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Everything posted by SkyNet

  1. isnt spam since i talk about your share..... u mean *different ??? where is the difference i dont see any... about the chose so ppl have different look OK but then make somethings nice and not a html which takes 30 sec... and i dont think its spam since im talking about your share... dont u see i try to help u so u are able to make better shares :D u really should try more in html and then make new shares....
  2. doesn't matter the npc is still already exist... what the point to make the npc again if the same thing is already shared ? :o
  3. *not even close ? u mean this ? well right your html is 1000 miles away from the other one :D its still the "same" share ONE NPC AND ONE MULTISELL.... doesn't matter if u made a new html in 30sec and changed the sql file...
  4. im talking about my work ? uhhh where o_O just comment your "work" which is already exist and tooo simple also.
  5. so lets say its already shared ? http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=137387.0 Custom Forgotten Scroll Shop ==> Screen same thing... one npc with one multisell....
  6. :D yes u "asked" since u made a share... i comment your "work" if u can read... request to a mod to delete his unless NPC :P
  7. what is l2joff ? xD not any pack its 100% working fixed or what ever u still have to work hours on hours on the pack...
  8. how that ? u are superman ? :D u need hours and hours to fix is so its a seriously "server" so u just make a plug & play server NICE!! [sarcasm]
  9. sry but the shop is more then sux... nobody want to search in 100 scrolls for his 5 skills he need.... there are already some npc for FG scrolls which are 1000 times better then this easy npc with one multisell and a 5 line html...and im sure such a simple npc is already shared... im to bored to search for this... again i just can say stop post simple and boring npcs :( isnt it 1000 times better ? uhhh ?
  10. if all where like u its where the end of the world... all this has just to do with all the mxc kids which think "ahh lets open a server" without any knowledge how to make a good server and also home hosted...99% of the posted server in mxc close in the first 1-3 month...
  11. its still the same npc for me... even if its with another or without multisell.... u used an already exist html and just edit it a bit.... HTML are easy to do so make a new one and stop c/p htmls...
  12. as i said in an other topic guys stop sharing shit npcs its all the same !!! try to make somethings new.... u just edited a bit the html.... http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=144286.0
  13. :o :D seriously i cant understand all u guys which say nice shop etc... all the gm shops/buffer and all the other stuff looks always same... and also yours isnt complete u miss the s80-s84 buttons for armor/weapons its good enough for a home server but im sure a serious server wont use such things and make his own one try to make somethings like "Mart" did with his new html design
  14. the prob with attribute is.... its totally shit for high rates + its not right working in l2j if u really want it leave it at lvl 3 u will see more balance as with lvl 9... and yeah easy farm but 1 shot the mobs is crap... so just set enchant scrolls 1 adena and enchant rate to 100% if u dont know how to increase the game play fun then im sorry... a little hint make the mobs stronger and put more drop...still the same easy farming but a bit more fun if u have to use some skills to kill the mob and not just F1 and mob die.
  15. your way will never work! if u dont have the money DONT make a server... its easy :P get some money so u can pay the host server for 3-6 month and maybe u have luck an grow up and so u get some donations...there isnt any other way to make a seriously server! stop dreaming^^
  16. well for me its a bad server...because - lvl 9 attribute - bad buffer - lol farming u 1 shot the farm mobs...... was somethings more... i just dont like it...
  17. but its still the best l2 server around... i know they are money oriented as all can see at the donate list ^^ but u can get all those items ingame and donator also cant buy max enchanted items
  18. website work fine.... but server is off ^^
  19. http://www.lineage2dreams.com 50x server with a pro develop team and 3k+ on...but also hard work for good items...
  20. so what will be your position there ? :D u want one who pay the server and also a full server team.... and u do what ?
  21. so make them by self ? :o check this out... http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=100079.0
  22. its 15x exp so i would say yes even if there is a gm shop^^ if u like the server features and the server then u should stay even if there is "hard faming" ;) PS: as u see server is new so dont ask for ppl if u like it stay and help them to grow up @masterkill9000 good luck with the server (to bad i wont play again low rate^^)
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