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Everything posted by SkyNet

  1. don't think anyone know it (or the one which maybe know it don't watch your topic) so try ti find it by self...
  2. just read a bit and guess :o also try somethings out if u are not sure... but u can try this: <skill id="282" levels="1" name="Puma Spirit Totem"> <set name="magicLvl" val="40" /> <set name="mpConsume" val="18" /> <set name="target" val="TARGET_SELF" /> <set name="reuseDelay" val="30000" /> <set name="hitTime" val="2000" /> <set name="skillType" val="BUFF" /> <set name="operateType" val="OP_ACTIVE" /> <for> <effect name="Buff" time="120" val="0" stackOrder="1" stackType="possession"> <add order="0x40" stat="accCombat" val="6" /> <mul order="0x30" stat="pAtkSpd" val="1.2" /> </effect> </for> </skill>
  3. just wanted to say that the "code" exist so he should search for this id above and see how he can create his own multi wep ID ;)
  4. check some other skills which include different weapons.... like "Blunt Weapon Mastery" skill IS "205"
  5. stupid spammer or u are really that dumb ? in the first post he say for freya lol.... @✖CriticalError✖™ just change the imports and u should be able to use any shared buffer....
  6. well right its ok how it is so check all your "zone vertices" if u can't find an error make them all again...
  7. the amount which stay in min to max and max to min....
  8. i'm sure its there: minZ="___" maxZ="___" try to change it and it will be fine i bet ;) if not u should check your "zone vertices" again...
  9. can't agree more its one big fail...and u think we believe u are just a player also 1/1 ? ;) u are in server staff or gm/admin friend... don't say wrong nobody also a normal player would advertise such a server ;) + since there are 100 with 100% the same settings and more online :D hahah just saw it too xD so damn funny its saved my day :D
  10. what u mean op ? cause u can't kill them with an archer ^_^ just run away...
  11. there isn't any full freya out and its will take a lot more weeks/month till then :P
  12. wrong.... can happen also while both have epi too anyway think its solved since HighQuality found a sys folder on the server forum ?
  13. isn't in java its client mod ;) look here http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=31423.0
  14. well i just try to give u some hints i never tested anything with it so i dunno... but since its and "npc/summoner" its should have anywhere stats about run spd etc... maybe u should try to contact B1ggBoss so he can explain you his way which he gave u here...
  15. yeah sry didn't read the "1 to" ^^ could u show us your skill Shackle xml maybe we see if there is somethings wrong written...
  16. which pack ? client ? so its your own test server right ? duplicate means its already exist... have u try it with another char too ? and btw if u don't get any skills u should use auto learn skills or not ? ^^
  17. yeah u use it in ct2.4 and? the old ones work there too but its still not 100% working cause its don't show buttons so nope i wont try it out :P
  18. its not that bad just hope its working on the newes clients but as i see it doesn't cause the buttons don't show up... so its the same as the ones which are already posted in this forum! if its don't show the same as its would look in game its useless so i still prefer notepad++
  19. where should i find this ? how about u try a clean system folder ? ^^
  20. just say why u want it also explain a bit more.... i cant really understand what u want...clear duplicate but to add skills u can use the in game admin menu....
  21. first try a lower amount like 50 and see if it has change somethings probably the count of 1000000 was to big so it has no meaning anymore.... and / or read some guides about xml changes....
  22. first u shouldn't double post u risk a warnig... there are already some topics about this... so u should search a bit... but as i know u can just change the whole server currency or nothings so for your private shops its would work with the new currency but to get the stuff in normal shop u have to use multisell... dunno why u all want to do that its always a bad idea... cause everywhere its will stay adena but if u buy/sell somethings its in your own currency its make ppl confuse ! they will think oh its cheap just a few adena and boom... just work on your adena rate so u can use them....
  23. dunno.... maybe u use a system folder from another server ? get a clean one and try it again...
  24. contact the server owner and tell him to check his config: AllowedProtocolRevisions = Edit: tested with host and i could log there without any prob...
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