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  1. You have clearly made a mistake on it, check if you are lacking a </list> or something.. (Opening it with sublime text3 is making it easier for you to spot mistakes)
  2. Good job :) works just fine!
  3. http://l2jmobius.com/get/ Ετοιμα pack, μονο Java θελεις.. δεν παιζουν πολλα edits.. αλλα ειναι βολικο για αρχαριους
  4. Hope that link still works :)
  5. Λοιπόν παίδες καλησπερα.. Εχω ενα μικρο θεματακι μιας και δεν βρισκω ΠΟΥΘΕΝΑ dynasty armor με λειτουργικά armorsets.. Δεν μου δινεται τιποτα για database να καταχωρηθει ως Skill (που ισως και να μην ειναι απαραιτητο) ΑΛΛΑ αυτα που ΗΔΗ εχω (stats,armorsets sql) μου δημιουργουν error στο gameserver το οποιο λεει Inventory.ArmorSetListener: Incorect Skill: 9050/9051/9052 (αναλογα με το τι αρμορ φοραω εκεινη την στιγμη) Η ερωτηση μου λοιπον ειναι.. πως μπορω να το κανω να δουλεψει.. η αν ειναι λαθος τα αρχεια μου.. εχετε καποιο dynasty set για download που εχει armorset ετοιμο να περαστει?
  6. Allright thank you for everything man happy new year !!
  7. Thank you very much Ellen you solved my problem !!! Also where can i find your editor? i download CriticalErrors link but not having a, /0
  8. Thanks for your time replying to me, I have used right now a new File editor the problem is still not fixed however i realised something new The space errors comes only in big words For example if i Delete Adena word its okay but when i try to delete a bigger word like Extreme dynasty bow the spaces get messed any ideas?
  9. When i edit something CORRECTLY some of the text spaces ( Space between words ) get messed up so you think its about my file editor?
  10. ItemName-e.dat and L2FileEdit Error When i am trying to change something with FileEdit ItemName for example or either weaponrgp/armorrgp I am facing this problem Example id name description Others 99 Dynasty Bow L2MXC Bow -1 1 1 -1 0 0 0 ( Its just an example written by my hand not real situation) I want to change the description for example the problem i get is this, when i change the description id name description Others 99 Dynasty Bow L2MXC Special Bow -1 1 1 -1 0 0 0 ( Its just an example written by my hand not real situation) The spaces between Name and Description are now less and this is giving me an error when i finish with the file and i try to save it Conclussion When i edit anything with FileEdit the spaces between the id name and everything gets a little bit messy and when it ry to save the file i get an error then my Itemname or my file gets deleted
  11. Hello there.. i am interested on buying an EUNE account platinum III or more with ALOT skins and valuable also alot characters and at affordable price.. i am out of account and i dont want to get to much behind by starting a new one.. i would appreciate if you skype me at: Legi0n96 or send me some accunt stats here in posts.. Payment methods: Paysafe/Skrill/Bank Transfer/Western Union/MoneyGram! i might buy more than one accounts (just in case) waiting for offers!
  12. Price?
  13. whats in that acc?
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