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Everything posted by GameBlonD

  1. Thanks for your answer but what to put there? My sin eater is stuck at 99.99% to make quest work and erase pk you should get 1 lvl to it.
  2. Hello guys as you know in gracia epilogue pet can go up to 85 lvl. I have problem with one pet to be certain Sin eater , sin eater in my server go up to 85 and 100% in result players 85 level can't finish Quest to erase pks. I am new in java and i am trying to understand how it works. What i did change but didn't work red marked is what i added/change. I also add to database petstat infos for lvl 86-87 sin eater. Experience.java public final static byte MAX_LEVEL = 87; public final static byte MAX_PET_LEVEL = 87; public final static byte MIN_NEWBIE_LEVEL = 6; public final static byte MAX_NEWBIE_LEVEL = 39; } --------------------------------------------------- And to PetStat.java public final boolean addLevel(byte value) { if (getLevel() + value > Experience.MAX_PET_LEVEL - 1) (it was MAX_LEVEL) return false; ------------------------------------------------------------ Thanks for help guys.
  3. Easy way: Go to skill id and remove reflect. Hard way: Disable it from java.
  4. Can you post the above lines of this code? I dont know where to put it , tnx.
  5. from what i see my doorinstance has this: boolean isCastle = (getCastle() != null && getCastle().getCastleId() > 0 && getCastle().getZone().isActive()); boolean isFort = (getFort() != null && getFort().getFortId() > 0 && getFort().getZone().isActive() && !getIsCommanderDoor()); int activeSiegeId = (getFort() != null ? getFort().getFortId() : (getCastle() != null ? getCastle().getCastleId() : 0)); L2PcInstance actingPlayer = attacker.getActingPlayer(); boolean isSiegeableClanHall = (getClanHall() != null && getClanHall().isSiegeable() && getClanHall().isInSiege()); if (isSiegeableClanHall && getClanHall().getContestableHall().isInSiege()) { if (attacker instanceof L2SummonInstance) { L2PcInstance owner = ((L2SummonInstance) attacker).getOwner(); if (getClanHall().getContestableHall().playerCanParticipate(owner)) return true; } if (attacker instanceof L2PetInstance) { L2PcInstance owner = ((L2PetInstance) attacker).getOwner(); if (getClanHall().getContestableHall().playerCanParticipate(owner)) return true; } if (attacker instanceof L2PcInstance) { if (getClanHall().getContestableHall().playerCanParticipate((L2PcInstance) attacker)) return true; } return false; }
  6. Hello i am trying to disable attacking doors when siege is OFF But i can still use SKILLS in doors not simple hits only skills (with access lvl 0 ofc) My code at L2Character.java if ((skill.getAttackAfterCast() || (this instanceof L2Summon && skill.isSkillTypeOffensive())) && (getTarget() instanceof L2Character) && (getTarget() != this) && (getTarget() == target) && (target.isAttackable())) I tried to add but nothing happen && skill.isNeutral() Tnx.
  7. Hello guys i had test frintezza in my server and it was fine but today that i test it again i get some issues: 1)i dont see any video in the start (I mean the video that should play in frintezza room) 2)Frintezza dont play the piano 3)2nd morph don't hit just looking :troll: I have tried everything Install database again Install original files without customs edits etc. Install mysql 5.6 Install jar 7 But still i can't get it to work like before i dont know what else to look i think that is some issue with my pc? Any opinions? Tnx for your time.
  8. But button work fine but the problem is that is spamable also is not connected with ban or not ,this will happen manual. My problem is that this code dont work and players can spam report button.
  9. The only issue that i can find is that this code dont work : // List to contain players who have bot reported this L2PcInstance private FastList<L2PcInstance> _botReportedBy = new FastList<L2PcInstance>(); In result not getting this message if (((L2PcInstance) target).isBotReportedBy(activeChar)) { activeChar.sendMessage("You have already reported this player."); return; } How can i fixed that?
  10. How i can add this? Also forgot to add this: // List to contain players who have bot reported this L2PcInstance private FastList<L2PcInstance> _botReportedBy = new FastList<L2PcInstance>(); I think that this should add reporter but it seems not work
  11. Hi guys i have one issue with my bot report button a player can spam it without get the message "You have already reported this player" What i have done wrong? L2PcInstance: public boolean isBotReportedBy(L2PcInstance botReporter) { if (_botReportedBy.isEmpty()) return false; for (L2PcInstance reporter : _botReportedBy) { if (reporter == null) continue; if (reporter == botReporter) return true; } return false; } RequestActionUse: case 65: // Bot Report Button if (target == null) return; if (target == activeChar) return; if (!(target instanceof L2PcInstance)) return; L2PcInstance targetPlayer = (L2PcInstance) target; if (activeChar.isInsideZone(ZONE_PEACE)) { activeChar.sendMessage("Cannot use this function in the peace zone."); return; } if (targetPlayer.isInsideZone(ZONE_PEACE)) { activeChar.sendMessage("Cannot use this function if the target is in a peace zone."); return; } if (((L2PcInstance) target).isBotReportedBy(activeChar)) { activeChar.sendMessage("You have already reported this player."); return; } Tnx guys.
  12. Yea its to hard to click one "Install" and waits 1 minute. It need Professional knowledge. @ROCK ST*R Contact seller and tell him that this card didn't work and if ask him if bios update will solve your problem. I may be a chance that your card is faulty.
  13. If your pc starting with DEFAULT card or no signal means that your pc can't recognize your new graphic card. This probably happens because your motherboard is too old. Solutions: After you give me the above i will find you one. Common solutions; Update your BIOS , some ppl don't recommended it, did it in the past because i had the same problem. Bios Update for your motherboard be careful read all notes etc.
  14. It was always FREE , All the ppl learn to make money easy from bloggers advertises..... Here you can play nfs world http://world.needforspeed.com/home
  15. I will need your Motherboard Model + Graphic card model. If your pc starting with DEFAULT card means that your pc can't recognize your new graphic card. This probably happens because your motherboard is too old. Solutions: After you give me the above i will find you one. Common solutions; Update your BIOS , some ppl don't recommended it, did it in the past because i had the same problem.
  16. I want your Job man haha. Start with this pack will help you learn some things , in your case you just want an l2server only for lan its very easy to make it just follow the guides.
  17. Is there any zoom hack that isn't detectable?
  18. Any zoom hack that is .ini dosnt exist?
  19. Riot account manager has an option to change e-mail. I am not a scammer if i was this forum will now it for sure.
  20. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=250540.0
  21. Still Up guys pm with offers. Update: Account include new Champion Syndra.
  22. Πριν 1-2 χρονιά είχα αλλάξει όλες τις εταιρίες σχεδόν η ταχύτητες ήταν κάπως έτσι : Forthnet -> Περίπου 500-600 KB/s , poles aposindesis ktl. Vivody -> Pezei na itan ola vps gia na piaseis internet eprepe na eisai o theos kai na pezeis me ta siderakia tis grammis , 100 kb/s stathera. On Telecoms -> 700-800 KB/s oxi poles aposindesis ala kourastikes ama epezes online game. OTE -> 400-500 Kb/s stathera enw exeis 24ara sto thl sou lene oti ayta upostirizei h perioxi sou kai pipes mple toulaxiston einai stathero kai mporeis na peksis online games xoris aposindesis.
  23. ΤΟ Α' Εξάμηνο θα του πάρει να τα κατεβάσει και να βρει υπότιτλους :) Υ.Γ. Σου προτείνω : Dexter,Supernatural,smallvile,The Mentalist, True blood, vampire diaries, The Walking Dead , Fringe. Και μια νέα σειρά που χρειάζεται support απο το ελληνικό community Saving hope άμα δεν βρίσκεται υποτίτλους στείλτε μου πμ. Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1954804/
  24. Άμα σου δούλευε σε ΧΡ τότε δοκίμασε δεξί κλικ ιδιότητες -> Συμβατότητα και εκτέλεση προγράμματος για Windows xp service pack 3.
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