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Everything posted by `Son

  1. Εχεις δωσει λαθος Link για το gameserver
  2. there should be an error in your console, print screen and upload here
  3. Γιατι? τον βαρανε στο σπιτι οταν μιλαει σε ξενους?
  4. To gegonos oti asxoleisai 4 xronia me developing kai den ksereis ti einai to acis me kseperna
  5. Seriously this guy AccessDenied is the reason why greeks are called "faggots". He should just erase himself.
  6. Everyone can dedicate a part of their free time to do stuff. lol Hes already recognized as skilled client dev so he definately can make some even better lobbies
  7. select icon, save as tga, import, encrypt, put in systextures, end
  8. Lets smell our fingers so we can think what errors you are talking about
  9. delete your system, download again your server's patch and put it in your lineage 2 directory, If this doesnt fix your problem, install a clean client, delete your system and copy your server's client files in your Lineage 2 Directory
  10. Search for lobby screen in client development section, you'll get your answer
  11. Μαλλον εσυ πρεπει να ανοιξεις παλι τα βιβλια της πρωτης δημοτικου και να γραψεις πολλα Σκεφτομαι και Γραφω ΜΗΠΩΣ ΚΑΙ (λεμε τωρα) παρεις μερικα μαθηματα περι γλωσσας :)
  12. Threadpool manager executes 1 time or as a loop? Ive Seen it used mostly for loops with delay on execution
  13. I just used the method Thread.sleep(); will it cause any abnormalties?
  14. Hi again, id like to know if theres a way to add some delay between the execution of some lines of code. For example. I've got the mob named X. When i kill the mob named X i want after 20 seconds to spawn automatically the mob named Z. (I've already did the code part for the spawn of Z but idk how to add the delay) Thanks a lot I guess i need to give more infos on how i coded it so the help comes more accurately. if(getNpcId()==80209) { spawn(80210, x, y, z); } I put this in doDie in RaidbossManager, so when i kill the mob with id 80209 i want to spawn the mob with id 80210
  15. What i did is: Created a new db table handling the rewards. I got a key column with ids of rewards, charId, rewardGiven(boolean). So on EnterWorld i make it to check if the rewards table contains activeChar.getCharId() and rewardGiven=false then give the reward. This way i guess will be effective and i wont miss any rewards. I just care to improve on java so im looking for optimized ways. The problem is solved, but i would indeed appreciate any better idea than this. :)
  16. public static void AutoReward() { Collection<L2PcInstance> pls = L2World.getInstance().getAllPlayers().values(); for (L2PcInstance p: pls) { Announcements.announceToAll("Online Time Reward!"); Announcements.announceToAll("Congratulations to all players!"); Announcements.announceToAll("Next reward in 30 minutes!"); p.addItem("Auto Reward Online", Config.AUTO_REWARD_ID, Config.AUTO_REWARD_COUNT, p, true); } } Translation of your code. When there is a player online announce to all bla bla bla. Announcements should happen 1 time so they dont need to be inside any loop for players. Announcements is global function, you dont need to cast it for each player. The loop should just be for the individual global reward. The bad way of writing shouldnt really worry you right now because you are newbie but, try to check how other global methods are handled in your pack or even check others codes doing global stuff so your writing will get more and more optimized.
  17. I guess the only way is to use either a db table with 1. player_id_to_reward (charId) 2. rewarded (boolean) and then just check if rewarded=0 in enterworld then addItem(String process, int itemId, long count, L2Object reference, boolean sendMessage) activeChar.addItem("reward", reward_itemId, 1, null, 0); rewarded=1; whatd u think? any other most optimized way?
  18. Just find a H5 private server, use a File Editor and then change the address to your IP in l2.ini . Should be working fine.
  19. Im trying to make an engine which will reward some top players. Adding an item in a players inventory while hes online is pretty easy, any idea on how i could make it give it to offline players aswell? I declined the idea of using a connection through the database because of the use of objectid conflict. Idk if theres already a premade method to do it in l2j because im new.
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