesome graphic designer skills can do this simple thing for me;D? http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=271587.0
  2. anyone with awesome graphic designer skills can do this simple thing for me;D? http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=271587.0
  3. http://i.imgur.com/1oTMo.png can you resize this image to: 1600 x 900, atleast most possible resolution. thanks in advance
  4. im getting sick & tired of the fckups in the ranked scene even tho i carry the game they can throw so hard that i cant do shit stuck at gold4 while i should be atleast gold1 or platinum but still :D volibear op did yesterday 9games with him in a row i won them all, and carried them all xD
  5. dont rly like that eastern european face but i could work that ass!
  6. http://grooveshark.com/#!/kevinwelman92/broadcast :D:D:D
  7. http://grooveshark.com/#!/kevinwelman92/broadcast feedbacks allowed ;D make account and you can make suggestions & chat!
  8. Suggestion list 2012 - 2013 Argo Life of Pi * Lincoln Django Unchained The Hobbit Hunger Games Les Miserable * The Perks of being a Wallflower Skyfall * Chronicle * Seven Psycopaths * Looper * Flight * = movies you probely havent seen yet
  9. since when people started to hate raule lol
  10. NA: TOP - voyboy MID - Reginald Jungle - TheOddOne ADC - Doublelift SUPPORT - Elementz EU TOP - Darien JUNGLE - Snoopeh MID - Ocelote ADC - Yellowpete SUPPORT - Krepo tho i must say i voted on the people who i liked the most not on who is the best in his position.
  11. tho what happend to the spam team section xD? would be nice if we could make use of that now xD
  12. noone is using these things anymore, everyone making playlists on grooveshark, spotify & youtube. but if i have to vote, should be wmp
  13. dafaq ? the only reason i visit this forum few days in the week is to chat around with ''old friends''
  14. is it true what the rumors saying? that naruto shippuden got canceled (?) that the next episode (306) will be the last one?
  15. since the bidding doesnt get where i want i gave the account to a friend and will keep playing on it sometimes you can lock it.
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