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Everything posted by Sido

  1. why don't you test them first, see if they work and after advertise them ?
  2. you should had been said that this project is still in beta and no revenue will be given for the following days.
  3. lupte pe zi fac si eu, dar ca scout nu prea fac "fraguri" oricum nu-i bai, te tin minte
  4. si n-ai vrut sa-mi dai si mie un invite. bine bine
  5. so i have to download 500 games and play them for 4-8 hours in order to get 5€ since 5€ values 3000 points and most of the games gives you 6 points and you have to play it for at least 30-60 secs
  6. so you will be paid when ppl will click your banner?
  7. eu mă distrez grafică/motor e ok, dar ca orice f2p care se respectă, nu custom sunt ceea ce aduc profitul ci dificultatea jocului în a avansa şi obţine tehnologii noi
  8. http://worldoftanks.eu/community/clans/500022867-IGG/#wot&mt_order_by=-role_hierarchy
  9. world of tanks am intrat si eu in unul acum :D
  10. au niste pretentii sa-mi bag pl... n-au nevoie de un tier 5 aia ai tai :D ?
  11. http://vinescope.com/pharaoh-of-the-fish-418.html =))))))))
  12. I MUST HAVE http://vinescope.com/sickest-speakers-477.html
  13. wtf http://vinescope.com/funny-face-542.html
  14. http://vinescope.com/never-judge-a-girl-from-the-back-549.html raule la agatat
  15. http://vinescope.com/vacuum-cam-557.html HAHAHAHA MIOOOOOOORRRRR
  16. http://vinescope.com/get-out-my-face-565.html
  17. raule de la munca http://vinescope.com/how-thugs-go-up-stairs-569.html =)))
  18. lol nervos fara net http://vinescope.com/zombie-on-the-beach-577.html
  19. where do i remember that ? http://vinescope.com/coming-home-from-class-608.html oh yeah, me ^^
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