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Everything posted by SkyNet

  1. yeah Netherlands goals are build 80% of luck xD i don't like uruguay's goalkeeper think hes probably to young for these job :s can u stop your stupid comments ? :)
  2. would be nice to see... would be nice to see too xD about "paul" well hes a noob :D he chose 2008 germany but spain won the europa championships [as i know ^^] so now its the return :D
  3. depends on the server each server has another balance.. and i don't play at retail so i can answer u^^ is possible but ofc the party with healer has a much higher chance to win^^
  4. [L2Off] CzechGamers.net, Bad Company 8x. wasn't even a secret :D they made it clean for all.... :/ u just can w8 and hold really clear profs in your hand to show it any g. mod or maxtor...
  5. lol ? thats just the german eagle emblem nothings more....
  6. classes doesn't matter if u have guys which know to play there classes u can own all... i saw on a server 2 healer and all other in pt was archers but i won't call it pvp party its just stupid and boring....
  7. use mammon or make a multisell shop....
  8. then i don't know why u have any problems....
  9. wannabe team ? lool who kicked england and argentinian and not just with one goal but 2-3-4 ^^ we play just good football better then other teams thats all... and not only this year the history shows... //care about that not all are born in germany or that they are young or or or.... the only important thing is germany has good chances to win the WC no more to say.
  10. damn just saw it now lool ;D guess he had a really bad and unlucky day :D
  11. uhhh which year was this ? :D just can see we had a really really bad goalkeeper :P
  12. german win vs spain for sure - uruguay win vs netherlands xD so final is german vs uruguay = german win the WC :D ... if its true he would help austria and not german >_< where u found this ? cause isnt the right german hymn ???
  13. cant understand that u have a problem with drop.... check the drop list in game and edit it, then re-spawn the mob and all should work fine..... really never had such a problem.... which l2j u use ?
  14. ofc :D lets see if we can make a 5 - 0 xD ok few sec left its the end i guess
  15. hahahhaha bb Argentina have a nice travel at home in shame :D
  16. agree pff to Argentina how they play ;D
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