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Everything posted by killik

  1. should work i guess why dont you just try?
  2. that doesnt mean that a gm cant check if you ever had or have the item in your inv and give you a nice ban it makes things more unsecure
  3. Attention! Seems like they added an invisible item which drops your stats drastically and makes your char unplayable I think there is a higher chance that l2net will ignore this item due to the option "ignore invisible items". Item id seems to be 19998. Could be that there are more items like this one though. Thanks to Danie3l from l2net forums. Guide for L2net on rpg: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=167936.0
  4. Attention! Seems like they added an invisible item which drops your stats drastically and makes your char unplayable I think there is a higher chance that l2net will ignore this item due to the option "ignore invisible items". Item id seems to be 19998. Could be that there are more items like this one though. Thanks to Danie3l from l2net forums.
  5. Links arent broken.
  6. try with this new blowfish: 6C88CB5B82CE90B1CC2B6C666C686C6C
  7. np glad you could solve the mystery ;)
  8. http://insane-gamers.com/showthread.php/6748-SOLVED-RPG-CLUB Method 1
  9. well i cant offer you a solution since i dont bot on rpg anymore if i log on rpg it still works and it works for my friends who are still botting on it so yeah no clue ;< Alternativeley you can take wpf+proxifier+l2net since l2net doesnt need any verify it should work perfectly. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=167936.0
  10. sounds irreasonable for me since the protection should be client side only? did you try to make a clean system folder with ini that connects to your server and login with that?
  11. Can you name me a populated faction based l2 server which is similliar to infinite l2?
  12. why dont you just log lets say log 5 oog l2net and 1 x l2 client normal?
  13. did you try to log 1x acc on oog l2net and 1x with normal client?
  14. how do you know its based on mac adress?
  15. did you try to use sandboxie?
  16. so you telling me that you with 1x post aint one? :P anyways if you are ingame with walker and are 100% sure that you did everything right and the hiosts file of you is clean press the reverify button in the basic options tab a couple of times maybe that helps.
  17. Well i was bored so i logged in with l2net ingame Look at the time when i took the screenshoot and the playernumbers+time on the bot and on the site It shows that those are fake and shown on the site more as the double amount ;> P.s.: Short tutorial from me how to login on l2max with l2net: http://insane-gamers.com/showthread.php/7493-L2Max?p=56776&viewfull=1#post56776
  18. seems like it has a new blowfish the number in the red circle is the new blowfish i think :>
  19. i didnt bother to try it myself cos l2max is a waste of time but why dont you try the blowfishless login guide from l2net forums?
  20. why shouldnt it work? ffs just because some random scrub couldnt make walker verify doesnt mean it doesnt work anymore This method will work till at least september There are rumours that they want to update bot protection when they put their new 15x server up in september aswell But its just a rumour I just tested if it still works and it does This method isnt detectable but ppl get banned if they get reported and since ppl only need to use the bot report button ingame so dont wonder if you get banned if you bot on populated places or bot 24/7 with 3 chars on same ip.
  21. it works verify problems arent bound to the protection if walker doesnt verify you most probably do somethign wrong !
  22. it should work for all rpg servers if you change the ip inside of the wpf patcher
  23. ehh? is it so hard to get 15 more posts?
  24. Imo phantom simpyl doesnt take his own server serious anymore The website was down before for some days and he wrote soemthing like they switched data center or something similiar Prolly the website will come online after few days or so
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