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Everything posted by KaitoS

  1. www.l2jserver.com Just the best place ^^
  2. OMG Jess i love that girl in ur avatar
  3. of course soccer, its universal sport :D
  4. check u put the correct sql user and pass
  5. oh in my own server i use gm menu XD
  6. www.lineage2.es ^^ Best l2off server ever
  7. OMG HE IS A JPG IMAGE!!!11!!!
  8. omg this remind me when i was 10 years old haha XD
  9. latin punk ^^ :E
  10. the way i get my first weapon B ^^ in a x3 server xDDD
  11. make ur onw website, steal its not good :P
  12. omg... internet will never end ^^ ITS TEH INTERNE!!!1
  13. hahahahahahah BUGGED server.. stop play that server omg
  14. can u post the link for the spanish version?
  15. http://comic.lineage.st/ this guy make so funny stories ^^ to bad its down
  16. KaitoS

    I lol'd

    never hear about that site XD.. it seems down
  17. this is un-official... That map is a ramdom map.. (the gracia part)
  18. option 2, but i make a ritual, i go to giran church and pray a litle ^^
  19. the best thing about gracia its that u dont have to make the class change job anymore :D just make a simple quest an paid 3kk and thats it ^^ 600 rep points for clan in 4 hours lol!
  20. i want Robin custome :D
  21. http://clusty.com/ I read somewhere google wanted to buy clusty from vivisimo for more than they paid for youtube..
  22. Same question here.. Plz pm with ur msn/aim or whatever u use for chat, :P Im playing n friendz for 2 months now
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