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Everything posted by Nightw0lf

  1. python sto hellas den upostirizete exei dikio to paidi opote kai swsta na kaneis import to connection den tha sou doulepsei
  2. den katalava pou einai to guide siga gatouli pou tha mas epivaleis kai to ti tha grafoume se ligo pane des an erxese
  3. https://www.mediafire.com/folder/ein2t9qshiqnj/l2jhellas
  4. giati na kaneis guide giafto? "κλεπσεται" :poker face: R.I.P https://www.google.gr/search?q=l2j+class+id&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&gws_rd=cr&ei=HFaNVNTNFsjtO6a5gZgL mia euresi kai ta vrika me magika
  5. H.Fighter και τετια... Αντι για Adventure - Dagger Master κτλπ.... Αλλαζοντας τα ναμε αλλαζεις την ονομασια που θα φαινονται στο Game... ΤΑ ID ΜΗΝ ΤΑ ΠΕΙΡΑΖΕΤΑΙ... ama variese min skotoneis ton orismo guide
  6. he might have frozen
  7. as i said search in l2jhellas is what you need here : https://www.assembla.com/code/l2hellas/subversion/nodes/498/trunk/L2JHellasC/java/com/l2jhellas/gameserver/model/actor/L2Npc.java search for: public void onActionShift(L2PcInstance player) is also configurable and for gms i cant give screenshot i am at work.
  8. keep in mind that big html may crash the client many drops = crash check the one i added on hellas it does what you want
  9. https://www.eclipse.org/downloads/ dialekse tin arxitektoniki tou OS sou kane install to subclipse help->marketplace euresi vale to repository tou hellas kane checkout xreiazese java 1.8 JDK rithmise to eclipse na tin diavazei apo ta options san proepilegmeno programa gia na kanei build kai eisai etoimos
  10. bad idea to add that icon parser
  11. if equals("string here") not return false but send a sys message
  12. i guess you mistaken irony for sarcasm ignoring the rules is why you got banned in first place plus the conversation level you got is same as toilet paper (used) its a fable cycle you will keep creating accounts and keep getting banned... the matter that you are still at large makes me wonder 288 posts :not bad: what the hek why you are black (ban) :y u no?: devlin gather all those fixes and make a universal patch with all those and share it... not sell it
  13. gather some monay and pay somebody to do it for you but care many scammers looking for "meat" like you
  14. maybe you didnt pass everything correctly and you changed something or you missed something plus http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/184973-individual-vote-manager/?do=findComment&comment=2422018 plus wont work for hopzone possibly for you 90%
  15. you mean WTSCAM somebody not even a domain name... this shit worth 0
  16. devlin i didnt force him or something if you dont like somebody's work just ignore and stop flaming.
  17. go pay for a dev to fix you something and dont make posts like you know everything. you have to get use to him hes trolling alot but i agree that he could help instead start with that http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/48038-starting-with-l2j/
  18. if you want you can buy it http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/185667-vote-server-console-fix-for-hopzonetopzone-can-be-add-more/
  19. nai master developer mesw navicat tha mpoun stin mysql alla profanws oloi ektos apo sena katalavan
  20. the problem when you write 2 lines is this: Do not post simple java strings or stupid configuration codes. Such topics will be immediately locked Badly coded shares will be locked for the sake of java Your code must be tested before you share. We do not want to become a junkyard of non-working stuff Final conclusion you are ignorant on the rules. PS: I know you are professional java developer and you have rejected nasa, microsoft proposals for work and yet you choose to be where you are now doing what you do best as I can see from the topic but relax you are not the only one.
  21. re file exeis 3k post akoma den emathes na grafeis ponesan ta matia mou... ean den evales swsta to code tote exeis auto to provlima kai malwn den evales sto navicat ta extra stixeia pou prepei sto character
  22. ean ekanes remove to cb pws tha doulepsei? :poker face: pethana sta gelia petaxtike sto asxeto me to pou eipes to onoma tou (scammer) xaxaaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxxa na kanoume erano na min klevei san ton romano tha kataliksei me apergies peinas :forever alone like a boss:
  23. exei ena config na kanei save sto restart ta custom tables
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