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Everything posted by GameBlonD

  1. Too low For 2 years account, I will provide Account id and password then you can change whatever email address you want from Lol Account Panel.
  2. Sold del topic.
  3. You have USB Keyboard , usb keyboards loads after bios. Solutions, 1: Find an old keyboard , every house have at least one :) 2: Update your Bios (I have tried it and works) Not recommended though if you are not experienced.
  4. You have USB Keyboard , usb keyboards loads after bios. Solutions, 1: Find an old keyboard , every house have at least one :) 2: Update your Bios (I have tried it and works) Not recommended though if you are not experienced.
  5. Wtf will happen if you consume more than 5TB of internet? Oo
  6. GameBlonD


    Katebase to spybot google it.
  7. Φτιάξτε το μπάσο πολύ ανεβασμένο...
  8. Koita kata tin gnomi mou akrivo me ayta ta lefta mporeis na stiseis ena PC gia ti xrisi to thes?
  9. Kalitera kana smartphone para netbook.
  10. Ama einai aftos noob esu ti eisai re; xaaxxaxaxa Kseskonisma opws eipe o alos parapanw (pare ena fusero na kaneis doulia) kai thermal grease ston epeksergasth kai eisai komple
  11. DDos protection is very expensive even some top server don't have ddos protection only solution is to block all the country IP from the attacker for example if he is from German you can ban all the IP from German isps (i don't know how but is possible)
  12. Try and this.
  13. What must i put at Account for payment: Paypal account name? e.x John Smith?
  14. Is this site trusted anyone test it? http://www.paysafecard-exchanges.com/
  15. Go increase post on another topic... Did you even read all the tittle or even any post ? Go buy a dedicated machine with windows and will understand why Linux is necessary. Tnx I have already all Jre and jdk on my linux ubuntu but still got this error on registergameserver. (Also i have changes primary in order to sun java jre is first from others e.x openjdk etc.)
  16. Send me the link to test it , tnx
  17. Your website its pretty nice although i don't like this "papyrus" color. For ppl that want a ready site with scripts its perfect.
  18. Anikse to CATALYST control panel ~> Monitor properties 1 ~> Attributes ___________________________________________________ Monitor Attributes Vgale to Tik apo to Use Extended Dislay Identification Data (EDID) or drivers default.
  19. I know my skill on windows are good but if you buy a decicated windows costs , linux is better. I installed java and still have this problem.
  20. I am still have this error , has anyone the current version jre command for linux-ubuntu ?
  21. If you can message me with the link And if you can be more detailed with "some money" they let you withdraw money only if they are from winnings or if you just playing 20 games with 1 euro and then ask for withdraw 200 euro.
  22. Τι error ακριβώς? Κάνε επαναφορά (system restore) είναι στο system tools πήγαινε στο Start και θα το βρεις από εκεί μπορείς να γυρίσεις το pc σου μερικές μέρες πίσω σαν rollback δ.λ.δ. θα σου έχει σίγουρα σημείο επαναφοράς πριν βάλεις το service pack 1.
  23. Thanks , anyway i wouldn't trade anything with a person specially in this forum . I am looking for a bet site that don't have the stupid rule for withdraws.
  24. I have over 400euro on paysafecards from 10Euro to 50 euro. I am looking a way to transfer them into paypal and loosing the minimum amount. The only way i have find till now is to register to one poker site Deposit 80 euros and withdraw to my bank account successfully but they ban my account immediately even i have played a lot of matches. There are sure a way to transfer them but no one share it...
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