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Everything posted by Tessellate

  1. i know what you mean about that low LP recieving being stuck in Plat1 for few weeks now myself :p
  2. Dark flame Shyvana never watches Yu-Gi-Oh ??? T.T
  3. warwick is like olaf when he gets buffed he will be played again if i would play warwick in the top lane i might go 30/0/0 and go mpen & armpen but i would test this in normals first :p
  4. in plat there are still people who say: mid or feed, and then actualy do it also
  5. lets see if we can get diamond this weekend :> currently 10points into plat1 :p
  6. new holland dj sensation, he makes good chillax music
  7. luckybastart ;D same account, other name duo jungle meta game so many good nautilus games and you pick that one
  8. played 7 nautilus games today 6 win - 1 lose 4/3/12 avarage ^^ i won my 1st promo game :p
  9. naut is easy just buy boots 5 and run up when they try to flash just hook and cc them easiest jungler in the world
  10. no i dont play naut only, now im having fun, my goal was platinum and i got it within 150games.. now im filling everywhere people want and just upgrading my skill in any lane ;D
  11. nautilus got me from gold5 to plat3 now :D like 80% winrate on him naut only :3
  12. this game LOL 2/19 kills behind after 20minuts 2 - 4 towers behind my team wanted to surrender but i told them not to, we got good lategame with jayce poke they trusted me, and we won 1hour game troll
  13. is it possible to smite with elise while in rappel?
  14. yay, got promoted to platinum finaly T.T
  15. won the first 2 matches then i lost 2 matches but i won the last & final match :D Akali's Assassins Platinum EUW op
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