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Everything posted by killik

  1. Anyways ofc there could be some1 who has exact the scipt you are looking for where you just have to alter the gk and coordinates but well i somehow doubt it If you cant find the script in l2net forums it most likely wont get posted So incase you have to do it yourself logical step would be to look inside this: http://insane-gamers.com/showthread.php/45-Liquor-and-Egg-Quest-(TH)-FINAL-v3 Hs quest-> you can see how to commannd your char to move from point A to B and talk to npcs And in this one there is a part where the script checks if your char is dead or not: http://insane-gamers.com/showthread.php/488-fighter-script-358 Edit: Found this in l2net forums: returns to town when your char is dead and takes gk but i dont think that it moves from the teleport spot so that would be something you would need to figure out: http://insane-gamers.com/showthread.php/1775-Return-to-the-town-and-take-the-GK Maybe that helps you a little bit more
  2. imo it would be betetr foroyu to just take example scripts from l2net and learn the basics and then get more advanced scripts andjust learn how to do it I doubt some1 can just explain you howto do it if you dont even know the basics and additionally i dont think someone will make you just a working script for the stuff you need
  3. your english is very broken i almos didn understand anything and since you are greek why didnt you post in greek section?
  4. gpu animation takes load from your cpu because your gfx card overtakes some calculations If you have a good gfx card but but cpu this option is for you or maybe if you have a good gfx card and a decent cpu you can still use it and compare fps :)
  5. did you do that on l2off or l2j?
  6. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=131712.0 Even worked on celes ;o
  7. so your main dd is anotehr char? well you can use the autofighter script for that aswell Dont set the poiler as train leader and put spoil on but in the end he will still attack If you dont wanna pull aggro just put a non grade dagger in the hand of the dwarv and dont use ss :> anyways new and better version of l2net out with good and new features http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=142445.0
  8. Is there a hidden section? like really 1 section only for vips or are the posts meant which are only viewable by vips and not even donators can see?
  9. you have 248 posts and dont know what a bot is? About is mainly there to level your chars for you automatically but you have to set it up in a proper way Besides that not every bot works on every server There are different bots like l2net and l2walker maybe some other not so well known ones :)
  10. if you just want the char to follow you can use the follow in l2net bot options if range is 200~ the following char will run around almost every obstacle aswell :)
  11. The auto spoil in the bot options is flawed I would recommend you to use the autofighetr 358+ script. Its pretty easy to setup and if there are any obstacles in your botting location the bot will go around them You can either use this script for your train leader or for assisting chars: (Credits go to Asmodin88 , slothmo,DarkWrath, CHaNG, and mpj123 ) http://insane-gamers.com/showthread.php/488-fighter-script-358 In case you dont have a l2net forums account: http://sharetext.org/DNT2
  12. if its a gameguard error try this: http://fyyre.ivory-tower.de/wildcard_epilogue.rar
  13. with l2net you have to choose right chronicle when you start it else l2net uses wrong protocol and u cantsee certain items etc ;o
  14. i think he might talk about that older sniffer programm (l2aim?) which is posted here somewhere on forums but well wasnt that for c4?
  15. Here you go: http://files.mail.ru/HCSRAT
  16. looks nice again gl
  17. if you talk about l2 talk about the orginal game system and not lol dn servers where youc an stack subs/skills or some shit HE is right with his points there were over powered classes in the past where you could kill full parties with just 1 char-> sps->cancel sleep(dvp movies plx), DEstro(frenzy), interlude most lol chrionicle of all because of mcrit rate of mages (i still remember how progamer one hitted my bd in ud with 3,3k mdef and song of windstorm ;) ) etc etc Fact is that l2 has very low population on na/eu servers and wow has lots of players but why? Wow is more for the casual player -> some guy who wokrs at office and ccomes late at night can still kinda play but on retail 1x you have to commit time to it if you actually wanna play it and since it always got harder and more grindfest ppl started to get corrupted and used bots etc Which lead to what? New players dont join l2 anymore because there is no way they could somehow comeclose to teh top clans on the server and since new players startan mmo to play and not to bot and ppl getbored over teh same game after 6 years iits only natural that the player numebrs decrease besides the bans from ncsoft which are more frequent since aion got released The major problem of ppl disliking newer chronicles is that the more updates come less stuff works on private servers It simply gets buggier than better and there is no other private server than rpg who has accurate stuff :)
  18. matter of taste for you it maybe have gotten worse and for me the game mechanics even did become better I just cant handle it if ppl think wow invented everything and that every mmos i coping wow which isnt true :)
  19. pacman and pitfall
  20. great comeback your post doesnt make any sense and doesnt answer any of my questions but nvmd no need to discuss with some1 like you
  21. ye copy proves easy: ShadowStep skill in everquest (released 1999) Prolly the skill exists till the start of the game but since i cant tell for sure i posted alternative proof from official site Just because you see some stuff in wow and maybe never played other mmos doesnt mean blizzard invented all that crap:)
  22. okay you say that l2 steals their ideas from blizzard because they invented everything which you can find in any other mmo? i dont -beep-ing think so Lets list some, just some mmos which came before WoW Everquest, Dark Age Of Camelot, UltimaOnline, Ragnarok, Asheron s Call or wait there is even omg can it possibly be? even Lineage 1 yes And ofc WowW did copy like hell but ppl who never played any other mmo mioght think that blizzard is the godfather of everything and invented every shit which isnt true Small example? Hide skill from the thief class in ragnarok 1 And i still dont understand how you can complain they "copied" and dont give a exact reason why its bad For example the mailing system they implemneted ( which existed in ultima online for example) They implemented it and some1 mentioned they "stole it How did that make lineage 2 worse?
  23. just because the possibility of obtaining gear from pvp exists doesnt mean that majority of wow players do it they rather raid 24/7 go in 15:00 and come out 23:00 What you mean took the idea of tvt? you think wow invented the concept of tvt? Anyways i dont get why all the wow fanbois are trolling in an lineage2 cheater forum
  24. fact is that wow is all about pveing and killing raids boring as shit if you ask me its only that populatr because its from blizzard
  25. noticed that kamaels are missing in the initial post ;(
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