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  1. So since interlude chronicle when a monster attacks you , it auto targets the monster , i need to disable it , like on C1-C4 was. Im using vanganth extender also have sources ,but have no idea wheare to take a look.
  2. yes maybe but i will be a lot of work to do . The normal thing would be that if I decompile something I should be able to compile it again if I didn't modify it, right?
  3. Hello im kind of new in the interface edit/compiling . So it goes like this: 1- Decompiled interface.u with WOTgrealExporter. 2-Now i try to compile this same interface decompiled (without anny modification just to check if the compiler works) with the tool shared by Akar0 (Akar0 Post) (interlude interface). 3-When i use the UIScript.exe after 5 seconds it closes and get this log error https://pastebin.com/Mkr95bN9 UICommonAPI.uc(18) : Error, Missing variable name Its says that there its a missing variable but I did not edit any files. (just decompiled and tried to compile without anny modification). I uploaded too the classes decompiled and also interface.u (it has no encryptation) Classes and Interface.u
  4. link off @Celestine can you reupload it?
  5. Well ,i do this ,but first i need to decrypt it with a regular decryter no? this its the file that i get after use the SmartDecrypt.dll on the ogg.dll https://www.mediafire.com/file/2q606t5jqkz2cx7/decrypted_file.txt/file First of all sorry for double post . Finally it working for me ,i screw up on the CFF part ,i forgot to check the "create new section"
  6. wow its working ,maybe you can give me a little hand of how to do it :D? (i have a lot files to decompile to ) ,maybe my regular decompiler its not working?
  7. Hello there after follow to the letter your guide im stuck with the final file called "decrypted_file.txt" ,i used this tool to decrypt the regular encrypt (413). also i attached the file wich im try to decrypt https://www.mediafire.com/file/b6xqfaov3yea91y/systemmsg-e.dat/file
  8. its shared for free on somme russian forums ,this one its not binded so you don't need key. GF Vanganth Last
  9. i found some crap inside the sources this thing called pvpzone.java package zones; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledFuture; import l2f.commons.threading.RunnableImpl; import l2f.gameserver.ThreadPoolManager; import l2f.gameserver.listener.zone.OnZoneEnterLeaveListener; import l2f.gameserver.model.Creature; import l2f.gameserver.model.Player; import l2f.gameserver.model.Zone; import l2f.gameserver.scripts.ScriptFile; import l2f.gameserver.utils.ReflectionUtils; /** * @author L2Mythras */ public class PvPZone implements ScriptFile { private static ZoneListener _zoneListener; @Override public void onLoad() { _zoneListener = new ZoneListener(); Zone zone = ReflectionUtils.getZone("[pvp_zone_toi]"); zone.addListener(_zoneListener); } @Override public void onReload() { on reload } @Override public void onShutdown() { on shutdown } public class ZoneListener implements OnZoneEnterLeaveListener { @Override public void onZoneEnter(Zone zone, Creature cha) { ScheduledFuture<?> _checkTask = null; if (zone.getParams() == null || !cha.isPlayable()) return; if (!cha.isPlayer()) return; cha.getPlayer().sendMessage("You have entered in a PvP Zone!"); cha.startPvPFlag(null); cha.getPlayer().sendMessage("You are now flagged!"); _checkTask = ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().scheduleAtFixedRate(new checkZone((Player)cha, zone, _checkTask), 60000, 60000); } public class checkZone extends RunnableImpl { Player _cha; Zone _zone; ScheduledFuture<?> _checkTask; public checkZone(Player cha, Zone zone, ScheduledFuture<?> checkTask) { _cha = cha; _zone = zone; _checkTask = checkTask; } @Override public void runImpl() throws Exception { if(_cha.isInZone(_zone)) { _cha.startPvPFlag(null); } else { _checkTask.cancel(true); _checkTask = null; } } } @Override public void onZoneLeave(Zone zone, Creature cha) { if (cha == null) return; cha.getPlayer().sendMessage("You have left the PvP Zone !"); cha.getPlayer().stopPvPFlag(); } } }
  10. Hi im using L2Mythras files h5,i want to make a custom instant flag zone (you will be flagged all the time inside that zone). Its possible to made it ?
  11. Hi im looking for some help to change how the "Ancient Enchants" works on H5. Here its a enchant description pic. As you can read this enchant has a limit ,you can only use it on weapons by above +16. So Basically i want to change this restriction to use it from +15 to +20. Im using H5 Mythras Files ,i tried to find this "Restriction" on sources but i couldn't.
  12. Awesome its working ,thx you dude :)
  13. Great how should i run this script ,(seriously ,have no idea )?
  14. The Hauthd have a reload option ,there its some way to call this function every x time ?
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