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Everything posted by killik

  1. who cares l2j shit files= shit server no community why even bother? Its better if it doesnt come up ever again P.s.:Not saying that l2j cant be good (infinite etc) but this server is shit for sure
  2. well as far as i can see l2net wouldnt have any problems on that server in the first place but since he wants walker @_@
  3. What you mean with sometimes server kick you? Do you always get a kick if you start botting or only from time to time?
  4. btw if you want you can post your server website here so i can make better tutorial or even test myself if it works or not If you dont wanna post it public write me a pm
  5. ill write a tutorial later today its 6 o clock in the morning right now here and i didnt sleep at all so after waking up i might explain
  6. Wrong Section You should have posted it here: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?board=46.0 I assume you try to play with walker Only thing which i can think of which could help you is the wpf patcher i guess You need to tunnel the connection of your client through the patcher and apply the following patch on it:
  7. this cant work on bfdj if you manage to enter ingame with l2net the mpj script for rpg could work on it
  8. There are but why you wont use proxifier? For example there is: http://www.freecap.ru/eng/ It can mess up your inetconnection though if you put wrong settings so you would need to use system restore.
  9. i can login without problems and it still works you prolly forgot to start proxifier or wpf patcher
  10. There you go: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=167936.0
  11. Attention! Seems like they added an invisible item which drops your stats drastically and makes your char unplayable I think there is a higher chance that l2net will ignore this item due to the option "ignore invisible items". Item id seems to be 19998. Could be that there are more items like this one though. Thanks to Danie3l from l2net forums. _________________________________________________________________ Since some ppl seem to have issues with L2net on RPG Club i decided to post the other method without using mpjs script With the following method l2net will be fully functional without any restrictions: Things you need: Proxifier: (If you have a L2net Donator Key you can skip all the proxifier steps and scroll down to the bottom of the post and use the proxy function of l2net itself instead) http://www.proxifier.com/download.htm Its just a 30 days trial so get a working key somehow (buy/google ;) ) Botpack: (Patcher+l2.ini+unprotected l2.exe): http://files.mail.ru/B94T9D 1- You need to copy the provided L2.exe and the L2.ini in your rpg club system folder but beware after you do that you ll only be able to login through L2net so if you want you can back your system folder up first. (The l2.ini is edited and points at your localhost instead to the server which is neccessary) 2-Rename the Rpgupdater.exe in something else like RpgUpdater.exe.backup (if you run the updater it will overwrite the files which we just replaced so you need to rename it) 3- Install Proxifier and do the settings for it: After you made it to a full version ill show you with screens now how to configure it: 1)The pic should be self explanatory: 2)After you press point 1. on the following screenshoot you ll have a line named loopback which we dont need so you better remove it besides that do as you see it on the screen if you have questions just ask: 3)After you pressed the add button on the previous screenshoot you will have to press the first Addbutton in the next screenshoot and choose the L2net.exe and then do the steps as you see them on the screenshoot -> shouldnt be too hard. 4)If you done everything right it should look like this: Press the ok button and minimize Proxifier. ->Everytime you want to run L2net from now on you only need to start Proxifier(no new configuration needed) 4-Go into the WpfNew Folder and run the WP663f.exe I already configured it so you shouldnt need to do anything except running it everytime you want to bot. Additional Information: ( Nothing important) This tool runs a script which nullifies the bot protection. I might be that your Anti-Virus gives a False Positive ( If you dont believe me you can download the original WickedPatcher and scan it: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=151031.0 but this one is not preconfigured) 5-Run your L2net with the following settings: Now start your l2client and login (there will be a short delay everytime you login(like 2-3 secs)but shouldnt be an issue) After you are ingame take someone in your target and if you still can move now you did everything right and it works. _______________________________________________________________ If you have a L2net Key you can skip all the proxifier steps and input it in l2net itself as the following (wpf patcher and the l2.ini+exe are still required) Hope this helps some of you.
  12. did you unpack the tcprtunnel.exe +forward.bat and run the forward.bat before logging in? P.s.: Lowered post requirement to 30 ;S
  13. you re welcome if you stay to log between entering password and char seletc it will crash if you just type your password and login right away everything should work without any problems ussually
  14. why not lvl a buffer with you ?
  15. why bot if the char is unbuffed? wtf then it doesnt even benefit normally i would quote you and write rofl but since iam not a spammer how about the mobs innfront of goddard -> the antelopes and kookabooras are all passive drop herbs few obstacles(maybe social though but they are far enough from each other
  16. I have windows 7 aswell should work exactly like in the guide Do you run everything in adminstrator mode?(right mouse button->Run as Administrator) I have UAC deactivated (everything runs as administrator by default)
  17. very strange Go through the tutorial again and make sure you did everything as explained Additionalyl did you download the botpack and used the provided things inside? Do you have anything else running which might interfere with the connections ( firewall other tunneling programms like ipjack?)
  18. you have to launch Wpf, the forward.bat, proxifier if you forget one of those things it wont work. you prolly forgot to launch wpf
  19. You forgot step 2 in this screenshoot:
  20. are you blind? This method is for a special server with special protection Why would this work on epilouge l2j servers?
  21. graciafinal.ru has diff protection l2net should work though
  22. lowered needed post count to 50
  23. As fully stacked dagger( All boss juwels anthy+zaken) below 85 you can go +str -con but shouldnt go +dex additionally cos that would gimp your con too much even though you have epics In the case of Dark Elves (GhostHunter) its kinda different cos they have low con and high str to begin with After you hit lvl 85 as fully stacked dagger (all boss juwels) you have the choice to go +dex instead of +str because of the +evasion to make the gap even higher between yourself and the lower lvl players (evasion plays a bigger role then ever before as you might know)or good against cancel stick So Daggers like LordChronic/ForTheMotherTree +Squeez( to name few) went +dex -con after hitting max lvl but again they are fully stacked So if you wont have both anti stun jewels gimping con for str isnt a good choice because you ll stay in perma stun so you either go -str +con or leave your char untouched without dyes Alternatively there was the suggestion of LordChronic to go -dex +str or +con in case of olympiad(for oly only) since the arena is very small depending on your class (if you are elf you have a high base runspeed anyways) Short Version: with Bossjuwels ussually +str -con without Bossjuwels -str +con
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