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Everything posted by Tessellate

  1. TSM won semi-final, they now compete in the final vs mMe. Link is in the main post.
  2. TSM Tourny #10 Sorry for the late post but this weekend its tsm weekend again. NOW LIVE: TSM vs Absolute Legends NEXT MATCH (FINAL): mMe.Ferus vs Winner previous game Extended grand finals: Re-game of the previous match Link: http://nl.twitch.tv/tsmtournaments Bracket: http://www.solomid.net/brackets.php
  3. nice signature to bad you gonna lose against afc ajax ^^
  4. so when maxtor is gonna set the old theme back?
  5. thats bullshit... q.q anyway: blind pick decides who's the winner of korea regionals! http://nl.twitch.tv/lrapsterl
  6. The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journy This December ^^
  7. Lord of the Rings: The Hobbit comes soon ;) seen it in the cinema superhero movies aint my thing, but the movie is nice.
  8. still got stuck 1700+ anyway whats your current elo atm? will be fun to watch tho
  9. my goal for season2 was platinum, but when i got stuck in 1700-1800 i think i will be fine with gold :P
  10. korean regional finals: abuzu blaze vs najin sword http://nl.twitch.tv/lrapsterl
  11. eddie vedder is the best ^^ personally i love guaranteed the most of them ^^
  12. fine, you? where is your yellow colored name :o
  13. If im on time: Amumu Role: Jungler Summoner Spells: Smite & Flash Masteries: 0/21/9 (screenshot below) Runes: Attackspeed marks, Armor seals, mr/leverl glyphs, movementspeed quints Items: start with boots+3 health pots, build into phil stone & hog, after these 2 items its smart to get an early Oracles and don't forget to buy wards to help your team. then upgrade your boots into Mercs. then add Aegis, Frozen Heart, Randiuns Omen, Shurelya's & GA Skill Order: level1: W, level2: E, level3: Q, level4: E. After this max your E-W-Q in that order, and ofcourse R on level 6/11/16 General tips:Amumu is very squishy early game, so be carefull with running -50% health in your own jungle. Go teleport to base or use wards to know when the enemy team tries to counterjungle you. You have much CC, but time your skills exactly because the cds are high. Always position yourself in front of a team fight, and pay attention to the real damage dealer in order to stun him. Also your ultimate is a powerfull weapon, and dont have to be used to stun all 5 members, Pick the most important one out of the enemy team and ult on them like katarina or sona etc, so thay can't use their ult and burst them down, if you catch other enemies in this ult its always good. As the tank and with the most CC take lead in any teamfights by telling your team who to burst down first. Amumu is very fast clearing monster camps so counterjungling is very usefull with amumu, you can use your Bandage Toss(Q) to quickly go to a camp and kill it. Amumu can do wolfs/blue/red in just 1 easy way, this will give you level 3 and ready for ganks faster then most junglers, if you do this make sure you get bandage toss(Q) on level 3. If you are in a bad spot and getting herrassed by the enemy team, dont use bandage toss to stun the enemy, but use it as a skill to change positions, this can be used on other enemies across walls or used on minions or monsters.
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