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Everything posted by Tessellate

  1. i had that also after playing 4 games. now its like 61.5% and played 15-20games with him.
  2. haha, dask 2k elo+, dont think he needs to learn from me ^^
  3. Amumu Guide Skills: Cursed Touch [(passive)] Amumu's autoattacks reduce the target's magic resistance by 15 / 25 / 35 for 3 seconds. The debuff doesn't stack but it refreshes with every autoattack. Bandage Toss [Q] Amumu tosses a sticky bandage in a straight line. If it contacts an enemy, Amumu will pull himself to it, dealing magic damage and stunning the target for 1 second. Range: 1,100. Despair [W] While toggled on, Amumu will be surrounded by a small damaging area of tears. Enemies in the area will be dealt a percentage of their maximum health plus a base a-beep-t as magic damage each second. Cost: 8 mana per second. Cooldown: 1 second. Radius of AoE: 300. Tantrum [E] (Passive)Amumu takes reduced physical damage from autoattacks and abilities. (Active) Amumu will make an instantaneous tantrum, dealing magic damage to surrounding units. Additionally, each time Amumu is hit by an autoattack the cooldown on Tantrum's active will be reduced by 0.5 seconds. Radius of AoE: 200. Curse of the Sad Mummy [R] (Ultimate) Amumu entangles surrounding enemy units, dealing magic damage and rendering them unable to move or use autoattacks for 2 seconds. Radius of AoE: 600. Skill Order: Masteries: Runes: Greater Mark of Alacrity +1.7% attack speed Greater Seal of Resilience +1.41 Armor Greater Glyph of Shielding +0.15 MR/level (+2.7 at level 18) Greater Quintessence of Swiftness +1.5% movement speed The images may not be the same, but the outcome is. I used leaguecraft rune builder for this, probely outdated. Summoner Spells: Smite Deals 445-870 true damage (depending on champion level) to target enemy minion or monster. 70 second cooldown. Flash Teleports your champion toward your cursor's location. 265 second cooldown. Items: Start with: Boots of Speed + 3 Health Potions Then Build: Mercury's Treads + Philosopher's Stone + Heart of Gold When enough money also buy: Oracle's Elixer + Sight Ward Mid Game: Aegis of the Legion + Glacial Shroud + Warden's Mail Late Game: Shurelya's Reverie + Randuin's Omen + Frozen Heart + Abyssal Scepter Pro's & Con's of Amumu: Pro's: - Huge AoE Damage - Huge a-beep-t of CC - Ultimate can win games - Viable ganker - Fast Jungler (without wriggles) - Great at taking damage mid/late game Con's: - Squishy early game - Get's counterjungled often - Blue buff needed in early jungle - High cd on his ultimate - Able to hit skillshots Tips: Amumu is very squishy early game, so be carefull with running -50% health in your own jungle. Go teleport to base or use wards to know when the enemy team tries to counterjungle you, and they probely will. Wolfs, Blue golem, Wraiths, Red Golem, Wraiths should make you level 4, and you are ready to gank. Try not to go base before you atleast can affort Philosopher's Stone, and if you can 2 wards. You have much CC, but time your skills exactly because the cds are high. Always position yourself in front of a team fight, and pay attention to the real damage dealer in order to stun him. Also your ultimate is a powerfull weapon, and dont have to be used to stun all 5 members, Pick the most important one out of the enemy team and ult on them like katarina or sona etc, so thay can't use their ult and burst them down, if you catch other enemies in this ult its always good. As the tank and with the most CC take lead in any teamfights by telling your team who to burst down first. Amumu is very fast clearing monster camps so counterjungling is very usefull with amumu, you can use your Bandage Toss(Q) to quickly go to a camp and kill it. Amumu can do wolfs/blue/red in just 1 easy way, this will give you level 3 and ready for ganks faster then most junglers, if you do this make sure you get bandage toss(Q) on level 3. If you are in a bad spot and getting herrassed by the enemy team, dont use bandage toss to stun the enemy, but use it as a skill to change positions, this can be used on other enemies across walls or used on minions or monsters. I recommand ganking on level 4, the level 2 tantrum will be very usefull in taking less damage. But always gank whenever is possible.
  4. Jungle = so much fun :p while those 2 defeats weren't my fault :D + jungle blitz is much fun, they flash i pull xD always so epic
  5. i dont trust this either. never seen this member before in LoL section never seen any share of him anyway, thats just me. if anyone tried this, reply with ss and show me :D
  6. TOP: Wickd MID: Froggen JUNGLE: SaintVicious or TheOddOne (equal for me) AD: Chaox SUPPORT: Nhat Nguyen
  7. No, creators & inventors are American. Thats not true, they only do good at offline tournies. Also you see them rarely stream, or rarely play any soloq. And they could play it for the tournies. But you have to ask them ^^
  8. i dispite CLG.na, after what they did with SaintVicious, screw hotshot, screw the whole clg.na.. CLG.eu ftw:) they own:) last tourny with NA & Asia, asians beat clg.na in the finals. its funny because its true :o
  9. hell no well, i was always fan of snoopeh, so when he left sk, i left them also i dont rly like ocelote :p in his streams then. my fav streamer = theoddone, then dyrus, then snoopeh, then saintvicious junglers op
  10. why there are still so many fanboys of SK Gaming here? i mean, why are you still thinking, or hoping, that sk wins? SK was ones a top 3 team. but now? No After Snoopeh, Wickd & CandyPanda left SK for better teams SK fell apart.
  11. TSM won 2:0 against AL mMe won 2:0 against TSM aphromoo to strong for chaox.. lost his lane twice.
  12. Team World Elite beat CLG.NA pretty hard Proof you could watch the match back on youtube i think!
  13. Well, we all saw what World Elite (China) did with the american teams, VANQUISHED!
  14. my wishes goes to: 1 - CLG.eu 2 - TSM But im scared that any asian team will win this competition, i've seen the korea regionals, and they are good!
  15. 2 million prizepool is sick, never seen such big amount of money in a tournament for a computergame.
  16. Welcome to the MxC League of Legends Championship 2012 Topic Over the past few months, League of Legends fans around the world have experienced thrilling matches and exciting developments within the competitive scene. With Season Two coming to a close, the World Championship is set to deliver the most electrifying experience yet. The top twelve teams from five regions will battle it out in Los Angeles, California from October 4-6 and October 13 to determine the best League of Legends team in the world and to decide who will take home the lion’s share of the $2,000,000 prize pool. Two distinct stages initially divide the competition: four of the five seeded teams which won in their regions automatically advance to the quarterfinal stage, while the other eight unseeded teams will compete in the group stage to determine which four will advance to the quarterfinals. The eight unseeded teams, divided into Group A and Group B, go head-to-head in a best-of-one Round Robin format in the group stage. Each group was randomly selected, and will not compete against teams within their own region during the group stage. After twelve games have been played in the first stage, the top two teams in each group will advance to play the Regional winners in a best-of-three Single-Elimination quarterfinals. These do-or-die matches will lead to explosive semi-finals games, after which only the two best teams will remain standing for the ultimate face-off on October 13 in the best-of-five World Finals. Here I will keep the scores, so keep track of this part of the topic! Group A 1. Azubu Frost (3-0) 2. Invictus Gaming (2-1) 3. SK Gaming (1-2) 4. CLG Prime (0-3) Group A Matches, BO1 AZF 1-0 iG AZF 0-1 SK AZF 1-0 CLGPrime iG 0-1 SK iG 0-1 CLGPrime SK 0-1 CLGPrime Group B 1. Team Dignitas (3-0) 2. CLG EU (2-1) 3. NaJin Sword (1-2) 4. Saigon Jokers (0-3) Group B Matches, BO1 dignitas 0-1 CLG EU dignitas 1-0 NJSW dignitas 1-0 SAJ CLG EU 0-1 NJSW CLG EU 1-0 SAJ NJSW 1-0 SAJ October 05 2012 (day 1 recap) <-- Click that October 05 2012, BO3 22:00 Quarterfinals: M5 2-0 iG 20:00 Quarterfinals: TPA 2-0 NJSW 02:00 Quarterfinals: TSM 0-2 AZF October 06 2012, BO3 22:00 Quarterfinals: WE vs CLG.EU 00:00 Semifinals: M5 vs TPA 02:00 Semifinals: AZF vs TBD October 13 2012, BO5 05:00 Grand Finals: TBD vs TBD. Times are in GMT+1 All teams which compete in the Season Two World Championship will not only have the opportunity to represent their countries and compete on a global scale, but will also receive a cash prize based upon their performances at the tournament: 1st: $1,000,000 2nd: $250,000 3rd/4th: $150,000 5th~8th: iG, NJSW, TSM $75,000 9th/10th: CLG.na, SJ $50,000 11th/12th: SK, Dig $25,000 Here you have some more info about our competitive teams China Team World Elite Invictus Gaming Europe Moscow Five SK Gaming CLG EU Taiwan/Hong Kong/Macau Taipei Assassins North America Team SoloMid Team Dignitas CLG Prime Korea Azubu Frost NaJin Sword Southeast Asia Saigon Jokers The Latest updates will be posted here! Bracket updates, scores of matches or any other specialty! If i forget any update that is linked to the League of Legends World Championship 2012 I want you to know that any information will be gladly recieved Info: leagueoflegends.com & leaguepedia.com Topic Creation: Chucky
  17. 4, 5,6 & 13 october is the World Championship, i will post a topic soon about that!
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