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Everything posted by killik

  1. sry dewd had some issues today btu well tried to use l2net il normally didnt work then tried the out gamemethod with l2fork and this happened: read the line on top somehow lams ip jack doesnt work anymore on win7 ( did use win xp before) maybe i try some more tomorrow :S
  2. i would never put bleed on carnage useless money waste imo
  3. well i have a l2net key and i ll try it later today and post it here but from what you wrote i doubt it will be of any use Prolly they changed something with packets etc..
  4. ye you either dont choose the right chronicle at start or they changed theprotocol version
  5. how about you stick to one thread-> you already have one and post your problems there and at least try to be more specific?
  6. 1st may rpg club will open new 8x server Full gracia final
  7. do you use the 358+ fighter script? If you use that there are the options for picking up stuff after fight If you have that activated it only picks after you killed the mob If you additionally set the value pretty low in the script for picking the next target it only picks till he takes a new target resulting in left drops on the ground but if you kill fast enough and clear the spawn he should stil pick nearby drops
  8. no Oo I was alt+shift +m i tested it(at least on hellbound) you need to have a player in target and click in your chat then press alt + shift +m
  9. save your other dsetup.dll somewhere and put this inside: http://fyyre.ivory-tower.de/wildcard.rar It bascially stops gameguard somehow i dont think it will be that simple but who knows
  10. ofc you can use l2net on dex read the forums or simply search for it alternativley you can go to l2net forums and look there think before you talk and dont shittalk ppl who actually want to help you P.s.: You are prime example of the ignorance of the dex ppl http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=135181.0
  11. nice great work man really appreciate it does player only mean that it only interatcs with my figure and not with the party?(dont look at their hp and heal/buff?)
  12. What has walker to do with his request? you can do this http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=127319.0 or you can start 2 clients with l2net and use the close client option and then start 2 other clients the first chars you logged in would be outgame though :)
  13. if you are atthe exact spot where the raid dies you can hold your pickup button adn it will pick even if you have movie @_@ but ofc ppl with bot can additionally move and go the right spot if they arent
  14. 1.)i think he simply means thatt the nam,e is too long and gets cut For example you cant write "/target Lord of Darkness Tarafiel" because the name has too many letters You simply cant save the macro because itexceeds the max number of letters you can input 2.)there is no easy way for thatyou can write /target mobname but it wont targetthe mob right next to you it will take a random one Maybe nexttarget better choice? 3.) Click on person click in your chat and press alt + m or ctrl +m iam not sure anymore
  15. i dont get it why do you present us news from over 2 years about an older chronicle?
  16. wow 99% von euch kann kein deutsch -=almost all of you cant speak german! nice web translator=-
  17. well somehow i doubt its that easy to dupe adena if something like this ever worked it got fixed long time ago( every server would be flooded with adena if it would be so easy) Specific bugs might work there is a topic with possible phx exploits in this forum: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=51932.0 (scroll down)
  18. afaik yes there are foreign players on ru off but they play with proxy i think @_@
  19. isnt l2 vendetta closed anyways?
  20. Morrowind DragonAge GearsOfWar
  21. There are new russian official servers but well i think they ban non russ ips so you could play there with proxy if you dont mind about the language 13th server will be opened 12th april 11th sevrer opened a couple of weeks ago :S
  22. which version did you try?
  23. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
  24. great guide thanks for your effort Must have taken some time
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