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Everything posted by killik

  1. if you are running around in grp +fullbuffs with your duelist go +str +con -dex If you are solo well +str at max
  2. Look at gf on wrath bugegd as shit and "future"updates wont make it better Even hellbound on arion is tottally inaccurate There is not a single class that actually is retail like not even mages Sooner or later everyone will switch to l2j except if there is a new leak
  3. did you even try to look for it? The autofighter 358+ script is the most famous and you can config it to pick drops or not to pick drops if you dont want.
  4. http://insane-gamers.com/showthread.php/6149-SOLVED-Lineage.ro
  5. you can say you did but your comments proof otherwise
  6. right retail is the easiest place ever omfg obvious that you dont have a clue
  7. play retail and then comeback and say that again did you ever play/bot 79->80 for example on 1x rates?
  8. retail is different Retail dies because ppl ony cheat and if you wanna keep up youhave to bot/ebay yourself and thats why new ppl dont start l2 Because they start a MMO to play it and not to bot/ebay So in the end ppl sooner or later leave because they play lineage for couple years becos they get fed up on retail
  9. who cares? lol like it look snow the private server community is dieing because devs cant offer unbugged shit so ppl are leaving sooner or later If GF is leaked and the mases get it it will livin it up again
  10. you wanna spam or are you actually asking how to chat with l2net outgame?
  11. isle of prayer? first room of it?
  12. this method still work?
  13. doesnt l2net work?
  14. so any news for the new leaked files?
  15. Maybe its because of this: Patch Notes from version 384
  16. well l2net wont work since c5 isnt supported anymore but isnt lineage2ro l2j server? so walker wont work either Did you try to run the newest interlude version of l2net (prolly wont work but well you can try) lineage2 supporter would work but that bot has its downsides
  17. http://l2net.insane-gamers.com/jingjing/index.html i think they had a better site for this but didnt find Anyways its pretty complex only small examples here but if you download l2net you can edit scripts and look into them
  18. Private sevrers mostly have different protections against bots You can go around them but not always easy To know whihc bot you can use you have to know what server you play and what protection it has Difference bewteen l2net and l2walker is that l2walker is not as flexible as l2net in going around protections most servers have fixed l2walker but l2walker is siomple to setup You go into settings and they are made in 1-2 min for a char L2net is more adavnced you have different login methods for privates so it works on more servers but it is not as user friendly as l2walker but it gets better and better They implement new things which they dont for walker and you can write scripts for it -> it has its own script language
  19. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=142815.0
  20. so whats the deal maxtor? any details/infos? or did you realize that some1 wanted to scam yo and thats why you dont comment anymore?
  21. Doesnt smell like java for me tbh Works too good but thats not the topic So tell us more details please How?Why?Where? Na/ruf off files?
  22. hmm how you know its not a scam? and leaked from who? from rpg?
  23. how come its suddenly free? just out of curiosity
  24. i would go for +4 con -str and take as cd instead of haste cos haste daggers are usless in gf str= crit rate of skills-> befiore some 1 starts a mega discussion with me ye its true and if the servre is proper they have set it up like that. To the question if you should use focus power or focus death in oly Oo i can only say focus death++++++++++++++
  25. ya i thought so aswell besides depending on chronicle there are much better spots and best bot spots are hidden ones and not the most obvious So you dont get reported and hammered
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