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Everything posted by rullezz

  1. Revision 568 coming soon... don't forget to say "Thank you" to the AbsolutePower :) for best Free L2j Interlude Pack, for free updates and support that he provide for us :) Check what has been done in previous updates: Revision 567: Fix: -craft store , thanks to bruns87 for report. -restart mounted npe , thanks to ChrizyS for report. -support for all ExtractableItems(including aventurerbox) , thanks to AndyWar for report. -dwarf artisan basehp , thanks to bruns87 for report. -Quest 343 item reward-html. -quest 101 Sword of Solidarity thanks to ChrizyS for report. -snipe skill (l2off like) , thanks to RuLLezZ for report. -npc title correction. -ress command , thanks to RuLLezZ for report. -shift + click droplist, thanks to RuLLezZ for report. implement: -admin command //hide on-off Remove: -admin commands //invis-//vis -AdventurerBox (item handler) and replace with ExtractableItems -coord synchronization -1,1(unsued-usseles) -quest 999 tutorial and merge with 255. Rework: -Remedy (potion itemhandler) -CrystalCarol (itemhandler) -revert back for npc title. Revision 566: Fix: -Jail return back thanks to ChrizyS for report. -Pledge Shield update. -Guard autoAttackCondition + improvemment. -subclass exploit. -self effect npe. Cleanup: -double FleeingNPCs and merge. Rework: -all player sql connection.(feel free to report forgotten sql connection) -Resurrect.java -AdminKill.java Revision 565: Fix: -Elroki releport , thanks to EXCLUS1VE for report. -Vilage Master html links , thanks to ChrizyS for report. -player soulshot properly usage, l2off like. -teleport fee thanks to ChrizyS for report. -auto restart thanks to ChrizyS for report. -on drop cursed weapon properly update thanks to raxzerax for report. -prohibit russian letters on character create to avoid ugly letters effect thanks to raxzerax for report. -Player properly restore hp-mp-cp, thanks to ChrizyS for report. -Missing htmls/paths for Sepulchers, thanks to AllexSkyes for report. -Scout's corpse missing spawn, thanks to AllexSkyes for report. -captcha, thanks to ChrizyS for report. -healing potion skilltype consider as HOT. -Spoil items/mob aura. thanks to AllexSkyes. Cleanup: -Configs, thanks to ChrizyS for report. -sql custom gbosses. Rework: -RequestRestartPoint. -Cboard GrandBossList. -Drain Skill. -AllyCrest. Organization: -rename MagicEffectIcons to AbnormalStatusUpdate. dont forget to update your database. Revision 564: Fix: -Barakiel attack intention. thanks to proGenitor for report. -typo-dissabled configs thanks to ChrizyS for patch. -Skill reuse after olympiad match end. thanks to proGenitor for report. -olympiad acumen buff revert back, report-patch from proGenitor. -Teleport to location avoid double login durring critical-disconnect thanks to ChrizyS for report. -on action target stuck. thanks to EXCLUS1VE for report. -Drop list html long, thanks to EXCLUS1VE for report. -Orfen double spawn,respawn time,thanks to EXCLUS1VE for report. -quests npe,thanks to EXCLUS1VE for report. -autoloot-pickup + clean up ,thanks to EXCLUS1VE for report. -unstuck animation properly shown . -sql char delete wrong id ,thanks to EXCLUS1VE for report. -pet soulshots properly usage ,thanks to EXCLUS1VE for report. -monsters: on cast stop move. Rework: -premium clean up,properly sql update. Remove: -unused configs thanks to ChrizyS for report. -unused sqls. Organization: -life stone rates moved inside Rates.ini -AltGameExponentXp-sp moved inside Rates.ini -AltMembersCanWithdrawFromClanWH,RemoveCastleCirclets moved inside clan.ini dont forget to update your database. Revision 563: Fix: -added cooltime on skill 347 EarthQuake. -Siege sound on start-end -npc Typo thanks to EXCLUS1VE for report. -revert config for control towers. -quests npe. reports from live server. -items on ground npe report from live server. -Door control with geodata report from live server. -player can switch target on cast normaly. report from live server. -curse from raid now can be dissable properly thanks to EXCLUS1VE for report. -PremiumService date. thanks to thomasi7 for report. -Lost nest skills time . thanks to EXCLUS1VE for report. -npe onActionShift. -properly delete player on logout-restart. thanks to thomasi7 for report. -hp-mp player stuck report from live server. -Player spawn protect thanks to proGenitor for report. -Crystallize item message-item update. rework: -Events. -AntiBot. -Ally info. implement: -ItemHandler AdventurerBox , support for Adventurer's Box. -new antibot system. -Custom Shop //spawn 100 main idea by StinkyMadness . -Custom buffer //spawn 52.main idea by TrySkell. -Custom GateKeeper //spawn 50017 main idea by lampros. -Event manager //spawn 70010 Removed: -checkIfDoorsBetween from move MoveBackwardToLocation-cansee(due cpu-memorry load) -version-revision from build-configs. -CharMoveToLocation and kept MoveToLocation. -XMLDocumentFactory and kept the main xml parser. Organization: -Wedding config moved inside Config/mods. -Event configs moved inside data/xml Events.xml. dont forget to update your database. Revision 560: Fix: -npe in boss status. -stackable enchant scrolls, requested by Fortitude. -Enchant system + cleanup. Organization-Config clean up: -party rates moved inside main rates. -ClanHall rename to clan -Castle-clan configs moved inside clan.ini Revision 561: -fixed gameserver load issue due the rework. Revision 562: -deleting useless code. Revision 559: Fix: -Store message limit. -sql char id load. -Recipe + clean up. -enchanted items properly show in tradelist. -player : on stop fakedeath effect added a task to wait for the animation to finish. -topzone exception. -Summon following the owner(heading correction) l2off like. -npc movement sync. -cubic heal range. -Attack pole to feet with the new aura skills. -fix lag during siege optimization + clean up has been done. -summon pet fix, thanks to daffynash for report. -Seal of Ruler fix thanks to Fortitude for report. -double dammage message thanks Nimblex for report. -Frintezza teleport thanks to Fortitude for report. -Valakas teleport thanks to Fortitude for report. -Valakas max 300 players(allow enter). l2off like. thanks to Fortitude for report. -Olympiad teleport thanks to Fortitude for report. -Olympiad register thanks to Fortitude for report. -olympiad flag thanks to Fortitude for report. -olympiad buffheal players on 60 secs l2off like.thanks to Fortitude for report. =olympiad auto/forced attack prevent during countdown.thanks to Fortitude for report. -When a player interact with a npc(RequestBypassServer) first checks target and then through all objects to find the npc. which is leading to a good optimization. Skill fix -Skill Aura flash 100% remove target l2off like.thanks to Fortitude for report. -Bluff skill 60 % chance l2off like.thanks to Fortitude for report. -CC Imperium skill allow player to invite-Accept instantly thanks to Fortitude for report. -reflect physical skill damage thanks Nimblex-daffynash for report. -Mirage skill thanks Nimblex-daffynash for report. -Skill Earthquake (347) can be used with out target l2off like. thanks to Fortitude for report. -Skill Earthquake allow to use during olympiad countdown l2off like thanks to Fortitude for report. -All TARGET_AURA skills has been fixed. -Skills that require shield thanks to Fortitude for the fix. Rework: -AdminHeal -AdminRideWyvern -Frintezza -FloodProtectors implement: -ExMPCCPartyInfoUpdate -AcquireSkillDone Removed: -AdminGm Organization: -FloodProtectors configs moved inside Options config. -FrequentSkill moved in enum.skills package. -Formulas Funcs moved inside gameserver.skills.funcsCalc. -AquireSkillInfo rename to -> AcquireSkillInfo. -AquireSkillList rename to -> AcquireSkillList. More info: https://l2jhellas.com/index.php?topic=1815.0
  2. Try L2jHellas if you looking for free pack with custom. As i know some servers using this pack and they don't have any big/major problem. I will use it too in mine. Also every bug/problem you can report in forum(l2jhellas) and AbsolutePower will fix it, very friendly guy. Check also here:
  3. I opened my first server and join MxC community when i was 15 and now after years "out of l2" i logged again to this forum and see the same people. :D Good luck bro with your peoject! Hmm and maybe it's time to open something for fun to remember the old good days)) Ah..
  4. i have problem with spawn manager (day/night) Day/Night spawn manager don't save spawns after restart...for example if it's goes 06:01 (in game time), night mobs unspawn ...and spawn day mobs, after this i make restart and when log in game any mob exist at forest of the dead. (using aCis) Any solution?
  5. Hi, Day/Night spawn manager don't save spawns after restart...for example if it's goes 06:01 (in game time), night mobs unspawn ...and spawn day mobs, after this i make restart and when log in game any mob exist at forest of the dead. :( (using aCis) Any solution?
  6. Open .html file Replace <html> with: <html imgsrc=" here your image "> Try this.
  7. i still get error with l2font-r
  8. can you share it? cuz i have error too
  9. Can you add support for aCis?
  10. it's coming!!! our clan ready for war!!
  11. :dat: you are da best :D +20 for you)))
  12. i fix it :) Lock.
  13. hi i want to change for example type for bow from very slow to slow....where is this option in weapongrp?
  14. yeap sorry bro :)
  15. yeap and the red one and green it's mine work, if you searching a little bit at mxc you will see my oooold posts :) have fun. p.s. and of cource if you check the download link it about 5 years old uploaded by myself, i dont reupload it now and take someone work :P Here we go :) http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/82900-share-special-clicks-il-updated19082010/?hl=rullezz
  16. yeap, i need it too :)
  17. i solve it replace this int price = item.getReferencePrice() / 2; to this: int price = 0;
  18. solved :) lock pls
  19. Hello, when i change in RequestSellItem.java This: int price = item.getReferencePrice() / 2; to this: int price = item.getReferencePrice() / 0; i can't even sell anything... :/ maybe here is another way to make all items sellable for 0 adena? (using aCis)
  20. Hi i using this armor set (Assassin Armors) http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/192793-virus-assassin-dark-armor-set The only problem that i can't see helmet and it's looks like this: http://prnt.sc/c3b3f1 Maybe something wrong in armorgrp...i cant understand 1 13053 0 3 8 8 0 viRUS_Assassin_dark.viRUS_Drop_asn_g_m00 viRUS_Assassin_dark.viRUS_icon.viRUS_asn_g_i00 100 540 19 1 0 9 1 viRUS_Assassin_dark.viRUS_MF_asn_g_m00 1 1 1 1 viRUS_Assassin_dark.viRUS_FF_asn_g_m00 1 1 1 1 viRUS_Assassin_dark.viRUS_MD_asn_g_m00 1 1 1 1 viRUS_Assassin_dark.viRUS_FD_asn_g_m00 1 1 1 1 viRUS_Assassin_dark.viRUS_MW_asn_g_m00 1 1 1 1 viRUS_Assassin_dark.viRUS_FW_asn_g_m00 1 1 1 1 viRUS_Assassin_dark.viRUS_ME_asn_g_m00 1 1 1 1 viRUS_Assassin_dark.viRUS_FE_asn_g_m00 1 1 1 1 viRUS_Assassin_dark.viRUS_MM_asn_g_m00 1 1 1 1 viRUS_Assassin_dark.viRUS_FM_asn_g_m00 1 1 1 1 viRUS_Assassin_dark.viRUS_MO_asn_g_m00 1 1 1 1 viRUS_Assassin_dark.viRUS_FO_asn_g_m00 1 1 1 1 viRUS_Assassin_dark.viRUS_MS_asn_g_m00 1 1 1 1 viRUS_Assassin_dark.viRUS_FS_asn_g_m00 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 viRUS_Assassin_dark.viRUS_MF_asn_g_m00 1 LineageEffect.p_u002_a 4 MonSound.Hit_Normal_10 MonSound.Hit_Bone_4 MonSound.Hit_normal_12 MonSound.Hit_normal_3 ItemSound.itemdrop_armor_glove ItemSound.itemequip_armor_glove 1 0 0 5 0 74 0 0 1 13054 0 3 8 19 0 viRUS_Assassin_dark.viRUS_Drop_asn_b_m00 viRUS_Assassin_dark.viRUS_icon.viRUS_asn_b_i00 100 1110 19 1 0 12 1 viRUS_Assassin_dark.viRUS_MF_asn_b_m00 1 1 1 1 viRUS_Assassin_dark.viRUS_FF_asn_b_m00 1 1 1 1 viRUS_Assassin_dark.viRUS_MD_asn_b_m00 1 1 1 1 viRUS_Assassin_dark.viRUS_FD_asn_b_m00 1 1 1 1 viRUS_Assassin_dark.viRUS_MW_asn_b_m00 1 1 1 1 viRUS_Assassin_dark.viRUS_FW_asn_b_m00 1 1 1 1 viRUS_Assassin_dark.viRUS_ME_asn_b_m00 1 1 1 1 viRUS_Assassin_dark.viRUS_FE_asn_b_m00 1 1 1 1 viRUS_Assassin_dark.viRUS_MM_asn_b_m00 1 1 1 1 viRUS_Assassin_dark.viRUS_FM_asn_b_m00 1 1 1 1 viRUS_Assassin_dark.viRUS_MO_asn_b_m00 1 1 1 1 viRUS_Assassin_dark.viRUS_FO_asn_b_m00 1 1 1 1 viRUS_Assassin_dark.viRUS_MS_asn_b_m00 1 1 1 1 viRUS_Assassin_dark.viRUS_FS_asn_b_m00 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 viRUS_Assassin_dark.viRUS_MF_asn_b_m00 1 LineageEffect.p_u002_a 4 MonSound.Hit_Normal_10 MonSound.Hit_Bone_4 MonSound.Hit_normal_12 MonSound.Hit_normal_3 ItemSound.itemdrop_armor_boots ItemSound.itemequip_armor_boots 1 0 0 5 0 74 0 0 1 13055 0 3 10 4 0 viRUS_Assassin_dark.viRUS_Drop_asn_u_m00 viRUS_Assassin_dark.viRUS_icon.viRUS_asn_u_i00 100 7620 46 1 0 10 1 viRUS_Assassin_dark.viRUS_MF_asn_u_m00 1 1 1 1 viRUS_Assassin_dark.viRUS_FF_asn_u_m00 1 1 1 1 viRUS_Assassin_dark.viRUS_MD_asn_u_m00 1 1 1 1 viRUS_Assassin_dark.viRUS_FD_asn_u_m00 1 1 1 1 viRUS_Assassin_dark.viRUS_MW_asn_u_m00 1 1 1 1 viRUS_Assassin_dark.viRUS_FW_asn_u_m00 1 1 1 1 viRUS_Assassin_dark.viRUS_ME_asn_u_m00 1 1 1 1 viRUS_Assassin_dark.viRUS_FE_asn_u_m00 1 1 1 1 viRUS_Assassin_dark.viRUS_MM_asn_u_m00 1 1 1 1 viRUS_Assassin_dark.viRUS_FM_asn_u_m00 1 1 1 1 viRUS_Assassin_dark.viRUS_MO_asn_u_m00 1 1 1 1 viRUS_Assassin_dark.viRUS_FO_asn_u_m00 1 1 1 1 viRUS_Assassin_dark.viRUS_MS_asn_u_m00 1 1 1 1 viRUS_Assassin_dark.viRUS_FS_asn_u_m00 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 viRUS_Assassin_dark.viRUS_MF_asn_u_m00 1 LineageEffect.p_u002_a 4 MonSound.Hit_Normal_10 MonSound.Hit_Bone_4 MonSound.Hit_normal_12 MonSound.Hit_normal_3 ItemSound.itemdrop_armor_cloth ItemSound.itemequip_armor_cloth 1 0 1 5 0 113 0 592 1 13056 0 3 10 10 0 viRUS_Assassin_dark.viRUS_Drop_asn_l_m00 viRUS_Assassin_dark.viRUS_icon.viRUS_asn_l_i00 100 3260 46 1 0 11 1 viRUS_Assassin_dark.viRUS_MF_asn_l_m00 1 1 1 1 viRUS_Assassin_dark.viRUS_FF_asn_l_m00 1 1 1 1 viRUS_Assassin_dark.viRUS_MD_asn_l_m00 1 1 1 1 viRUS_Assassin_dark.viRUS_FD_asn_l_m00 1 1 1 1 viRUS_Assassin_dark.viRUS_MW_asn_l_m00 1 1 1 1 viRUS_Assassin_dark.viRUS_FW_asn_l_m00 1 1 1 1 viRUS_Assassin_dark.viRUS_ME_asn_l_m00 1 1 1 1 viRUS_Assassin_dark.viRUS_FE_asn_l_m00 1 1 1 1 viRUS_Assassin_dark.viRUS_MM_asn_l_m00 1 1 1 1 viRUS_Assassin_dark.viRUS_FM_asn_l_m00 1 1 1 1 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viRUS_Assassin_dark.viRUS_FMH_asn_m005_a 1 1 1 1 viRUS_Assassin_dark.viRUS_MOH_asn_m005_a 1 1 1 1 viRUS_Assassin_dark.viRUS_FOH_asn_m005_a 1 1 1 1 viRUS_Assassin_dark.viRUS_MSH_asn_m005_a 1 1 1 1 viRUS_Assassin_dark.viRUS_FSH_asn_m005_a 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 viRUS_Assassin_dark.viRUS_MFH_asn_m005_a 1 LineageEffect.p_u002_a 1 ItemSound.itemdrop_armor_glove ItemSound.itemequip_armor_cloak 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Any solution?
  21. some here...any solution?
  22. Thnx Vaggo it's work now perfect!
  23. hello, i using acis and yesterday i check raidbosses and i fucked up them with buffs :P and they become "terminator" :P so...any solution to don't allow players buff mobs and rb? As i remmember i can do it with code, but i don't found anything and don't have enough knowledge. :)
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