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Everything posted by GameBlonD

  1. L2jserver is still beta phase better wait till they completed.
  2. Hi, I want my custom gk to teleport via Custom_Teleport table , I have True all custom tables from general. What i must put ? Example L2Teleport for custom what i put? Locked fixed with serv rr.
  3. Anyone knows the map id's from MAPS Folder inside Lineage II? Example: 11_24.unr what town is it?
  4. I have create this Quest based on python: import sys from com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.actor.instance import L2PcInstance from java.util import Iterator from com.l2jserver.gameserver.datatables import SkillTable from com.l2jserver import L2DatabaseFactory from com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.actor.appearance import PcAppearance from com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.quest import State from com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.actor.appearance import PcAppearance from com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.quest import QuestState from com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.quest.jython import QuestJython as JQuest qn = "55502_NpcHb" NPC=[55503] Adena = 57 QuestId = 55502 QuestName = "NpcHb" QuestDesc = "custom" InitialHtml = "1.htm" print "Loaded Quest: 55503 npcHB~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" class Quest (JQuest) : def __init__(self,id,name,descr): JQuest.__init__(self,id,name,descr) def onEvent(self,event,st): htmltext = event count=st.getQuestItemsCount(Adena) if count < 900 and st.getPlayer().getLevel() < 80 : htmltext = "Error2.htm" elif st.getQuestItemsCount(Adena) < 1000 : htmltext = "Error2.htm" elif st.player.getQuestState("55502_NpcHb") == 1 : htmltext = "Error1.htm" elif st.getPlayer().getLevel() < 80 : htmltext = "Error2.htm" else: st.getPlayer().setTarget(st.getPlayer()) if event == "2": st.takeItems(Adena,1000) st.playSound("ItemSound.quest_finish") st.setState(State.COMPLETED) return "End.htm" st.exitQuest(1) if htmltext != event: st.setState(State.COMPLETED) st.exitQuest(1) return htmltext def onTalk (self,npc,player): st = player.getQuestState(qn) htmltext = "<html><head><body>I have nothing to say to you</body></html>" st.setState(State.STARTED) return InitialHtml QUEST = Quest(QuestId,str(QuestId) + "_" + QuestName,QuestDesc) for npcId in NPC: QUEST.addStartNpc(npcId) QUEST.addTalkId(npcId) And i have one problem npc can't recognize if player have this quest to send him Error1.htm in results to send always end.htm end give quest again from the begging. Anyone now the correct code to add?
  5. Hello i have fix one npc script that give to players one custom Quest But i want to read if players has already this quest so i add this elif st.getState(State.COMPLETED) == 1 : htmltext = "Error1.htm" but didn't work anyone now the state that i must put?
  6. y but if the rates is x1 is more close on what you put anyway i'm with that now i want to ask you if i want to put 60% chance etc what i must to /?
  7. Kane log out sto no-ip kai ksana sindesou gia na parei tin kainouria IP tou rooter.
  8. I put min 1000000 / 800=1250 and max 1500000/800=1875 and the mob drops min 1200000-1250000 max It work but if i put on max another number don't.
  9. When the rates of Adena are x1 I set 1000000 Chance and is 100% but when rates of adena are x1000 if i set it 1000000 drop a lot of adena etc. So my question is what i must * / etc to find what is the correct chance for 100% rate if the rates are x800-x1000 etc.
  10. What i NEED now count=st.getQuestItemsCount(FIRST ) I WANT TO PUT THERE MORE ITEMS BUT IF I PUT (FIRST,SECOND,THIRD) I GET SYNTAX ERROR ETC IF I PUT AND AGAIN SYNTAX ERROR So noone in this forum don't know ?...
  11. I got this error : SyntaxError: ('inconsistent dedent', ('__init__.py', 35, 15, '\t count=st.getQuestItemsCount("name1", "name2", "name3", "name4")')) I tried this and before post :) Any dev to answer?
  12. Hello i have this hero manager qn = "8204_NpcHero" NPC=[7202] GOLDBAR = 3470 DESTINY_CIRCLET = 6842 QuestId = 8204 QuestName = "NpcHero" QuestDesc = "custom" InitialHtml = "1.htm" print "--INFO Loaded: Custom Hero Seller--" class Quest (JQuest) : def __init__(self,id,name,descr): JQuest.__init__(self,id,name,descr) def onEvent(self,event,st): htmltext = event count=st.getQuestItemsCount(GOLDBAR) if count < 10 and st.getPlayer().getLevel() < 80 : htmltext = "<html><head><body>You dont have enough items to use this Action NOOB.</body></html>" elif st.getPlayer().isHero() == 1 : htmltext = "<html><head><body> Sorry, You Have Already Hero Status!</body></html>" elif st.getQuestItemsCount(GOLDBAR) < 20 : htmltext = "<html><head><body>You dont have enough items to use this Action.</body></html>" else: st.getPlayer().setTarget(st.getPlayer()) if event == "2": st.takeItems(GOLDBAR,20) st.getPlayer().setHero(True) st.giveItems(DESTINY_CIRCLET,1) st.playSound("ItemSound.quest_finish") st.setState(State.COMPLETED) return "HeroFinish.htm" st.exitQuest(1) if htmltext != event: st.setState(State.COMPLETED) st.exitQuest(1) return htmltext def onTalk (self,npc,player): st = player.getQuestState(qn) htmltext = "<html><head><body>I have nothing to say to you</body></html>" st.setState(State.STARTED) return InitialHtml QUEST = Quest(QuestId,str(QuestId) + "_" + QuestName,QuestDesc) for npcId in NPC: QUEST.addStartNpc(npcId) QUEST.addTalkId(npcId) And i want instead of GOLDBAR this ids: i have try a lot of edits but i can't succeed. H = 3880 E = 3877 R= 3885 O = 3884 I don't think that is something difficult just spend 3 min and i will appreciate it.
  13. Ama den exeis kanei True to sigkekrimeno mod tote vres to kai kanto. An to exeis kanei alakse ta pvp otan o char einai offline.
  14. Ta ranks ginonte update kathe fora pou trexei to manual hero h kathe mina dld pou trexei aytomata.
  15. Hello all i have tried a lot of edits but always fails I have this Hero Manager qn = "8204_NpcHero" NPC=[7202] GOLDBAR = 3470 DESTINY_CIRCLET = 6842 QuestId = 8204 QuestName = "NpcHero" QuestDesc = "custom" InitialHtml = "1.htm" print "--INFO Loaded: Custom Hero Seller--" class Quest (JQuest) : def __init__(self,id,name,descr): JQuest.__init__(self,id,name,descr) def onEvent(self,event,st): htmltext = event count=st.getQuestItemsCount(GOLDBAR) if count < 10 and st.getPlayer().getLevel() < 80 : htmltext = "<html><head><body>You dont have enough items to use this Action NOOB.</body></html>" elif st.getPlayer().isHero() == 1 : htmltext = "<html><head><body> Sorry, You Have Already Hero Status!</body></html>" elif st.getQuestItemsCount(GOLDBAR) < 20 : htmltext = "<html><head><body>You dont have enough items to use this Action.</body></html>" else: st.getPlayer().setTarget(st.getPlayer()) if event == "2": st.takeItems(GOLDBAR,20) st.getPlayer().setHero(True) st.giveItems(DESTINY_CIRCLET,1) st.playSound("ItemSound.quest_finish") st.setState(State.COMPLETED) return "HeroFinish.htm" st.exitQuest(1) if htmltext != event: st.setState(State.COMPLETED) st.exitQuest(1) return htmltext def onTalk (self,npc,player): st = player.getQuestState(qn) htmltext = "<html><head><body>I have nothing to say to you</body></html>" st.setState(State.STARTED) return InitialHtml QUEST = Quest(QuestId,str(QuestId) + "_" + QuestName,QuestDesc) for npcId in NPC: QUEST.addStartNpc(npcId) QUEST.addTalkId(npcId) And i want multiple payments not only gold bars i need 4 IDS Ex; every one that click for hero they must have 4 items. If anyone can show me an example or fix it with 4 payments id i will appreciated.
  16. Loipon exw to ekseis provlima dokimasa pola ala den mporo na ftiaksw na doulevei Exw ayto to script to opio doulevei mia xara gia Hero Manager import sys from net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance import L2PcInstance from java.util import Iterator from net.sf.l2j.gameserver.datatables import SkillTable from net.sf.l2j import L2DatabaseFactory from net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.appearance import PcAppearance from net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.quest import State from net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.appearance import PcAppearance from net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.quest import QuestState from net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.quest.jython import QuestJython as JQuest qn = "8204_NpcHero" NPC=[7202] GOLDBAR = 3470 DESTINY_CIRCLET = 6842 QuestId = 8204 QuestName = "NpcHero" QuestDesc = "custom" InitialHtml = "1.htm" print "--INFO Loaded: Custom Hero Seller--" class Quest (JQuest) : def __init__(self,id,name,descr): JQuest.__init__(self,id,name,descr) def onEvent(self,event,st): htmltext = event count=st.getQuestItemsCount(GOLDBAR) if count < 10 and st.getPlayer().getLevel() < 80 : htmltext = "<html><head><body>You dont have enough items to use this Action NOOB.</body></html>" elif st.getPlayer().isHero() == 1 : htmltext = "<html><head><body> Sorry, You Have Already Hero Status!</body></html>" elif st.getQuestItemsCount(GOLDBAR) < 20 : htmltext = "<html><head><body>You dont have enough items to use this Action.</body></html>" else: st.getPlayer().setTarget(st.getPlayer()) if event == "2": st.takeItems(GOLDBAR,20) st.getPlayer().setHero(True) st.giveItems(DESTINY_CIRCLET,1) st.playSound("ItemSound.quest_finish") st.setState(State.COMPLETED) return "HeroFinish.htm" st.exitQuest(1) if htmltext != event: st.setState(State.COMPLETED) st.exitQuest(1) return htmltext def onTalk (self,npc,player): st = player.getQuestState(qn) htmltext = "<html><head><body>I have nothing to say to you</body></html>" st.setState(State.STARTED) return InitialHtml QUEST = Quest(QuestId,str(QuestId) + "_" + QuestName,QuestDesc) for npcId in NPC: QUEST.addStartNpc(npcId) QUEST.addTalkId(npcId) Ti thelw tora Anti na pernei Gold bar thelw na pernei 4 pragmata me diaforetiko ID pws to ftiaxnw ayto? Opios mporei na mou diksei ena paradigma h na mou to diorthosh ayto me id tis epiloghs tou gia na katalavw pws ginete tha to ektimousa.
  17. Alloz exw kanei compile enan server epilogue l2j exw unzipari datapack/gameserver kai doulevei mia xara , shmera prosthesa kati codes pio file akrivos kanw copy apo to build gia na to valw ston live server? ty :)
  18. Einai toso duskolo na deis to invetory tou? ....
  19. An enoeis ayto gt den bgazei alo noima ayto pou les...Kai ston gm shop na min balei ta pets uparxoune kai ta pet manager ktl.
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