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Everything posted by Tessellate

  1. hey :) why costas left global mods :p ? curiousity
  2. hmm keeps comming back but after like 1 - 2 minuts in this loadin screen with undefined i can login, but it remains on undefined.
  3. thats old news xD voiboy got kicke out of clg.prime like 1 or 2 weeks ago ^^ hotshotgg top chauster jungle and some korean guy (who also played in TSM in the olddays) will play support (he's main AD)
  4. play 1 role and try to stick to 1 champion. its a mather of time when you know this champion 100% and it will win you elo ;)
  5. hardcore :p with saitvicious, voiboy & nijacky curse is a team to think about.
  6. just saying, that its possible to get gold badge also with ~1200 elo guys not that you have to be pro to get it
  7. then you are one of the guys who can xD i think 95% of the guys on League of Legends blames teammates :> so rewatching games would be good for guys like fuma who's desperate to ++++++ his elo
  8. if solo q has so much to do with team ranked why that 3k elo dude diddnt won the world championships :P in my team we have 2x 1200, and we managed to get gold badge so :)
  9. also try to record your games and if you rly wanna get better, go view them and learn from your mistakes
  10. the time i play my ranked games and when i actaly got +250 elo in 1 week is from 22:00 - 02:00 the kids are sleeping the drunks are drinking simple as @#()*&# also duo Q is also good if you go duo Q, make sure you go ad/supp, mid/jungle, top/jungle so you can help eachotter and make sure you carry the game :) thats how i get my friend from ~1300 to ~1600 (and he wassnt in 1300 because he's bad xD, bad luck on team with trolls etc like fuma said.)
  11. solo Q has nothing to do with team ranked.
  12. https://support.leagueoflegends.com/home email the riot'ers, they can tell you why you are banned and till whne you are banned. if its your first time, it will only last for few days, otherwise maybee weeks or even months
  13. true, i thoguht it was a skin when i made the topic but i diddnt view the lol website xD now i did, now i know its an icon but who cares, its awesome to have ^^
  14. you can redeem the code for 24hours ;) thats what i ment to say with that.
  15. i heard the same thing but i have no idea even if its just for the summoner icon, its fun to have! and they diddnt said anything about it in the stream so who knows its the skin etc.
  16. because 1million people trying to get that skin asap but doesnt mather, it will come in a week but for the record this code will stay for 1 day only it came up to you or you found it on internet cuz its funny because its true, and i diddn't know it xD
  17. you can't you have to use this code on that site and then have to wait a week why riot did that? i have no f*cking clue they could better make 1 code that would work for all servers, but hey, they are the professionals in this :P
  18. keep trying keep trying keep trying eventualy you get trough and then, dont be sad, the skin is comming in a week
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