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    See No Evil

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  1. They look nice but sql didnt work for me. Added them all manual tho :) Thanks
  2. This one really helps me out. Was just busy changing some stats on tattoos and... this makes life a lot easier! Many thanks.
  3. Got it working for 50% now, but it seems very usefull. Thanks for sharing.
  4. This sounds promising. Sure am going to test this one out. Thank you very much for the upload.
  5. Hi Matim, I'm a fanatic reader of this forum and learning every day about all I want to learn. Yes sometimes I just can't find it and ask for help. But i allready got it. I must have looked over it and passed it completely :p Am at work now, but tonight ill give the custom clanhalls a try :) Thanks for this share.
  6. :o Searched the whole forum but cant find it. How can I use a .diff file? Sorry for the noob question. I am just starting to learn.
  7. Nice job. Good animations I guess if you like them. (Purple isnt realy my thing) Altho i'm looking for new and unique weapons i'm gonna test them anyways on my testserver. Thank you
  8. Thank you and i'll try it asap :) EDIT: CAnt seem to get it going but i try to figure it out and learn a bit more about qusts :)
  9. So what would it be? com.l2jserver instead of ...
  10. Sorry for the double post, but I dont know any other way to bump my helpquestion :/
  11. I get the following error: My init file looks as follows: #Jython-based Top PvP Manger import sys from java.util import Iterator from net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.quest import State from net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.quest import QuestState from net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.quest.jython import QuestJython as JQuest from net.sf.l2j.gameserver.network.serverpackets import CreatureSay from net.sf.l2j import L2DatabaseFactory # *************************************** # Info of custom quest * # *************************************** qn = "7206_CustomInfo" NPCS = [7206] Precio_ID = 57 QuestId = 7206 QuestName = "CustomInfo" QuestDesc = "custom" InitialHtml = "1.htm" # *************************************** # Jython Code * # *************************************** class Quest (JQuest) : def __init__(self,id,name,descr): JQuest.__init__(self,id,name,descr) def onTalk (self,npc,player): return InitialHtml def onEvent(self,event,st): htmltext = event cantidad_pago = st.getQuestItemsCount(Precio_ID) # ********* # PK info * # ********* if event == "1" : total_asesinados = 0 htmltext_ini = "<html><head><title>TOP PK</title></head><body><table width=300><tr><td><font color =\"FF0000\"><center>Pos.</center></td><td><center><font color =\"FF0000\">Player name</color></center></td><td><center>Kills</center></td></tr>" htmltext_info ="" color = 1 pos = 0 con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection() pks = con.prepareStatement("SELECT char_name,pkkills FROM characters WHERE pkkills>0 and accesslevel=0 order by pkkills desc limit 15") rs = pks.executeQuery() while (rs.next()) : char_name = rs.getString("char_name") char_pkkills = rs.getString("pkkills") total_asesinados = total_asesinados + int(char_pkkills) pos = pos + 1 posstr = str(pos) if color == 1: color_text = "<font color =\"FFFFFF\">" color = 2 htmltext_info = htmltext_info + "<tr><td><center><font color =\"FFFFFF\"><center>" + posstr + "</center></td><td><center>" + color_text + char_name +"</center></td><td><center>" + char_pkkills + "</center></td></tr>" elif color == 2: color_text = "<font color =\"23ADC2\">" color = 1 htmltext_info = htmltext_info + "<tr><td><center><font color =\"23ADC2\">" + posstr + "</td><td><center>" + color_text + char_name +"</center></td><td><center>" + char_pkkills + "</center></td></tr>" htmltext_end = "</table></body></html>" htmltext_pklist = htmltext_ini + htmltext_info + htmltext_end con.close() return htmltext_pklist elif event == "1" and cantidad_pago < 3000 : htmltext = "<html><head><title>PK info Online</title></head><body><font color =\"FF0000\">Primero pagame...!! son 3000 adenas.</body></html>" return htmltext # ********** # PvP info * # ********** if event == "2" : total_asesinados = 0 htmltext_ini = "<html><head><title>TOP PvP</title></head><body><table width=300><tr><td><font color =\"FF0000\"><center>Pos.</center></td><td><center><font color =\"FF0000\">Player name</color></center></td><td><center>Kills</center></td></tr>" htmltext_info ="" color = 1 pos = 0 con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection() pks = con.prepareStatement("SELECT char_name,pvpkills FROM characters WHERE pvpkills>0 and accesslevel=0 order by pvpkills desc limit 15") rs = pks.executeQuery() while (rs.next()) : char_name = rs.getString("char_name") char_pkkills = rs.getString("pvpkills") total_asesinados = total_asesinados + int(char_pkkills) pos = pos + 1 posstr = str(pos) if color == 1: color_text = "<font color =\"FFFFFF\">" color = 2 htmltext_info = htmltext_info + "<tr><td><center><font color =\"FFFFFF\">" + posstr + "</td><td><center>" + color_text + char_name +"</center></td><td><center>" + char_pkkills + "</center></td></tr>" elif color == 2: color_text = "<font color =\"23ADC2\">" color = 1 htmltext_info = htmltext_info + "<tr><td><center><font color =\"23ADC2\">" + posstr + "</td><td><center>" + color_text + char_name +"</center></td><td><center>" + char_pkkills + "</center></td></tr>" htmltext_end = "</table></body></html>" htmltext_pklist = htmltext_ini + htmltext_info + htmltext_end con.close() return htmltext_pklist elif event == "2" and cantidad_pago < 3000 : htmltext = "<html><head><title>PK info Online</title></head><body><font color =\"FF0000\">Primero pagame...!! son 3000 adenas.</body></html>" return htmltext # ************* # Adenas info * # ************* if event == "3" : total_cantidad = 0 htmltext_ini = "<html><head><title>Top Adena</title></head><body><table width=300><tr><td><font color =\"FF0000\"><center>Pos.</center></td><td><center><font color =\"FF0000\">Player name</color></center></td><td><center>Adenas</center></td></tr>" htmltext_info ="" color = 1 pos = 0 con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection() pks = con.prepareStatement("SELECT count,owner_id FROM items WHERE item_id=57 order by count desc limit 20") rs = pks.executeQuery() while (rs.next()) : cantidad = rs.getString("count") pj_id = rs.getString("owner_id") total_cantidad = total_cantidad + long(cantidad) pos = pos + 1 posstr = str(pos) charname = con.prepareStatement("SELECT char_name FROM characters WHERE charId=" + pj_id) rs2 = charname.executeQuery() while (rs2.next()) : char_name = rs2.getString("char_name") if color == 1: color_text = "<font color =\"FFFFFF\">" color = 2 htmltext_info = htmltext_info + "<tr><td><center><font color =\"FFFFFF\">" + posstr + "</td><td><center>" + color_text + char_name +"</center></td><td><center>" + cantidad + "</center></td></tr>" elif color == 2: color_text = "<font color =\"23ADC2\">" color = 1 htmltext_info = htmltext_info + "<tr><td><center><font color =\"23ADC2\">" + posstr + "</td><td><center>" + color_text + char_name +"</center></td><td><center>" + cantidad + "</center></td></tr>" htmltext_end = "</table></body></html>" htmltext_pklist = htmltext_ini + htmltext_info + htmltext_end con.close() return htmltext_pklist elif event == "3" and cantidad_pago < 3000 : htmltext = "<html><head><title>Adenas info Online</title></head><body><font color =\"FF0000\">Primero pagame...!! son 100k adenas.</body></html>" return htmltext # ************* # Nobless info * # ************* if event == "4" : total_asesinados = 0 htmltext_ini = "<html><head><title>Top Nobless order by PvP</title></head><body><table width=300><tr><td><center><font color =\"FF0000\">Pos.</td></center><td><center><font color =\"FF0000\">Player name</color></center></td></tr>" htmltext_info ="" color = 1 pos = 0 con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection() pks = con.prepareStatement("SELECT char_name,pkkills,nobless FROM characters WHERE pkkills>0 and accesslevel=0 order by pkkills desc limit 10") rs = pks.executeQuery() while (rs.next()) : char_name = rs.getString("char_name") char_pkkills = rs.getString("nobless") pos = pos + 1 posstr = str(pos) if color == 1: color_text = "<font color =\"FFFFFF\">" color = 2 htmltext_info = htmltext_info + "<tr><td><center><font color =\"FFFFFF\">" + posstr + "</td><td><center>" + color_text + char_name +"</center></td></tr>" elif color == 2: color_text = "<font color =\"23ADC2\">" color = 1 htmltext_info = htmltext_info + "<tr><td><center><font color =\"23ADC2\">" + posstr + "</td><td><center>" + color_text + char_name +"</center></td></tr>" htmltext_end = "</table></body></html>" htmltext_pklist = htmltext_ini + htmltext_info + htmltext_end con.close() return htmltext_pklist elif event == "4" and cantidad_pago < 3000 : htmltext = "<html><head><title>PK info Online</title></head><body><font color =\"FF0000\">Primero pagame...!! son 3000 adenas.</body></html>" return htmltext # ********** # Clan Top * # ********** if event == "5" : total_asesinados = 0 htmltext_ini = "<html><head><title>TOP Clan</title></head><body><table width=300><tr><td><font color =\"FF0000\"><center>Pos.</center></td><td><center><font color =\"FF0000\">Clan name</color></center></td><td><center>Level</center></td></tr>" htmltext_info ="" color = 1 pos = 0 con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection() pks = con.prepareStatement("SELECT clan_name,clan_level,reputation_score FROM clan_data WHERE clan_level>0 order by clan_level desc limit 10") rs = pks.executeQuery() while (rs.next()) : char_name = rs.getString("clan_name") char_pkkills = rs.getString("clan_level") total_asesinados = total_asesinados + int(char_pkkills) pos = pos + 1 posstr = str(pos) if color == 1: color_text = "<font color =\"FFFFFF\">" color = 2 htmltext_info = htmltext_info + "<tr><td><center><font color =\"FFFFFF\">" + posstr + "</td><td><center>" + color_text + char_name +"</center></td><td><center>" + char_pkkills + "</center></td></tr>" elif color == 2: color_text = "<font color =\"23ADC2\">" color = 1 htmltext_info = htmltext_info + "<tr><td><center><font color =\"23ADC2\">" + posstr + "</td><td><center>" + color_text + char_name +"</center></td><td><center>" + char_pkkills + "</center></td></tr>" htmltext_end = "</table></body></html>" htmltext_pklist = htmltext_ini + htmltext_info + htmltext_end con.close() return htmltext_pklist elif event == "5" and cantidad_pago < 3000 : htmltext = "<html><head><title>PK info Online</title></head><body><font color =\"FF0000\">Primero pagame...!! son 3000 adenas.</body></html>" return htmltext QUEST = Quest(QuestId,str(QuestId) + "_" + QuestName,QuestDesc) for npcId in NPCS: QUEST.addStartNpc(npcId) QUEST.addTalkId(npcId) I cant find the problem :/ Thanks for any help received.
  12. cool guide. Thank you gonna try it asap, just for loz.
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