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Everything posted by GameBlonD

  1. Den briskw kati mesa apo ta server files oste na min anigi to parathiraki/Logika tha einai mesa sta java files opws einai ta pio pola bugs ekei.
  2. Upload photo from information of NPC in game. Shift and click on innadril guard to view the information.
  3. Mia xara buffer tou prosthesa kai Full fighter /mage buffs kai egine akoma kalhtero.
  4. Go to your l2jdb > npc> find the innadril guard and put serversideName 1 instead of 0.
  5. How can i change war tag on gracia epilogue? I want to do it like IL / HB. I find one file on SysTextures of hb client and put it on gracia epilogue but i see 4 war tags like hb :p any idea?
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KKOFT3SY6MM One of this maybe ?
  7. 9 minwn PC exei egkuhsh (problima trofodotikou-sklirou-isws kai xalasmeno anemistiraki apo karta grafikon) Den einai aplo na sindesis ena trofodotiko.
  8. lol noob L2 MOD.....Log In with l2walker and will not play again there. go cry for access failed on arion.
  9. Opios exei kanena ID/pass ean mporei na mou to stilei se pm, ty.
  10. Both pc... something smell here :P try to install undercover from your friend DvD.
  11. http://www.e-shop.gr/show_per.phtml?id=PER.576720&u=GIGABYTE-GM-M7600-2.4GHZ-WIRELESS-OPTICAL-NOTEBOOK-MOUSE My mouse 14$ when it was in crazy sundays.
  12. Ekanan kalh douleia pantos sto 3.6 polu pio grigoro.
  13. basika ayto to noumero pou blepeis mou to bgazei sto game san 8 lepta reuse :/
  14. Kapou eixa dei ena post pou sou leei ti pragmata na apenergopihshs ean o server einai pvp p.x to SQQ gia na min lagari o server k.a. 2) Otan leei reuse <set name="reuseDelay" val="3000000"/> pos to upologizo na dw poso einai se lepta?
  15. Anyone have enchant_skill_trees for hb +++ to can enchant some skills 3rds etc?
  16. start>Accessories>System Tools>System Restore
  17. Ama einai kenourio to PC kalhtera pigeneto se tenxiko para to pirakseis esu....
  18. Me 16 xrono admin ti perimeneis? Teliosan ta lefta tou mpampa.
  19. Psaxno programa na grafo ta events tis clan mou sto portal m exete dei kanena?
  20. Ma den kanei advertise to pedi help zitaei....
  21. 3erete kanena programa pou na mporo na kopso ena tragoudi?
  22. Compile apo ton mafia itan....Xoris na to exei piraksei h tpt tetio.
  23. oti pack katebasa exei to idio problem.
  24. Exw l2Umbrella HB pack kai den dinei kamia armor stas.. Kanonika den eprepe na tin dixnei sta passive ti armor otan tin foras? Ginete na to ftiakso apo ta Stats>armors?
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