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Everything posted by rullezz

  1. i have this error when build (acis 350 rev). http://prntscr.com/buueoc Any solution?
  2. Hello everybody, i use Phoenix Event Engine on aCis last free source(350) all work fine exept Event Manager NPC, when i click on NPC he show me "default" html page :( http://prntscr.com/bul8lb Here npc's xml: <npc id="50001" idTemplate="31324" name="OmG" title="Manager"> <set name="level" val="70"/> <set name="radius" val="7"/> <set name="height" val="18"/> <set name="rHand" val="0"/> <set name="lHand" val="0"/> <set name="type" val="L2EventManager"/> <set name="exp" val="0"/> <set name="sp" val="0"/> <set name="hp" val="2444.46819"/> <set name="mp" val="1345.8"/> <set name="hpRegen" val="7.5"/> <set name="mpRegen" val="2.7"/> <set name="pAtk" val="688.86373"/> <set name="pDef" val="295.91597"/> <set name="mAtk" val="470.40463"/> <set name="mDef" val="216.53847"/> <set name="crit" val="4"/> <set name="atkSpd" val="253"/> <set name="str" val="40"/> <set name="int" val="21"/> <set name="dex" val="30"/> <set name="wit" val="20"/> <set name="con" val="43"/> <set name="men" val="20"/> <set name="corpseTime" val="7"/> <set name="walkSpd" val="50"/> <set name="runSpd" val="120"/> <set name="dropHerbGroup" val="0"/> <set name="attackRange" val="40"/> <ai type="default" ssCount="0" ssRate="0" spsCount="0" spsRate="0" aggro="0" canMove="true" seedable="false"/> <skills> <skill id="4045" level="1"/> <skill id="4416" level="18"/> </skills> </npc> And in gameserver i don't have any error hmmm :/ Any solution?
  3. Ok opote mporeis gt exo frikarei edw kai 2 meres.
  4. No [GR] oxi kanena error den vgazei..gia auto exo minei malakas hmmm, den mporo na katalavo ti ftei.
  5. i made my npc with id 50001 <npc id="50001" idTemplate="31324" name="OmG" title="Manager"> <set name="level" val="70"/> <set name="radius" val="7"/> <set name="height" val="18"/> <set name="rHand" val="0"/> <set name="lHand" val="0"/> <set name="type" val="L2EventManager"/> <set name="exp" val="0"/> <set name="sp" val="0"/> <set name="hp" val="2444.46819"/> <set name="mp" val="1345.8"/> <set name="hpRegen" val="7.5"/> <set name="mpRegen" val="2.7"/> <set name="pAtk" val="688.86373"/> <set name="pDef" val="295.91597"/> <set name="mAtk" val="470.40463"/> <set name="mDef" val="216.53847"/> <set name="crit" val="4"/> <set name="atkSpd" val="253"/> <set name="str" val="40"/> <set name="int" val="21"/> <set name="dex" val="30"/> <set name="wit" val="20"/> <set name="con" val="43"/> <set name="men" val="20"/> <set name="corpseTime" val="7"/> <set name="walkSpd" val="50"/> <set name="runSpd" val="120"/> <set name="dropHerbGroup" val="0"/> <set name="attackRange" val="40"/> <ai type="default" ssCount="0" ssRate="0" spsCount="0" spsRate="0" aggro="0" canMove="true" seedable="false"/> <skills> <skill id="4045" level="1"/> <skill id="4416" level="18"/> </skills> </npc> but still don't working! Just show my only this: http://prntscr.com/bul8lb
  6. Gia sas :) Ekana adapt to Phoenix event engine sto aCis(350rev), trexei mia xara xoris kanena error sto gameserver alla sto game to npc event manager den emfanizei kati mono to default html. http://prntscr.com/bul8lb Kserete ti mporei na ftei? :/
  7. Don't joke pls i just trying to make something and learn java :) what about Event Manager npc? any solution ?
  8. and then why it's write in announcemen use .register? + as i sad Event Manager don't work too :(
  9. Hello i run Phoenix Event Engine on aCis last free(350 rev) source with out any error. All fine but ".register" command in game to register to event don't work. And Event NPC don't show something...just default html :/ Any one know how i can fix it? http://prntscr.com/bul8lb
  10. some problem here + ".register" command don't work! Any one know how to fix it?
  11. Hello all, one question when i wana log in with my char in gameserver i see this error: Any one know whats wrong?
  12. ia vse nikak nemogy tvt na acis postavit. Mojesh chem pomoch?
  13. Hi, i try to adapt TvT Event to aCis project, i fix some imports and have now only this error. Any one know how to fix it? :)
  14. you mean bypass in html? In game i don't see any anonncement about "Start registration" and another things + when i click on npc window don't open.
  15. amazing! i will adapt it on aCis last free source and give you feedback!
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