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Everything posted by Sido

  1. webhost for 150 euro lol just go to rowebca.com
  2. I like the outcome but I hate seeing each window with his own size. make a balance between them
  3. 2 years ago did some speed tests on some Pentium 3 and ff was faster. there you can really feel which is loading harder because there everything works bad. on nowadays pc's dunno how you see any difference but I guess you were blinded by the propaganda.
  4. a easy way is installing ccleaner and.you will be able to see that in the first menu right under the bar with _ [ ] X
  5. wooden texture ?remove it. rest is awesome, keep it up
  6. actually smf got more as you can see there plus some 'no' are able by plug in. =] and smd is free
  7. i use ff since forever and I had no problem with their stable release, some times they.disabled some apps but still the best. haters gonna hate.
  8. proteste generale, proteste ratc, proteste metrou, proteste spital. urât
  9. 40 if you can cuz I don't want to click it 2 times a day
  10. sau albita -> moldova -> rusia / nadlac -> europa banii se spală-se fac pierduţi/ se sparg-se trimit. sau drumul e invers şi se sparg la noi după cum spui tu numa.că.nu mai se leagă de restul ;)
  11. why there are other useless programs than Mozilla ones?
  12. @last nu vreau să iau de la ei:/ ideea e că au un prieten în germania, aş putea găsi cv pe acolo.....
  13. tic tac acum când m-am convins că vreau e30 vor ai mei să mă ''împrumute'' numai să-mi iau cv mai nou
  14. say what? cică sunt client fidel la ing, nu ştiu ce vrea să-nsemne asta
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