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Everything posted by MadUser

  1. when you come to MxC, you dont read the section Newbies Introduce yourslef? LOL wtf someone lock this topic or move it to Newbies Introduction
  2. Why you guys keep playing old games?? C.S 1.6 is a Huge piece of Sh1t... CoD4 is one of the best games i ever played... its beautifull, excellent graphics!! COD4 FTW (and for cs 1.6 players, you know, world keep going up, There is CS source!! )
  3. I Flame you And YOUR CATS! you fuking NOOB asshole! What you pretende with this you fuking pussy! Your Stupid Cat: Or may be this one:
  4. Hi there! Well, im using Ucoz to build a L2 Website, and ucoz works with HTML , well the problem is, im good with Photoshop but with HTML i suck cuz im in 11º grade in school and just in 12º i will learn but i need it now xD so if someone have a HTML file for i can change my theme... ty
  5. well you just need to go on the login pag, before put your ID and Password to connect to the server and play, on the right side of the screen you have this options: New account Lost Password Options replay ...... You go Replay, chose the movie record and watch.... have fun!
  6. yep, Wrong section, should be moved to L2j Request help... :\ read rules before post!
  7. Well That images are cool but the Game Realy sucks... blizzard just have one game with Big sucess! and thats WoW! sorry but Diablo REALY sucks!
  8. well Hackz0r your behavior its a little bit strange... those little cutte kitties ... humm, thats a bit homosexual! xD im dont know if its a good idea keep talking with you xDD
  9. well it give you work (30 min), but i dont know, if you see colors dont combine very well, that thing cizen you puted is weird... :S... well i offered me, let him say what he wants... just keep practice you will get better...^^
  10. well, yeah the prices are high but, 5 donaters will be a huge diference, well please make one thing, donators with other color name, cuz we can see who is donator and, if we were good players that will avoid that comments "Oh, your -beep-ing donator"... and about gracia ok, we will still w8ing ^^
  11. AHAHAHAHA! you cuttie Stefi! x'DD i will start calling you Stefi too xDD!!! So Fuking Funny! xD And what kitties? i never seen any kittie... ???
  12. But Gracia Things like Vitality poinst works? [question for GRpower]
  13. I talked with mafia about that, and he sayd that probably we will make one, he dont want community online, so we will make somth like that for us see how many player on-line... And yeah he is right, OMG donations... guys with +20 weapons will be invencible, cuz with 66% sucess rate and +3 has safe enchant and hard to get adena the most enchanted will be +10 ~ +15 (15 for that insane guys who dont think in brake) so guys with +20 will pown every1... i know that donations are very important for server keeps alive but, some1 see that rewards... :\
  14. well its beautifull but i think i already seen her in some other servers website... oh and letters are realy cool but are used in many places like L2 destiny... :\ //off A-style you use a skin or realy Windows Vista? oh and Wow your internet speed is realy good ;D
  15. i can help you... just Pm me and tell me + or - what you want.... and send me your e-mail ( its better if you use skype but thats ok)... then i make and send you some cool signs ^^... You Portuguese people are leet xD
  16. you -beep-, leet me i will -beep-, -beep- you -beep- -beeeep-!! xD Even my grandPa Hack better then you!! X'D, [he event dont know what a keyboard is xD]
  17. well, if you guys dont know, prelude comes out 2004 thats right, and Ncsoft realeses a new Update (Cronicle) every 6 or 8 mouths so.... btw i started in c5 ^^
  18. This topic is Double Posting! Already posted Before, much before http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=30303.0 USE SEARCH BEFORE POST... and read the rules! unfortunaly? more big, more fun, more new places, more PvP, more space to hide and Hack xDDD And Thats for the Gracia Final Part (maybe just come out in 1 year)
  19. OMG stefoulis... AhAhAh, just you to find those things.... realy nice share.... just edit and show us a SS, iknow you didnt tested but where you find it, if have, show us a pic ^^
  20. Well and today the contesters are: Counter Vs Spokero http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc116/sk8erdolido/Semttulo-2.jpg[/img] And the winner is: Counter Gets the Title of Spamer! Some1 deliver his reward! xD Guy spend the day spaming in General discussion, Someone delete that topics, its the 4th time i say this, with this spamers we cant see nothing new in General Disscussion... :\ FireFox: just click on right mouse buton and click has show image... for see it larger.. lets see 2 more, i think this guys makes Spams Battles xD : next Fighters: Jess vs Hartie http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc116/sk8erdolido/2.jpg[/img] http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc116/sk8erdolido/3.jpg[/img] the SS link here: http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc116/sk8erdolido/2.jpg http://i214.photobucket.com/albums/cc116/sk8erdolido/3.jpg
  21. better even is like old school xD, just take a pen, or 10000 DvDs or a Out Hard Drive, and transfer all you have (or want to keep it) for those items, after you insert a OS (windows, or Linux or Mac...) into Pc and make Destructive format And bye bye! xD all gone, re-install the OS and Tchan Tchan, New Pc! just Have windows, after that you just have to transfer again what you saved... ;D simple ãh?! Old School style xD
  22. looks good but, i dont understand why you guys keep using old clients... and i think interlude old (you guys used c5 xDD, i know, for old schools c5, c4 can look good, [ooh i started here] and so what? game keep riseing up, gets updates, i know that best servers are that who dont have bugs but, C4, C5 are very old... Sorry i wont will join cuz right now Desire FTW, and i dont have C5 client.... but good job anyway, server seems good, i just wounder how Astyle Lvled 3 chars in a x25 server soooo fassssst!! xD Owned xD kidding A-style xD
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