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Everything posted by nhatthien16

  1. wow i wait for something like this a lot
  2. http://www.globalgrooves.pt.vu -> more guide and easy to use :)
  3. you never can play a old version if you have a new version
  4. www.wowworldnet.com check it.
  5. thanks for share. It useful
  6. Karma is the best :D
  7. if you have image then it will perfect but this topic helpful anyway :)
  8. yup. after i use that bug i got a bann
  9. lol !!! it hard to up lvl and i hate craft
  10. L2 ownage pvp server 350x
  11. yup. after i use that bug i got a bann
  12. dont understand what he said T_T
  13. Do u have lhpex for Hellbound?
  14. what server is that ? Hellbound?
  15. um can someone post a link for donwload enchant tool for L2 hellbound client ? here?
  16. It doesnt work on my server Too
  17. :| if someone know about this than say out T_T i need some bugs like this too
  18. Ummm. it look like he knew something about enchant on that server.
  19. http://l2ownage.com/ <---- Its didnt work on this server. can u check this for us . ? this is big server and its hellbound one
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