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Everything posted by Nightw0lf

  1. those old packs use mysql connector for versions mysql 5.5 max
  2. I think its recently shared in help section might wanna check it out.
  3. 1) First you stop the database from sql server management 2) Then you open the login console 3) When ask for dsn start the database 4) type the correct dsn (I think its lin2db) done.
  4. ERROR: java.sql.SQLException: null, message from server: "Host 'ppp-xx-xx-xx-xxx.home.otenet.gr' is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server" the error says that the server try from external ip to connect to your local database but you say somebody lies either you or the error, reconfigure your configs and if your user is broken in database this is already answered.
  5. try the menu help->eclipse marketplace type in search subclipse install it, restart go then to window->show view->other and check for repositories
  6. several ways one is to create a user allowing host %home.otenet.gr to connect the other is to create a user with % wildcard as host in general if you dont know whats the ip that your server connects to, you should connect to the same computer though not a remote one to load your database cause the ms delay will be high
  7. does eclipse show any warnings in this 2 classes?
  8. in this situation I need to see your getPlayers method you can still try for (Player pc : getPlayers()) if (pc != null) pc.leaveMovieMode();
  9. I knew all that .. xD lol anyway he asked i provided, my job is done.
  10. any errors like null pointer exeption when removing players from camera mode? cause if 1 has problem the rest will stay forever in camera thats a TRAP!
  11. //only edit this ok i've seen everything ArabicUtilities
  12. 99% is paypal IPN cause its old, paypal upgraded their system and you have to upgrade your IPN too.
  13. proofs or this texts have no value read the rules for false accusations.
  14. if you mean the original work you did that is: shared files in this forum/pastebin and others made by others edited by you and you might replaced their original codes then i agree its your work. finally on the topic the sharer should not take any punishment cause you gave him the source the share is up to mods to remove it or not anything else here is nonsense
  15. go in the script and find the parts of camera before transformation and comment or remove them check how it works you might also fix it by your self in the previous uncommented line add the next part of commented lines what i mean example there are 30 steps that each step guides to next 1 guide to 2 2 guide to 3 and so on... if you commend 15 you need to tell 14 to guide (jump) into 16
  16. i have installed vmware -> windows 7 pro x64 and visual studio 2005 i encountered many errors finally i installed the c++ version that seems to open the files but it wont build windows.h is missing is the error message
  17. the sources are on the link so maybe a share that doesnt require the license feature is majestic for l2off section in general
  18. I am not C expert to remove completely the serial and the problem is that the OS dont accept later than visual studio 2008 this is why I ask for serial for HWID or any help since I cant do it
  19. Hello, I have tried to build the solution of vanganth shared files with visual studio 2008 but failed, I used the generator to get key but server did not accept it, any info about my problem? if you can also create a serial for HWID you're welcome HWID: 65EF-4219 OS: windows server 2016 files:
  20. yes, I am looking information about the files and if it worth it will be open source
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