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Everything posted by Sido

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2gHvnBJR0yM
  2. IE high memory usage detected [...] 78mb :poker face:
  3. ur chyba the all time online and afk ? gtfo
  4. it was moved thats why i posted here, and as i already said, read the title/post and you will see that i'm actually looking for ppl. regarding servers, i said what kind of i would join not that i want one to go alone.
  5. right now i'll put a wifi on the spot, stay close for further news and updates.
  6. lol move it back, do you know how to read ? i'm looking for a clan/mate to party with not for a server.
  7. if that is good connection i can be your net provider lol
  8. so you are saying that an amd will not handle next gen games just because is amd ? cuz this is what you actually say. (since most of us agreed that at the same price an amd will be at least equal with an intel) and no, a normal person will not pay 2x more the price just because the model was just launched, but will buy one at its normal price and when that can't stand anymore to the latest games, will just buy an another.
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