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Everything posted by GameBlonD

  1. Hi, i am looking for a master account system for future usage on my project, is there any trustworthy and tested? *not free versions included.
  2. I can't believe the Low IQ of some people, i was saying it was Fake even before their site published, i know things. But you deserve this, Avoukatos will go free holidays soon! More fake servers will continue to appear the guy needs to pay his Bulgaria Business taxes lol.
  3. Well, the Europeans players are the same too (of course with some exceptions).. they jump servers very easily when they are defeated etc. Anyway regarding Poorly Developed servers is indeed truth all the files in the market has thousand of bugs. I was playing playinera and i can say the quality was very superior that any other server/files i played. https://maxcheaters.com/topic/214689-l2j-playinera/?page=11&tab=comments#comment-2662785 Some times i send their changelogs to other servers i play and have similar bugs but of course they don't care, just to grab the donations :/
  4. If you paid for this files then you got scammed dude, i download them because i was curious to see what @Kara` was so upset to be shared, it has a lot of shared code inside and its a messy pack. Few exploits works too that turn me back to 2010.
  5. You are mad and not thinking straight, you shared the files with him, you trusted him its your fault in a way. I am not defending him of course those kind of people have some kind of disability, low IQ or even parents that beat him everyday, you never know. You are the coder, you need to find a way to protect your files not a "MaxCheaters" forum :)
  6. L2Elixir was based on OFF files and not your crappy L2J Interlude files that you used for LineZeus. LineZeus and now L2Elixir are attempts of Lineage2tales (Avoukatos) to earn easy cash by faking everything.
  7. PcAppearance.java public final String getVisibleName() { if (_visibleName == null) { - _visibleName = getOwner().getName(); + return getOwner().getName(); } return _visibleName; } if (_visibleTitle == null) { - _visibleTitle = getOwner().getTitle(); + return getOwner().getTitle(); } return _visibleTitle; }
  8. 1. no 2. yes Its strange , i will try to find the retail fix , but i don't know where the server saves the cooldown when the player is online.
  9. Yes IT happens on all skills expect Blink/rapid shot so far Maybe return checkUseMagicConditions(skill, false, false); those 2 false?
  10. I have one problem with this it happens the same with the above code When i login i can't enchant the skill only if i use it and wait for the reuse :/
  11. When the character login and try to enchant a skill he gets the message. This works only after the char use the skill and wait for the cooldown :P
  12. Thanks now it works fine! Btw do you know what cause this issue? why the skills got refreshed when enchanted? Can we fix it retail like? I think it has something to do with the skill changing skill_level. Do you know where the skill reuse time saved before player make restart? (after restart it saved on character_skills_save) Thanks again :)
  13. seems good but i dont have the checkCanUse in L2PCinstance, do you have it?
  14. only sweets work so far, but it doesn't check for the specific skill
  15. it is working but how can we do it for Skill id check? because now if one skill is on reuse and trying to enchant on another you get the return false
  16. I dont have canuseskill on l2pcinstance i just want to block enchanting skill when it is on cooldown if (player.isSkillDisabled(skill)) { player.sendMessage("skill is on CD"); return; } tried this but it doesn't work , i think that it can be fixed somehow with the isDisabledsSkill
  17. I don't think it really matters , l2j epilogue its the same
  18. Hello, How can i add here: public boolean isAllowedToEnchantSkills() { if (isLocked()) return false; if (isTransformed()) return false; if (AttackStanceTaskManager.getInstance().getAttackStanceTask(this)) return false; if (isCastingNow() || isCastingSimultaneouslyNow() || isInCombat()) return false; if (isInBoat() || isInAirShip()) return false; return true; } If the skill has cooldown to return false? // Check if this skill is enabled (ex : reuse time) if (isSkillDisabled(skill)) { SystemMessage sm = null; if (_reuseTimeStamps.containsKey(Integer.valueOf(skill.getReuseHashCode()))) { int remainingTime = (int)(_reuseTimeStamps.get(Integer.valueOf(skill.getReuseHashCode())).getRemaining()/1000); int hours = remainingTime / 3600; int minutes = (remainingTime % 3600) / 60; int seconds = (remainingTime % 60); if (hours > 0) { sm = new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.S2_HOURS_S3_MINUTES_S4_SECONDS_REMAINING_FOR_REUSE_S1); sm.addSkillName(skill); sm.addNumber(hours); sm.addNumber(minutes); } else if (minutes > 0) { sm = new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.S2_MINUTES_S3_SECONDS_REMAINING_FOR_REUSE_S1); sm.addSkillName(skill); sm.addNumber(minutes); } else { sm = new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.S2_SECONDS_REMAINING_FOR_REUSE_S1); sm.addSkillName(skill); } sm.addNumber(seconds); } else { sm = new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.S1_PREPARED_FOR_REUSE); sm.addSkillName(skill); } sendPacket(sm); return false; }
  19. Did you find anything? I was playing l2flash (good server) but is dead after 1 year.
  20. Few are good suggestions but in general what you wrote is your personal preference and what you liked in mixed servers you played. Anyway Good Servers Exists , but people wants to play the 10000k online fakeplayers servers etc. Also the age of 9-18 WATCHING streams instead of actually playing some games.
  21. http://rgho.st/44289509 http://rgho.st/44289442 Dokimase ayta
  22. Check how the other Quests of your pack handles the Html.
  23. Well this is fixed in my pack because of others security fixes thats why after summon it teleports you in nearest zone. When i find the time i will fix the time to expire. From what i saw this : confirm.addTime(30000); sends the clients the time but it doesn't expire on server side.
  24. I tried it and it works , but when siege starts and you are press the button it automatically transfer you into nearest siege town. Tryskell is this fixed on acis?
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