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Everything posted by SkyNet

  1. yeah i understand they like to play on server with 3 classes only :D + the really shitty interface... about the stuff above its right... but i guess its not a mistake from NCSOFT that u have in each chronicle one "op" class - they easy want it ;) and again its all about the newbie/kid admins... they just don't know how to make the stuff so its balanced cause they use unlimited buff slots they let all stats like its made for 1x rate at there 10 000x server etc etc etc :-X
  2. search for l2tns they are freya and also have 3 different server low/mid/high
  3. while u all talk about balance - what is balance ? that each class can kill another one ? never - u always have a class u will never can touch :D @all stop play lol server its clear that all the kids admins can't fix/balance the new stuff :) and to the IL only player just grow up a bit and teach your brain and u will be able to play gracia+ ;)
  4. hes looking for final/epi... so u should read better...even he can adapt it for his chronicle your gk is sux like hell sry... @Panic* u should use the magic search button :D and u will find some nice npcs.... about a vesper only seller well just get any gm shop and see how its made and do one by your own.
  5. probably a shit pack? or u made any mistake with the pack... never heard that u cant change such things...
  6. just the use search button there are some for 2.4... and if u mean pro to add u mean probably the sql files i guess...
  7. best till now xD such stupid topics should count as spam... but well better change the whole section so here post don't count....
  8. just w8 for the opening till u have a domain its clear all think its home hosted and probably its true.. cause no infos about the machine... ok this means nothings but as u know 99% all server which are in this section are home hosted... no domain + home hosted = fail at the start LIVE WITH IT
  9. won't help... u have to create a new guard.... which detect also hide and silent move... if i remember me right somethings like this is shared here,,,, if not search in market section and buy such guard :P
  10. :D ;D ;D ;D plz leave l2 the only thing i can suggest!!!
  11. market ofc means he has to buy it ^^ nobody will give a protected pack for free :P so no money no server
  12. just look in the market section and u will find some....
  13. just to spam to get a high post count.... he has 5 topics and he post after each replay just image how much posts he can farm ^^
  14. this section would be empty then :D why u all write "balanced class" u don't even know what it means... ui think if its stay there more ppl will try it out ? NEVER ^^ even u balance it out with your 80 buff slots LOL u would -beep- off oly ^^
  15. next totally useless topic.... plz quit that kind of topics its just bullshit... only shitlude player thinking on that way (IL+ star wars / l2 like wow / etc) best is if u quit L2 !!!
  16. just show the error and im sure someone will know whats wrong...
  17. did u search for it here ? cause im 100% sure i saw it... BUT not sure if its was a share or server feature ^^
  18. lie.... there are a lot buffer and if u miss there any buffs u wish, then just add it by self ! u don't know how? read guides and learn it - like we all did.... why u all except rdy stuff...
  19. try somethings out... or just look into your gameserver sql folder and check how its written there and change it...
  20. did u tested these ? http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=133341.0
  21. even with the gm char u will have a drop like normal chars.... @He@dHuNteR maybe u give us some more infos ? what u wanted to add to the mob...show us your full drop list from these mob etc...
  22. i don't believe u have use the magic button (search) how ever... here u go http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=119487.0
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