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Everything posted by Sido

  1. buhu, i-am dat de capat pc-ului.... i'm a genius :D
  2. IN WHAT ?? sorry for caps but none of those who said that gave me a clear answer. Not that i care if MXC is going better or not, i'm here just for spam as you can read my last posts and for the ROmaniacs, nothing more nothing less.
  3. Sido


    good, now trade them in our back and become a rich bastard muahhaha
  4. disable adblock pt mxc si gata, restu lasa on... ai 1 reclama dupa primul post si atat ce plm
  5. ti-as spune eu ceva raule dar mereu o fac si dupa zici ca am ceva cu tine dar cu toate ca am uite ca nu vreau sa impart ca sa le fac altora pe plac.
  6. 2 Euros (5 Coded) --------- http://oi60.tinypic.com/mu9x0h.jpg 3 Euros (PSD only) --------- http://oi61.tinypic.com/2a6v7z9.jpg 5 Euros (10 Coded) --------- http://oi57.tinypic.com/2cdy45u.jpg 9 Euros (PSD only) --------- http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2013/310/8/3/l2_website_template_by_xsido-d6t9l9i.png
  7. Sido


    you as a vip can't donwload without pay ? i think he might add such advantage for those that donate for a rank, get free the shop items =|
  8. machedoanca promisa de mica , are si copil , upa upa :D
  9. Sido


    http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?/files/file/10-lineage-2-page-htmlcss/ http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?/files/file/11-lineage-ii-storned-shadow-design/ if only maxtor got the right, np... but if g mods too, this is bad xD
  10. pe mine ma domina un pc :/ bag cd-rom-ul in slotul 1 , nu se deschide pt a baga cd in el, bag in slot 2 totul pare ok. pun hdd si cd-rom-ul pe acelas cablu, cd-rom-ul nu primeste curent =) le pun pe cabluri diferite, indiferent ca incerc cu cd sau usb nu-i pot da format imi tot da eroarea cu NTDLR is missing =)
  11. http://www.gastura.com/2013/06/de-calcinha-fio-dental-mulher_8736.html
  12. yeah, so if i want to do some banners share and i want to add preview i cant :/
  13. dunno if you guys said it already, but the nr of pic's you can add in a post is kinda small ...
  14. but still... no member nammed others was found.
  15. ar fi fost bine sa fie o curva, i'm in love :|
  16. hahahhahaha so trueeeee =)))
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