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Everything posted by SkyNet

  1. there are hundreds of such topics ><
  2. always the same shit with all u IL players xD u blame a chronicle but dont see thats the fault of the admins if there is no balance... leave all the kids made server and join epilogue server which have an excellent developer staff and u will not see any unbalance !!! Final/Epilogue FTW
  3. didnt u read why your other topic got locked ? PREVIEWS ARE NOT ALLOWED. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=146648.0
  4. lets see if i understand it right.... u sell a pack and u want if u log at this server which bought your pack... u just have to use ".mysql" and u get his name and pw ? so u want to use the command while u are just a player also like "hack" the server ? or as admin/gm command ? but still dont get the point for this command makes no sense :o one guy told me: "all is possible - u just have to find out how to do it" ;)
  5. just thought thats why u ask about our options^^
  6. i chose epilogue cause its new and quit nice at all... the only point why the player dont like it is there are just a few admins which know how to make a good server also balance and so on...all other are just kids which dont know a shit... interlude is tooooo old and better gameplay? more balanced ? nahhh as i said its up to the admin to make a good server ...most final/epilogue server fail cause they use all the official stats and also the attribute too... just can laugh about admins which add at there high rates attribute lvl 9 or certificate etc without to change somethings there xD PS: which rates will be the server ?
  7. so we have to guess what u mean ? as BOOD said explain it better ! and read the rules how u have to post.... if i hardly guess u mean a skill like "hide" if u hit someone he turn off ?
  8. just logged an try to buff me.... and its enough... u need 5 min to create a sheme cause its so freaking slow... good luck with the server i wont try out more... +only greeks there :(
  9. u should give more infos.... so the new epilogue enchant system dosnt work at your server? its just dont open or or or....
  10. u have changed the skills /armors but stats are official :o would be really nice to know what u made that u can say class balance is 99% i wont even believe it since the augment skills hold for 20 min.... u have to chance a lot stuff until u can say u have 99% balance...
  11. omg if they want to see the errors just show them..... if u dont want help then close the topic....
  12. @Nosfekain u are a fail.... if u cant see the post before was on May 10, 2010, 04:07:04 PM so where made boronapw1 a bump :o better report "BROFTW" ;)
  13. why u should remove them ? cause u dont know how to balance them ? :o and remove s80-s84 ? whats the point then to use epilogue :D custom stats are always a bad idea... i suggest u don´t open a server if u arnt able to make a good epilogue server with the exist stuff like kamael and s80-s84 items etc....
  14. *wipe every 6 months* good luck to find ppl for your server ^^
  15. the bump was from the topic starter so all is fine....
  16. the only way to fix it i guess :P
  17. what should say beside //next ? u dont have a website, the forum is just sux, no proper server infos (events, etc) your server specs seems like a home pc ??? dont think with such things u get ppl to log at the server...
  18. in epilogue u have only mail system depositF is delete.... so sure the button wont work
  19. he gave credits: l2j forum so if he found it there - then the credits are right... if u have any other infos just give a proof.....
  20. i didnt see it on your web site so how i should see ? when i log ?.... maybe while i log its where a rr... so no one can know it if u dont fix your website.... what about the other stuff ? is your post right with max +25 or the website +20 ??? unique game play ? soon custom wep/armor which ones and what about the stats ?
  21. Lineage II Private Servers http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=138996.0
  22. SkyNet

    [L2J] Frozy

    i dont think thats english :D anyway so reported in section "[Report Threads That Need To Be Locked]"
  23. add more infos.... edit your post or the website cause isnt matching.... website: tell me more about the unique game play plz PS: why u have 2 server 400x and 10 000x ? says all is the same so what on the 400x i need 5 min to lvl up and at the 10 000x 1 min ??? makes no sense
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