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Everything posted by killik

  1. Maybe you should consider to donate to the l2net project so the staff gets more motivation to make a final version and release it to the public so I wouldnt need to share it? All greedy ppl aint we? Why should i be different :)
  2. you cant convert those Basically they are recording files of the movements ingame On blah there was a guy who modded the replay system of l2 and made tags and names visible while viewing replays but well i thnk he dropped the project long ago If you want the l2r files as replay you have to fraps it that simple
  3. well as i said before i dont believe that str determines the land rate of blows In the past dex determined the landrate and i dont think its even noticeable if you go -8 It will minorly affect the landrate on real servers Anyways PvP tattoo setup for daggers -4str +4 con or if you really think that you need few runspeed more +dex -str aswell Since atk speed doesnt affect reuse anymore on newer chronicles its not as important anymore imo
  4. stones? you mean element system? Then explain me why mages make more damage with element and why gladis (their skills depend purley on patack) benefit less from elemnt system then daggers? Let me guess you dont know :)
  5. sucess rate? skill crit rate depends on it but whatever on gracia epi on official you rarely miss with blows if you wanna run around with +8str -con or -dex then hf getting chain stunned by ppl with epics or even without :) Besides the fact even if what you claim is true who says that your l2extender server/l2jserver you play on have customized shit like that ? Daggers are inaccurate on privates.
  6. seriously its obvioous that you dont have any clue why try to give any advice if you you dont know how the game works? Spam somewhere else
  7. in your post you wrote that dex gives SKILL critical rate which is tottally wrong dex gives critical rate for normal hits runs speed and shit but STR gives SKILL critical rate A skill crit is when you hit for double damage with a blow Its fact if you dont believe it make a thread on blah and get loled at
  8. you are tottally wrong
  9. nice finally a good share again
  10. As the title already says Chronicle shoul be gracia final/Epilouge P.s.: Dont suggest infinite l2 or l2inferno
  11. you are all stupid str= crit rate of skills nothing more
  12. rigth thats why there will be server merges in aion soon (look on aionsource new of this month) fact is aion sux Everyone i know from teon who played aion did quit already (me included) fail game is fail
  13. why would you have l2 related signature and post in mainly l2 related cheater forums in l2 general section if you dont? ppl still read l2 related stuff if they dont play this game? ;) What else to play? Nothing good out there
  14. ok so ppl do undertsand it: In gracia final or above the STR determines your skill crit rate Thats why you might see s80 daggers in ruoff movies running around in plated leather(still retarded if you ask me) But personally i still would go -str +con after 78 :)
  15. well as the title says What do you think? Are there any other good/active l2off devs left? Or ppl have to emigrate to l2j? Source: http://forum.pmfun.com/viewtopic.php?f=37&t=25163&p=161952#p161952
  16. After this a Aion emu? I dont know if its clear for you how much work it is to build a L2 server emu from scratch?
  17. looks like a video which is in loop for me he made small 2-3 sec fraps of daggers doing fd and him healing the char and then looped it Mega Fake
  18. where is l2off without bugs?
  19. if there is no leak of files future belongs to l2dc and rpg club :)
  20. L2off= Servers which are based on files which were "stolen" from ncsoft All servers which are l2off atm are based on original real c4 files but got modified by ppl so they have new features of new chronicles L2j= L2j is a Java based l2 server emulator which was build up from scratch The project is going on for a longtime and there are many fork projects of it Basically l2j servers are used mostly for high rate pvp servers and are mostly customized ( part of why l2j servers havea bad reputation) Mostly l2j was more inaccurate then l2off servers till now and it had a bad reputation for being unrealistic but imo nowadays l2off and l2j servers dont differ that much anymore because both aint close to retail :) But at least l2j has working features -> fortress sieges etc
  21. Posted by some1 called xen in l2net forums:
  22. i just really wondered till some month ago this was almost the only good way to bot with l2net if you couldnt write your own scripts so its well known and its funny that you couldnt find it anyways: http://sharetext.org/AGMU There you have it Configuration should be self explainatory
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