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Everything posted by Sido

  1. use imageshack.us i can't see the quality because I'm from phone xD
  2. legacy, thats not a render and expect no one to make it out of your print screen.
  3. tomorrow I will give it a try. pm me in ~ 12 hours cuz I might forget
  4. try to make the render be part of the bg ;)
  6. eu stau cu mainile in poala si tin cu varful degetelor de jos volanul....
  7. just download ? (cuz in description it says to play it at least XXX time or finish XXX)
  8. eu ziceam de 1m , iar 1p ti-am mai spus.. nu-mi place (ca ar fi mai urat decat golf 6/7 dar nu-mi place... )
  9. lol eu aveam impresia ca e mult mai mare (poate nu asa lat ca golf dar nah).... mai inalt cel putin.
  10. not a video but still funny http://www.maxcheaters.com/user/61068-smok3boy/
  11. fully php coded together with an intro (in the mid of the intro is a video where you can change the text as you wish) 15 Euros ---------- https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/270689_245660378779341_1638290_n.jpg https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/271073_245660438779335_4596557_n.jpg
  12. stereo, cnc http://img194.imageshack.us/img194/4835/dftc.png
  13. http://img194.imageshack.us/img194/4835/dftc.png one more for 7 euros
  14. Sido


    prima poza e din tulcea de la cetatea enisala (inainte sa dai play)
  15. Sido


    are raule quote
  16. if you cant pay 10$ a year for a domain cuz hosts are free a lot, how could you be able to buy a decent server machine ?
  17. Sido


    aparent moderatorii isi fac treaba >:D< i-am dat report lu ala si a si disparut postul
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