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Everything posted by Sido

  1. stop talking about me on public.... use pm to show me ur love
  2. guess that some of you don't know what 'w/o' actually mean.
  3. testing on Korean right now, quests are pretty intuitive, easy and good rewarded ( at least at this low lvl) some features are 'too much' imo but eh pve is pretty nice aswell something between l2 and wow I personally love the graphics, they remember me of gothic, my fav game I'm concerned about ppl. they should not try to be top lvl and expect to own everything as they do in l2 even if the game is made by ex l2 devs because they got a lot of things to do and spend the time with pleasure.
  4. dopuri de ceara de cand au incetat a mai asculta.
  5. pace e doar pentru cei ce-nvata sa-nghita si uita ce-nseamna libertate.
  6. fact that kids qq about does not mean there is no balance.
  7. rauli zi sa puna alta culoare in afara de galben... e aiurea...
  8. bump up because some ppl prefer to open new threads instead of posting here
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NKbrpP4OteA#ws check here much more http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/88933-collection-lineage-2-videos/page-2?hl=movies&do=findComment&comment=1271914
  10. i-am facut ? i-am facut, ce mai vrei =)) ce fel tine tonfa aia (culmea ca si eu am tonfa....)asa tehnica n-am mai vazut inca
  11. un banc mi-a spus un politist azi. erau 2 politisti, la care unul se uita sub deget, "ba ce dracu e asta de sub unghie, cacat sau pamant ?" baga degetul in gura 1 data il linge putin, il scoate, il mai baga 1 data, iar il linge putin, "Nu stiu ma ce sa zic" celalat "da sa vad si eu" baga si el degetul 1 data in gura, il linge putin, sta si se gandeste "ba cred totusi ca are gust de cacat" la care primul politist, "asa zic si eu ca nu vad de unde dracu as putea avea pamant in cur"
  12. cred ca in timpul de la wc la pc si de la pc la wc
  13. thank you, guess some advices won't hurt since you want "to practice" try to not use too many font types to not get a messy look , as you did in my sig :D (dafont.com is your friend) also light gray on black for me looks bad, dunno why, but i try to avoid this combination. a maroon (the one from naruto) would make miracles with the light orange.
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