How can i change war tag on gracia epilogue? I want to do it like IL / HB.
I find one file on SysTextures of hb client and put it on gracia epilogue but i see 4 war tags like hb :p any idea?
My mouse 14$ when it was in crazy sundays.
Kapou eixa dei ena post pou sou leei ti pragmata na apenergopihshs ean o server einai pvp p.x to SQQ gia na min lagari o server k.a.
2) Otan leei reuse <set name="reuseDelay" val="3000000"/> pos to upologizo na dw poso einai se lepta?
Exw l2Umbrella HB pack kai den dinei kamia armor stas.. Kanonika den eprepe na tin dixnei sta passive ti armor otan tin foras?
Ginete na to ftiakso apo ta Stats>armors?