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Everything posted by Sido

  1. Poll: . (10 member(s) have cast votes) de unde plm 10 ca nici nu suntem atati ROmaniacs.... :rage:
  2. pana sa inceapa sa planga era gen "been there, done that, wasn't that hard"
  3. Sido


    nu sunt tipul ala :P la f. putine piese dau "involuntar"...
  4. just add 1000 images, if somebody abuse it ppl will report and you will punish him.
  5. Sido


    e printre singurele piese care ma fac sa dau din cap, mai bine zis care ma pun in miscare cand ii se dau play. restu is gen, hmm listening to the lyrics ...
  6. Sido


    parca mai bine o da alex =)) si tot mai bine parca se indreapta si puya.
  7. Sido


    dar acum si versurile sunt de cacat. "eu ma duc sa fac un dus, ma sterg cu prosoape de plus joc jocuri de pusti" wtf, care e legatura, sensul, in afara de rima nu are nimic...
  8. U.U then why you log... i talk alone every time :alone:
  9. the differences you have (the amount) from IL to HB is the same with those from C3 to IL. for example, in C4 nobles/hero was added, that's a BIG update. in C5 you got clan skills. in IL shadow items and augmentations. on kamael again big updates but for HELLBOUND... pff almost nothing. only instances which will get better features in time. on gracia 1 vitality is one of the most imp, rest are only updates of the existing stuff.
  10. yes, who ? :poker face: OMFGUSONOFDABITCH :rage:
  11. live in the past with interlude since you started on c3 or w/e lower chronicle ? are you hearing yourself talking ? saying that there are no difference between IL and C3 (or even C4) makes me understand that you have no clue about what you are talking. lower chronicles are more competitive but harder to advertise because now days kids like only pew pew.
  12. overused ? i bet 90% of today "players" would have difficulties to play them.
  13. same on euw but the other guy is always afk
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